
[ follow ]
1 month ago
Privacy professionals

New laws to protect consumers from cyber attacks take effect

Manufacturers legally required to enhance security of smart devices by banning weak default passwords and ensuring transparency in security updates. [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

CISA urges vendors to get rid of default passwords

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency is urging vendors to eliminate default passwords in their products following a hacking spree on water facilities.
CISA has warned about the use of default passwords for internet-facing devices for years, highlighting the potential harm caused by manufacturers distributing products with static default passwords. [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

CISA urges vendors to get rid of default passwords

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency is urging vendors to eliminate default passwords in their products following a hacking spree on water facilities.
CISA has warned about the use of default passwords for internet-facing devices for years, highlighting the potential harm caused by manufacturers distributing products with static default passwords. [ more ]
Electronic Frontier Foundation
1 year ago
Privacy professionals

The Right to Repair Is Law in Minnesota. California Should Be Next

1. Right to Repair laws are important for consumer protection and environmental sustainability since they ensure that consumers have access to the necessary information and parts to repair their own products.
2. Minnesota recently passed a Right to Repair law that requires manufacturers to make diagnostic, service, and repair information available to independent repair shops
Electronic Frontier Foundation
1 year ago
Privacy professionals

Android TV Boxes Sold on Amazon Come Pre-Loaded with Malware

Certain Android TV Box models from manufacturers and , available for purchase on Amazon, come pre-loaded with malware from the BianLian family, a variant of which we investigated last year.The malware, discovered by security researcher Daniel Milisic, adds your smart set-top box to a botnet for initiating coordinated attacks.
1 month ago
Privacy professionals

New laws to protect consumers from cyber attacks take effect

Manufacturers legally required to enhance security of smart devices by banning weak default passwords and ensuring transparency in security updates. [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

CISA urges vendors to get rid of default passwords

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency is urging vendors to eliminate default passwords in their products following a hacking spree on water facilities.
CISA has warned about the use of default passwords for internet-facing devices for years, highlighting the potential harm caused by manufacturers distributing products with static default passwords. [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

CISA urges vendors to get rid of default passwords

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency is urging vendors to eliminate default passwords in their products following a hacking spree on water facilities.
CISA has warned about the use of default passwords for internet-facing devices for years, highlighting the potential harm caused by manufacturers distributing products with static default passwords. [ more ]
Electronic Frontier Foundation
1 year ago
Privacy professionals

The Right to Repair Is Law in Minnesota. California Should Be Next

1. Right to Repair laws are important for consumer protection and environmental sustainability since they ensure that consumers have access to the necessary information and parts to repair their own products.
2. Minnesota recently passed a Right to Repair law that requires manufacturers to make diagnostic, service, and repair information available to independent repair shops
Electronic Frontier Foundation
1 year ago
Privacy professionals

Android TV Boxes Sold on Amazon Come Pre-Loaded with Malware

Certain Android TV Box models from manufacturers and , available for purchase on Amazon, come pre-loaded with malware from the BianLian family, a variant of which we investigated last year.The malware, discovered by security researcher Daniel Milisic, adds your smart set-top box to a botnet for initiating coordinated attacks.
4 months ago
EU data protection

European Parliament reaches a deal on right to repair

The European Parliament has reached a provisional deal on EU regulations to strengthen consumers' right to repair.
The bill includes measures to boost the repair sector, such as making spare parts and tools available at a reasonable price and prohibiting manufacturers from obstructing repairs. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy technologies


Infosys and Siemens have partnered to develop IIoT solutions for manufacturers
The solutions will leverage technologies like edge computing, AI, ML, and advanced analytics to optimize operations and improve equipment effectiveness. [ more ]
Data Matters Privacy Blog
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

EU Reaches Historical Agreement on AI Act - Data Matters Privacy Blog

The EU has reached a political agreement on the AI Act, the world's first stand-alone law regulating AI.
The AI Act applies to providers, manufacturers, importers, distributors, and deployers of AI systems. [ more ]
1 year ago
Marketing tech

The TV Industry Is Practically Begging For Interoperability | AdExchanger

Connected TV measurement is so messy that I was invited to perform a stand-up comedy set about it earlier this week at the Cynopsis Measurement and Data conference in New York City.Here's what got the most laughs: making fun of the industry's proclamations of collaboration amid ongoing bickering and data hoarding.
Data Matters Privacy Blog
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

EU Reaches Historical Agreement on AI Act - Data Matters Privacy Blog

The EU has reached a political agreement on the AI Act, the world's first stand-alone law regulating AI.
The AI Act applies to providers, manufacturers, importers, distributors, and deployers of AI systems. [ more ]
1 year ago
Marketing tech

The TV Industry Is Practically Begging For Interoperability | AdExchanger

Connected TV measurement is so messy that I was invited to perform a stand-up comedy set about it earlier this week at the Cynopsis Measurement and Data conference in New York City.Here's what got the most laughs: making fun of the industry's proclamations of collaboration amid ongoing bickering and data hoarding.
6 months ago
Information security

CISA urges vendors to get rid of default passwords

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency is urging vendors to eliminate default passwords in their products following a hacking spree on water facilities.
CISA has warned about the use of default passwords for internet-facing devices for years, highlighting the potential harm caused by manufacturers distributing products with static default passwords. [ more ]
The Verge
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

How bad business broke the smart home

Connected devices break in unexpected ways due to changes in software and business agreements.
Manufacturers and regulators need to address these issues to improve the smart home experience. [ more ]
BBC News
7 months ago
Artificial intelligence

How factories are deploying AI on production lines

PepsiCo is using AI-powered sensors to detect machine faults in its factories and increase efficiency.
AI's ability to process and analyze data is helping manufacturers predict and prepare for disruptions and reduce downtime.
The sensors have been trained on audio data and can detect faults such as wearing on conveyor belts and bearings. [ more ]
1 year ago
Europe politics

EU exports of electric cars to UK put at risk by Brexit trade deal

Brexit could have a detrimental impact on the EU's exports of electric cars to the UK, potentially threatening the industry's growth.
The UK's future trading relationship with the EU on electric cars is uncertain as the two sides negotiate the terms of their trade deal.
The UK will need to ensure that its trade agreements with the EU will not harm the electric car industry, as it is a key sector of the economy. [ more ]
1 year ago

Two-thirds of London boroughs home to tower with combustible Grenfell cladding'

T wo thirds of London boroughs still have at least one tower block with the same combustible cladding blamed for fuelling the spread of the Grenfell fire, it can be revealed.Hundreds of buildings across the UK were identified as having Aluminium Composite Material (ACM) installed after the devastating fire and the Government ordered its removal from all high rises.
1 year ago

Amorim Cork Composites spotlights the versatility of cork

Promotion: architects and designers are increasingly finding new ways to use cork outside of cork stoppers as a way to reduce the carbon footprint of their projects, according to Portuguese company Amorim Cork Composites.As the innovation arm of the world's largest cork producer Corticeira Amorim, Amorim Cork Composites, has seen a marked uptick in interest over the last few years, whether producing furniture for designer Tom Dixon and the Campana Brothers, creating door handles for architect Eduardo Souto Moura or supplying wall panels for Counterspace's 2021 Serpentine Pavilion.
1 year ago

Not Your Father's Pinball Arcade. But Maybe Your Mother's.

When Rachel Karlic and her sister, Rebecca Hinsdale, were students at Western Michigan University, they sometimes played pinball with their friend Kate Porter in a 24-hour video rental store near campus.The store was called Video Hits Plus, with the Plus maybe referring to the basement attractions, which, in addition to the pinball machines, included an air hockey table and a pornographic video section.
1 year ago

Automakers Are Crashing Toyota's Le Mans Party

For the first time since 2017, the 24 Hours of Le Mans in France will feature a handful of cars from the major automakers this weekend, competing for the top prize.Toyota, which has won the last five years as the only big automaker, now faces a crowded field.Fighting for overall victory will also be factory-backed cars from Cadillac, Peugeot and Porsche, along with independent entries from Glickenhaus, Vanwall, Jota and Action Express Racing.
1 year ago

24 Hours of Le Mans: 100 Years of Endurance and Innovation

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the 24 Hours of Le Mans, which was first held in May 1923 to help spur innovation in the growing automotive industry by emphasizing not just speed, but also efficiency, reliability and endurance.It is a very demanding race, and the greatest race, said Tom Kristensen, who has won Le Mans a record nine times.
1 year ago
Europe politics

EU exports of electric cars to UK put at risk by Brexit trade deal

Brexit could have a detrimental impact on the EU's exports of electric cars to the UK, potentially threatening the industry's growth.
The UK's future trading relationship with the EU on electric cars is uncertain as the two sides negotiate the terms of their trade deal.
The UK will need to ensure that its trade agreements with the EU will not harm the electric car industry, as it is a key sector of the economy. [ more ]
1 year ago

Two-thirds of London boroughs home to tower with combustible Grenfell cladding'

T wo thirds of London boroughs still have at least one tower block with the same combustible cladding blamed for fuelling the spread of the Grenfell fire, it can be revealed.Hundreds of buildings across the UK were identified as having Aluminium Composite Material (ACM) installed after the devastating fire and the Government ordered its removal from all high rises.
1 year ago

Amorim Cork Composites spotlights the versatility of cork

Promotion: architects and designers are increasingly finding new ways to use cork outside of cork stoppers as a way to reduce the carbon footprint of their projects, according to Portuguese company Amorim Cork Composites.As the innovation arm of the world's largest cork producer Corticeira Amorim, Amorim Cork Composites, has seen a marked uptick in interest over the last few years, whether producing furniture for designer Tom Dixon and the Campana Brothers, creating door handles for architect Eduardo Souto Moura or supplying wall panels for Counterspace's 2021 Serpentine Pavilion.
1 year ago

Not Your Father's Pinball Arcade. But Maybe Your Mother's.

When Rachel Karlic and her sister, Rebecca Hinsdale, were students at Western Michigan University, they sometimes played pinball with their friend Kate Porter in a 24-hour video rental store near campus.The store was called Video Hits Plus, with the Plus maybe referring to the basement attractions, which, in addition to the pinball machines, included an air hockey table and a pornographic video section.
1 year ago

Automakers Are Crashing Toyota's Le Mans Party

For the first time since 2017, the 24 Hours of Le Mans in France will feature a handful of cars from the major automakers this weekend, competing for the top prize.Toyota, which has won the last five years as the only big automaker, now faces a crowded field.Fighting for overall victory will also be factory-backed cars from Cadillac, Peugeot and Porsche, along with independent entries from Glickenhaus, Vanwall, Jota and Action Express Racing.
1 year ago

24 Hours of Le Mans: 100 Years of Endurance and Innovation

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the 24 Hours of Le Mans, which was first held in May 1923 to help spur innovation in the growing automotive industry by emphasizing not just speed, but also efficiency, reliability and endurance.It is a very demanding race, and the greatest race, said Tom Kristensen, who has won Le Mans a record nine times.
Boston Condos For Sale Ford Realty
1 year ago
Boston real estate

What Would It Take For You Leave Boston For Indiana? Boston Condos For Sale Ford Realty

What would it take for you leave Boston for Indiana?What would it take for you leave Boston for Indiana?Start with $5,000 to $7,500 in relocation cash.If that's not enough, how about free health insurance for a year, unlimited golf club membership, a seat on the community's nonprofit board?How's a Himalayan massage strike you?
1 year ago

Gas stoves pollute homes with benzene, which is linked to cancer

Flames burn on a natural gas-burning stove on January 12, 2023 in Chicago, Illinois.New research from Stanford University show gas stoves emit benzene, which is linked to cancer.Scott Olson/Getty Images When the blue flame fires up on a gas stove, there's more than heat coming off the burner.Researchers at Stanford University found that among the pollutants emitted from stoves is benzene, which is linked to cancer.
Los Angeles Times
1 year ago
Los Angeles

L.A., Long Beach ports delays to end with possible labor deal. Why that matters to consumers

(Luis Sinco / Los Angeles Times)

The Los Angeles and Long Beach port docks were humming Thursday after the longshore workers union and employers reached a possible labor deal after months of increasingly contentious talks.The International Longshore and Warehouse Union and the Pacific Maritime Assn., which represents shipping lines and terminal operators, said late Wednesday that they had tentatively agreed to a new six-year contract covering 22,000 workers at 29 West Coast ports.
1 year ago

Silent walk through streets to mark sixth anniversary of Grenfell fire

H undreds gathered for a silent walk to mark the sixth anniversary of the Grenfell blaze which claimed 72 lives.The west London tower block became a scene of devastation as a blaze ripped through the building with many advised to remain in their homes to wait for help from the emergency services which in some cases never came.
1 year ago

Grenfell Tower six years on: the fight for justice continues

S eventy-two people died at Grenfell.Today, 72 months after the inferno, survivors, the bereaved and campaigners say there is still no justice.But they are also crystal clear that time, delays, prevarication and even wilful obstruction will not break their inexorable quest for justice over the appalling failures at Grenfell, which brought so much horror, grief and shame to Britain on that night six years ago.
1 year ago
Left-wing politics

Merck Sues Government, Saying Plan to Lower Medicare Drug Prices Is "Extortion"

The company claims that the plan to allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices violates the First and Fifth Amendments.A Merck flag flies in front of the company's building on October 2, 2013, in Summit, New Jersey.Kena Betancur / Getty Images Merck announced on Tuesday that it is suing the government over a recently approved plan to allow Medicare to negotiate prescription drug prices, aiming to stop one of the nation's first efforts to take a small step toward lowering sky-high drug prices in the U.S.
The lawsuit, filed in a federal court in Washington on Tuesday, claims that the plan is unconstitutional and calls it a "sham" and "tantamount to extortion."
Boston Condos For Sale Ford Realty
1 year ago
Boston real estate

What Would It Take For You Leave Boston For Indiana? Boston Condos For Sale Ford Realty

What would it take for you leave Boston for Indiana?What would it take for you leave Boston for Indiana?Start with $5,000 to $7,500 in relocation cash.If that's not enough, how about free health insurance for a year, unlimited golf club membership, a seat on the community's nonprofit board?How's a Himalayan massage strike you?
1 year ago

Gas stoves pollute homes with benzene, which is linked to cancer

Flames burn on a natural gas-burning stove on January 12, 2023 in Chicago, Illinois.New research from Stanford University show gas stoves emit benzene, which is linked to cancer.Scott Olson/Getty Images When the blue flame fires up on a gas stove, there's more than heat coming off the burner.Researchers at Stanford University found that among the pollutants emitted from stoves is benzene, which is linked to cancer.
Los Angeles Times
1 year ago
Los Angeles

L.A., Long Beach ports delays to end with possible labor deal. Why that matters to consumers

(Luis Sinco / Los Angeles Times)

The Los Angeles and Long Beach port docks were humming Thursday after the longshore workers union and employers reached a possible labor deal after months of increasingly contentious talks.The International Longshore and Warehouse Union and the Pacific Maritime Assn., which represents shipping lines and terminal operators, said late Wednesday that they had tentatively agreed to a new six-year contract covering 22,000 workers at 29 West Coast ports.
1 year ago

Silent walk through streets to mark sixth anniversary of Grenfell fire

H undreds gathered for a silent walk to mark the sixth anniversary of the Grenfell blaze which claimed 72 lives.The west London tower block became a scene of devastation as a blaze ripped through the building with many advised to remain in their homes to wait for help from the emergency services which in some cases never came.
1 year ago

Grenfell Tower six years on: the fight for justice continues

S eventy-two people died at Grenfell.Today, 72 months after the inferno, survivors, the bereaved and campaigners say there is still no justice.But they are also crystal clear that time, delays, prevarication and even wilful obstruction will not break their inexorable quest for justice over the appalling failures at Grenfell, which brought so much horror, grief and shame to Britain on that night six years ago.
1 year ago
Left-wing politics

Merck Sues Government, Saying Plan to Lower Medicare Drug Prices Is "Extortion"

The company claims that the plan to allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices violates the First and Fifth Amendments.A Merck flag flies in front of the company's building on October 2, 2013, in Summit, New Jersey.Kena Betancur / Getty Images Merck announced on Tuesday that it is suing the government over a recently approved plan to allow Medicare to negotiate prescription drug prices, aiming to stop one of the nation's first efforts to take a small step toward lowering sky-high drug prices in the U.S.
The lawsuit, filed in a federal court in Washington on Tuesday, claims that the plan is unconstitutional and calls it a "sham" and "tantamount to extortion."
1 year ago
Mobile UX

Samsung Galaxy S23 family to get One UI 6 beta in late July

Google has already released a bunch of beta builds of the upcoming Android 14 release, and other manufacturers joined in, but not Samsung.Or rather, not yet.According to a new rumor on the matter, the Korean company plans on releasing the first beta build of One UI 6, its skin based on Android 14, in the third week of July.
Ars Technica
1 year ago
OMG science

Our fall COVID boosters will likely be a monovalent XBB formula

Vaccine boosters developed for Fall 2021 are likely to be a monovalent XBB formula, meaning it will target only one type of the virus.
This monovalent formula could potentially provide better protection against new variants of the virus, which are constantly arising.
Vaccine boosters are necessary to provide long-term protection against the virus and to prevent the emergence of new variants. [ more ]
Chicago Tribune
1 year ago

Judge: Gary can start getting gun sales records

Gary can start to subpoena gun sales records, a judge ruled Monday.The city's lawsuit - filed in 1999 - wants those records from Westforth Sports and other gun shops to see how weapons sold locally to suspicious buyers end up in violent street crimes.Gun manufacturers and retailers are fighting this, calling the city's efforts a "fishing expedition" last week in court.
1 year ago
France news

France forces food companies to drop prices or face threat of financial penalties

France's top food companies are to cut prices on hundreds of products from next month with the country's government threatening financial sanctions if they break that promise.As soon as July, prices of certain products will go down, the finance minister, Bruno Le Maire, told BFM TV on Friday after meeting representatives of the food industry the previous day.
1 year ago
UK news

Bank holidays fail to boost sales growth amid ongoing inflation worries

May's trio of bank holidays failed to get shoppers spending as sales growth slowed to its lowest level in six months, latest figures show.Total UK retail sales increased by 3.9% last month, against a decline of 1.1% in May 2022 and below the three-month average growth of 4.7%, according to the BRC-KPMG Retail Sales Monitor.
Ars Technica
1 year ago

Some Google Pixel Watches are falling apart

Here's one of the improvements Google might want to look into for the Pixel Watch 2: better glue.Android Police spotted a few reports of the back panels of some Pixel Watches just falling off.A few posts on the PixelWatch subreddit have photos of this phenomenon; several commenters say it happened to them, too.
Ars Technica
1 year ago
OMG science

Our fall COVID boosters will likely be a monovalent XBB formula

Vaccine boosters developed for Fall 2021 are likely to be a monovalent XBB formula, meaning it will target only one type of the virus.
This monovalent formula could potentially provide better protection against new variants of the virus, which are constantly arising.
Vaccine boosters are necessary to provide long-term protection against the virus and to prevent the emergence of new variants. [ more ]
Chicago Tribune
1 year ago

Judge: Gary can start getting gun sales records

Gary can start to subpoena gun sales records, a judge ruled Monday.The city's lawsuit - filed in 1999 - wants those records from Westforth Sports and other gun shops to see how weapons sold locally to suspicious buyers end up in violent street crimes.Gun manufacturers and retailers are fighting this, calling the city's efforts a "fishing expedition" last week in court.
1 year ago
France news

France forces food companies to drop prices or face threat of financial penalties

France's top food companies are to cut prices on hundreds of products from next month with the country's government threatening financial sanctions if they break that promise.As soon as July, prices of certain products will go down, the finance minister, Bruno Le Maire, told BFM TV on Friday after meeting representatives of the food industry the previous day.
1 year ago
UK news

Bank holidays fail to boost sales growth amid ongoing inflation worries

May's trio of bank holidays failed to get shoppers spending as sales growth slowed to its lowest level in six months, latest figures show.Total UK retail sales increased by 3.9% last month, against a decline of 1.1% in May 2022 and below the three-month average growth of 4.7%, according to the BRC-KPMG Retail Sales Monitor.
Ars Technica
1 year ago

Some Google Pixel Watches are falling apart

Here's one of the improvements Google might want to look into for the Pixel Watch 2: better glue.Android Police spotted a few reports of the back panels of some Pixel Watches just falling off.A few posts on the PixelWatch subreddit have photos of this phenomenon; several commenters say it happened to them, too.
1 year ago
Digital life

Feds Tell Automakers Not to Comply with Mass. 'Right to Repair' Law

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission has urged automakers to not comply with the Massachusetts Right to Repair Law, which would give consumers more control over their car's software.
Automakers have argued that the law would compromise safety, security, and intellectual property, but the FTC has determined that these concerns are not sufficient enough to prevent compliance with the law. [ more ]
Streetsblog USA
1 year ago
San Francisco

Feds Take Baby Step Towards Maybe, Possibly Improving the Car Safety Rating Program

This car would still get a five-star crash rating even if it's unsafe for pedestrians.It's a three-star failure for a five-star program.The National Highway Traffic and Safety Association says it may add pedestrian safety tests to its New Car Assessment Program for the first time in agency history, but it won't use those tests as part of a "five-star" car rating system that only cares about the safety of people inside the vehicle.
1 year ago
Digital life

Feds Tell Automakers Not to Comply with Mass. 'Right to Repair' Law

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission has urged automakers to not comply with the Massachusetts Right to Repair Law, which would give consumers more control over their car's software.
Automakers have argued that the law would compromise safety, security, and intellectual property, but the FTC has determined that these concerns are not sufficient enough to prevent compliance with the law. [ more ]
Streetsblog USA
1 year ago
San Francisco

Feds Take Baby Step Towards Maybe, Possibly Improving the Car Safety Rating Program

This car would still get a five-star crash rating even if it's unsafe for pedestrians.It's a three-star failure for a five-star program.The National Highway Traffic and Safety Association says it may add pedestrian safety tests to its New Car Assessment Program for the first time in agency history, but it won't use those tests as part of a "five-star" car rating system that only cares about the safety of people inside the vehicle.
1 year ago
Left-wing politics

Lowering Drug Prices Under Medicare Will "Harm Patients," Lobbying Group Says in New Lawsuit

The group is suing to stop Medicare from being able to access lower drug prices.The Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America building facade is pictured in Washington, D.C., on October 20, 2017.Bill Clark / CQ Roll Call The U.S.'s largest lobbying group, the conservative U.S. Chamber of Commerce, has become the second prominent group to file a lawsuit to stop a plan for Medicare to be able to negotiate the prices for a handful of drugs, joining pharma giant Merck in alleging that the plan is unconstitutional.
1 year ago
World politics

Colombia's Mustard Lovers Grow Desperate Amid Saucy Shortage of Dijon

In Colombia, a new illicit product is on the rise.Desperate consumers are sneaking it in suitcases from abroad, hoarding it in their homes, paying outrageous prices online and lining up at clandestine locations to buy it.The contraband? Dijon mustard.A new health law intended to improve Colombians' diets which are heavy on meat and fried food has led to the disappearance of a host of fare from market shelves, including the French delicacy of the condiment world.
1 year ago
Tech industry

De-Americanize': How China Is Remaking Its Chip Business

Last October, construction plans for a hulking semiconductor factory owned by a major state-backed company in central China fell into disarray.The Biden administration had escalated the trade war over technology, severing China's access to the Western tools and skilled workers it needed to build the most advanced semiconductors.
1 year ago
Left-wing politics

Lowering Drug Prices Under Medicare Will "Harm Patients," Lobbying Group Says in New Lawsuit

The group is suing to stop Medicare from being able to access lower drug prices.The Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America building facade is pictured in Washington, D.C., on October 20, 2017.Bill Clark / CQ Roll Call The U.S.'s largest lobbying group, the conservative U.S. Chamber of Commerce, has become the second prominent group to file a lawsuit to stop a plan for Medicare to be able to negotiate the prices for a handful of drugs, joining pharma giant Merck in alleging that the plan is unconstitutional.
1 year ago
World politics

Colombia's Mustard Lovers Grow Desperate Amid Saucy Shortage of Dijon

In Colombia, a new illicit product is on the rise.Desperate consumers are sneaking it in suitcases from abroad, hoarding it in their homes, paying outrageous prices online and lining up at clandestine locations to buy it.The contraband? Dijon mustard.A new health law intended to improve Colombians' diets which are heavy on meat and fried food has led to the disappearance of a host of fare from market shelves, including the French delicacy of the condiment world.
1 year ago
Tech industry

De-Americanize': How China Is Remaking Its Chip Business

Last October, construction plans for a hulking semiconductor factory owned by a major state-backed company in central China fell into disarray.The Biden administration had escalated the trade war over technology, severing China's access to the Western tools and skilled workers it needed to build the most advanced semiconductors.
Social Media Explorer
1 year ago
Online marketing

Unlocking the Secrets, The Ultimate Guide to Resin Shilajit

Unlock the secrets of Resin Shilajit and discover its potential benefits.Our ultimate guide provides sourcing and usage tips for this ancient and potent healing substance.Boost your energy, improve cognitive function, and enhance your overall health and wellbeing with Resin Shilajit.This blog post is a must-read for anyone looking to tap into its power.
Creative Bloq
1 year ago
Graphic design

AI thinks cars of the future will look like this

While generative AI continues to cause controversy, one thing that can't be denied is that it's providing a sudden bounty of riches for content marketers.Its ability to 'imagine' what a hypothetical product might look like can be used to quickly generate future-gazing content on everything from cars to homes, holiday destinations and potential collabs.
Portland Mercury
1 year ago

Good Morning, News: City Wants Fix For Portland's Train Pain, Providence Nurses Set To Strike, and Fake Sugar is Screwing Up Our DNA

The Mercury provides news and fun every single day-but your help is essential.If you believe Portland benefits from smart, local journalism and arts coverage, please consider making a small monthly contribution, because without you, there is no us.Thanks for your support!GOOD MORNING, PORTLAND!Today we're gonna party like it's '92, because that's today's forecasted high temperature!
1 year ago

Competition: win a blanket from Italian brand Bolzan

For our latest competition, we've teamed up with Italian brand Bolzan to offer readers the chance to win its Spinapesce blanket.Spinapesce is Bolzan's wool blanket made of 97 per cent wool and three per cent cashmere designed by Italian design brand Studio Salaris in collaboration with fabric producer Lanificio Bottoli.
1 year ago
Marketing tech

Why This Year's NewFronts Centered On Automatic Content Recognition | AdExchanger

The linear TV industry's measurement debacle spilled over into the streaming-focused NewFronts last week.Smart TV manufacturers Samsung, Vizio, LG Ads and Roku all held NewFronts presentations where they bragged about their automatic content recognition (ACR) data, which the industry has been putting on a pedestal because it can add a level of consistency to TV measurement.
1 year ago

Competition: win a blanket from Italian brand Bolzan

For our latest competition, we've teamed up with Italian brand Bolzan to offer readers the chance to win its Spinapesce blanket.Spinapesce is Bolzan's wool blanket made of 97 per cent wool and three per cent cashmere designed by Italian design brand Studio Salaris in collaboration with fabric producer Lanificio Bottoli.
1 year ago
Marketing tech

Why This Year's NewFronts Centered On Automatic Content Recognition | AdExchanger

The linear TV industry's measurement debacle spilled over into the streaming-focused NewFronts last week.Smart TV manufacturers Samsung, Vizio, LG Ads and Roku all held NewFronts presentations where they bragged about their automatic content recognition (ACR) data, which the industry has been putting on a pedestal because it can add a level of consistency to TV measurement.
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

NVIDIA announces new class of supercomputer and other AI-focused data center services

The NVIDIA DGX supercomputer using GH200 Grace Hopper Superchips could be the top of its class.Learn what this and the company's other announcements mean for enterprise AI and high-performance computing.On May 28 at the COMPUTEX conference in Taipei, NVIDIA announced a host of new hardware and networking tools, many focused around enabling artificial intelligence.
Harvard Business Review
1 year ago

How Food Companies Can Better Measure Their Sustainability

Despite the growing demand for sustainable food, many companies hesitate to set ambitious environmental goals, as transparently measuring and reporting environmental performance is time consuming and costly.Environmental traceability, namely the ability to track the environmental impact of a product along the supply chain, can help streamline and improve the process, and we have identified several strategies that can enhance its effectiveness.
The Motley Fool
1 year ago
Tech industry

Is Amazon a Better AI Stock Than Microsoft? | The Motley Fool

Investors can't seem to stop talking about artificial intelligence lately, and for good reason.Leading tech companies spend billions creating this technology, which will have a massive impact on future earnings, although the hype will probably wane soon.Microsoft appears to be in the catbird seat with its multi-billion dollar investment in ChatGPT maker OpenAI.
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

NVIDIA announces new class of supercomputer and other AI-focused data center services

The NVIDIA DGX supercomputer using GH200 Grace Hopper Superchips could be the top of its class.Learn what this and the company's other announcements mean for enterprise AI and high-performance computing.On May 28 at the COMPUTEX conference in Taipei, NVIDIA announced a host of new hardware and networking tools, many focused around enabling artificial intelligence.
Harvard Business Review
1 year ago

How Food Companies Can Better Measure Their Sustainability

Despite the growing demand for sustainable food, many companies hesitate to set ambitious environmental goals, as transparently measuring and reporting environmental performance is time consuming and costly.Environmental traceability, namely the ability to track the environmental impact of a product along the supply chain, can help streamline and improve the process, and we have identified several strategies that can enhance its effectiveness.
The Motley Fool
1 year ago
Tech industry

Is Amazon a Better AI Stock Than Microsoft? | The Motley Fool

Investors can't seem to stop talking about artificial intelligence lately, and for good reason.Leading tech companies spend billions creating this technology, which will have a massive impact on future earnings, although the hype will probably wane soon.Microsoft appears to be in the catbird seat with its multi-billion dollar investment in ChatGPT maker OpenAI.
1 year ago

Pedro Pegenaute photographs Spanish "foodscapes" for Venice Biennale

The Spanish pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale spotlights the country's agro-architectural infrastructure, with imagery by photographer Pedro Pegenaute.Pegenaute visited over 50 sites across the country to create a photography series that reveals the buildings and landscapes involved in producing everyday food products.
Design Milk
1 year ago

A Luxury Tented Resort Featuring Biophilic Design in Punta Mita

Naviva, A Four Seasons Resort, is a luxury tented resort located in Punta Mita, Mexico, designed by Luxury Frontiers.Set amidst a verdant jungle, the adults-only property consists of 15 high-end tents spread over 48 acres of private peninsula.The resort's architectural aesthetic is grounded in the principles of biophilic design, an approach that seamlessly blends human constructs with the natural environment.
1 year ago
Mobile UX

EU moves to ban misleading battery life ads, mandate third party repairs

The European Parliament drafted new legislation with the goal of offering better product labeling in the EU and limiting misleading product characteristics, environmental claims and repairability restrictions.The directive will target the use of unsubstantiated environmental claims on packing and ads such as "climate neutral" and "environmentally friendly" by manufacturers if these are not backed by detailed evidence.
1 year ago
UK politics

UK must renew industrial strategy and stop flip flopping', say manufacturers

Britain needs to relaunch an industrial strategy and stop flip flopping on initiatives if it is to avoid falling behind on the global stage, manufacturing bosses have warned.Make UK, which represents 20,000 manufacturers across the country, warned British businesses risked losing out to companies elsewhere around the world because of the government's lack of a long-term plan for industry, while Joe Biden's $369bn (292bn) Inflation Reduction Act sucks up investment.
Ars Technica
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

Microsoft and AMD are allegedly teaming up to combat Nvidia's AI dominance

The hardware that has enabled and driven the recent explosion of generative AI products has primarily been manufactured by Nvidia.That's thanks in part to its dominant position in the consumer and workstation graphics markets, plus the well-established CUDA libraries and its AI-accelerating Tensor cores.
1 year ago

Pedro Pegenaute photographs Spanish "foodscapes" for Venice Biennale

The Spanish pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale spotlights the country's agro-architectural infrastructure, with imagery by photographer Pedro Pegenaute.Pegenaute visited over 50 sites across the country to create a photography series that reveals the buildings and landscapes involved in producing everyday food products.
Design Milk
1 year ago

A Luxury Tented Resort Featuring Biophilic Design in Punta Mita

Naviva, A Four Seasons Resort, is a luxury tented resort located in Punta Mita, Mexico, designed by Luxury Frontiers.Set amidst a verdant jungle, the adults-only property consists of 15 high-end tents spread over 48 acres of private peninsula.The resort's architectural aesthetic is grounded in the principles of biophilic design, an approach that seamlessly blends human constructs with the natural environment.
1 year ago
Mobile UX

EU moves to ban misleading battery life ads, mandate third party repairs

The European Parliament drafted new legislation with the goal of offering better product labeling in the EU and limiting misleading product characteristics, environmental claims and repairability restrictions.The directive will target the use of unsubstantiated environmental claims on packing and ads such as "climate neutral" and "environmentally friendly" by manufacturers if these are not backed by detailed evidence.
1 year ago
UK politics

UK must renew industrial strategy and stop flip flopping', say manufacturers

Britain needs to relaunch an industrial strategy and stop flip flopping on initiatives if it is to avoid falling behind on the global stage, manufacturing bosses have warned.Make UK, which represents 20,000 manufacturers across the country, warned British businesses risked losing out to companies elsewhere around the world because of the government's lack of a long-term plan for industry, while Joe Biden's $369bn (292bn) Inflation Reduction Act sucks up investment.
Ars Technica
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

Microsoft and AMD are allegedly teaming up to combat Nvidia's AI dominance

The hardware that has enabled and driven the recent explosion of generative AI products has primarily been manufactured by Nvidia.That's thanks in part to its dominant position in the consumer and workstation graphics markets, plus the well-established CUDA libraries and its AI-accelerating Tensor cores.
Yanko Design - Modern Industrial Design News
1 year ago

Onyx Boox Tab Ultra C Review: Delightful Heavyweight - Yanko Design

E Ink devices have long grown past the simplistic and often unattractive slabs of plastic they can shove inside purses and bags, though there are definitely still plenty of those around.Even Amazon has added the ability for readers to also be curators and creators, adding the all-powerful pen to at least one of its Kindles.
Know Your Mobile
1 year ago
Mobile UX

Apple Might Remove Wireless Charging Restrictions on iPhone 15 - Here's Why...

The iPhone 15 may bring with it some new changes in wireless charging, thanks to a recent hint dropped by Apple.Key Takeaways

Apple may lift the 5W-7.5Wcharging speed limit on third-party wireless chargers for its iPhone 15 series, allowing them to charge at a similar speed as its own MagSafe chargers.
Yanko Design - Modern Industrial Design News
1 year ago

This eco-friendly footwear material is sourced from a bacteria - Yanko Design

It's a great time to be alive right now, in terms of product development.We're seeing a lot of designers and manufacturers experiment with various materials, especially those that are more earth-friendly than the usual things like plastics, polyester, nylon, and others that may not be so great for the environment in the long run.
Los Angeles Times
1 year ago

Hyundai, Kia reach settlement on vehicles vulnerable to TikTok theft challenge

(David Zalubowski / Associated Press)

Two Korean auto manufacturers reached a $200-million settlement in a class-action federal lawsuit alleging that a security loophole, which later went viral on social media, left the vehicles vulnerable to thefts, according to lawyers for the manufacturers and car owners.
The Verge
1 year ago

Hyundai and Kia agree to $200 million settlement over TikTok car theft challenge

Hyundai and Kia agreed to a $200 million settlement stemming from a class-action lawsuit related to a rash of car thefts inspired by a viral social media challenge on TikTok.The so-called "Kia Challenge" on the social media platform has led to hundreds of car thefts nationwide, including at least 14 reported crashes and eight fatalities, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
1 year ago

James Cridland's International Radio Trends: India tells mobile phone manufacturers to put FM tuners in; and the 'live item tag' - RAIN News

James Cridland, radio futurologist, is a conference speaker, writer and consultant.He runs the media information website media.infoand helps organise the yearly Next Radio conference.He also publishes podnews.net, a daily briefing on podcasting and on-demand, and writes a weekly international radio trends newsletter, at james.crid.land.
Know Your Mobile
1 year ago
Mobile UX

Google Pixel Phone IP Rating Comparison: Are They Waterproof?

Here's a handy list of all of Google's Pixel phones and their respective levels of water resistance and IP ratingsGoogle Pixel Phones IP Ratings (By Model)
What Does "IP" Stand For?The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) uses Ingress Protection (IP) ratings to specify the environmental protection offered by electrical enclosures.
1 year ago

Ten illuminating lighting designs featured on Dezeen Showroom

Dezeen Showroom: a modular light informed by ocean waves and a solar-powered mood lamp that mimics sunlight are among the latest lighting designs to be featured on Dezeen Showroom.Other lighting products include a collection of outdoor lights by Danish brand Nordlux, a portable lamp by French brand Petite Friture and glass table lamps by British brand Voltra.
1 year ago

In Los Angeles, an Indian Chinese Feast Celebrating Female Founders

In 2018, Jing Gao opened a holiday gift guide in an online newsletter from the organic spice purveyor Diaspora Co. to find a happy surprise.The soon-to-be-launched first product from her new company the Sichuan chile oil brand Fly by Jing was among the featured picks from Diaspora's founder, Sana Javeri Kadri.
Creative Bloq
1 year ago
Graphic design

GeForce RTX turns 14" ultraportables into ultra performers

Those of us who need a laptop for resource-hungry tasks such as 3D rendering or video editing are used to making the trade-off between power and portability.Until very recently, we've been restricted to the larger form factors as the more powerful GPUs haven't been available in smaller laptops.But now we're starting to see a new generation of lightweight 14-inch laptops with NVIDIA GeForce RTX 40 Series Laptop GPUs that can deliver the high performance needed to accomplish these kinds of tasks.
1 year ago
US politics

US set to announce $1.2 billion aid package to Ukraine with counteroffensive looming

The US is set to announce a $1.2 billion aid package to Ukraine as early as Tuesday, according to a US official familiar with the package, with Ukraine's counteroffensive against Russian forces looming.The package will include drones, artillery ammunition and air defense missiles, the official said, as well as other capabilities.
1 year ago
NYC startup

The Weekly Notable Startup Funding Report: 5/8/23

The Weekly Notable Startup Funding Report takes us on a trip across various ecosystems in the US, highlighting some of the notable funding activity in the various markets that we track.The notable startup funding rounds for the week ending 5/6/23 featuring funding details for Airspeed, Fedi, Openlayer, and twelve other deals representing $426M in new funding that you need to know about.
1 year ago

US government is testing avian flu vaccines for birds, but ending the historic outbreak isn't that simple

The United States is facing what some experts are calling a new era for bird flu.Since January 2022, the country has been battling the biggest outbreak yet of highly pathogenic avian influenza in wildlife.The virus is a major threat to commercial and backyard flocks, and it has started to show up in hundreds of mammals, including a handful of pet cats.
Ars Technica
1 year ago

AMD is ready to launch its twice-delayed Ryzen 7000 chips for lightweight laptops

Today AMD announced additional details about its new Ryzen 7040U series of laptop chips, which bring the company's newest Zen 4 CPU architecture and RDNA 3 integrated graphics into thin-and-light laptops.Though just part of AMD's ( often-confusing) Ryzen 7000 laptop lineup, the 7040U processors will be the ones to hold out for if you want to maximize performance without stepping up to a larger laptop with a dedicated GPU.
1 year ago
UK news

Manufacturing downturn continues as clients cut costs

Activity for UK manufacturing firms fell last month in the face of subdued demand and customers cutting costs, according to an influential survey.The S&P Global/CIPS UK Manufacturing PMI fell to a three-month low of 47.8 in April, down slightly from the 47.9 scored in March.Any score below 50 is considered a decline for the sector.
Ars Technica
1 year ago

AMD is ready to launch its twice-delayed Ryzen 7000 chips for lightweight laptops

Today AMD announced additional details about its new Ryzen 7040U series of laptop chips, which bring the company's newest Zen 4 CPU architecture and RDNA 3 integrated graphics into thin-and-light laptops.Though just part of AMD's ( often-confusing) Ryzen 7000 laptop lineup, the 7040U processors will be the ones to hold out for if you want to maximize performance without stepping up to a larger laptop with a dedicated GPU.
1 year ago
UK news

Manufacturing downturn continues as clients cut costs

Activity for UK manufacturing firms fell last month in the face of subdued demand and customers cutting costs, according to an influential survey.The S&P Global/CIPS UK Manufacturing PMI fell to a three-month low of 47.8 in April, down slightly from the 47.9 scored in March.Any score below 50 is considered a decline for the sector.
Speckyboy Design Magazine
1 year ago
Graphic design

Better Design and Testing for Mobile Viewport Madness

These days, every website we build must be responsive.With mobile web usage accounting for over half of all traffic, catering to these users is a no-brainer.Thankfully, foundational technologies like CSS and JavaScript have made this easier.Web designers no longer need nonstandard hacks or separate mobile templates.
1 year ago

Ford Reports $1.8 Billion Profit in Quarter

Ford Motor reported a solid profit in the first quarter, although the automaker indicated that its turnaround was not complete and that it had a ways to go before it starts making money on electric vehicles.On Tuesday, the company said it made $1.8 billion in profit in the first three months of 2023 as a result of a substantial increase in revenue and in the number of vehicles it sold around the world, the company said Tuesday.
1 year ago
Mobile UX

Apple and Google team up to address unwanted tracking through AirTags

Today Apple and Google jointly unveiled that they've teamed up to address the problem of unwanted tracking through dedicated location tracking devices like Apple's AirTag.These have notoriously been used to track individuals without their knowledge, and it apparently got to a point where the companies finally felt the need to intervene in some way.
Design Milk
1 year ago

The SEYUN Furniture Collaboration Has Been Galvanized

In 2021, we announced a conceptual collection - SEYUN - designed and manufactured by Zaha Hadid Design and Karimoku Furniture.Today, we're happy to share that it's left the proverbial nest behind and exists as a chair, an armchair, and a table in different dimensions.Introduced at Milan Design Week 2023, the SEYUN collection echoes Hadid's design language and is crafted in oak using a combination of machine-made and hand-finished processes.
1 year ago
Mobile UX

Sony Xperia 1 V design revealed on billboards

Sony is unveiling the Xperia 1 Mk V in ten days.The device was teased over two months ago with a similar design to its predecessors, but now we have a confirmation of the looks.The new flagship appeared on a billboard in Hong Kong, revealing the three-camera vertical design with a more significant oval island and more prominent lenses.
Design Milk
1 year ago

The SEYUN Furniture Collaboration Has Been Galvanized

In 2021, we announced a conceptual collection - SEYUN - designed and manufactured by Zaha Hadid Design and Karimoku Furniture.Today, we're happy to share that it's left the proverbial nest behind and exists as a chair, an armchair, and a table in different dimensions.Introduced at Milan Design Week 2023, the SEYUN collection echoes Hadid's design language and is crafted in oak using a combination of machine-made and hand-finished processes.
1 year ago
Mobile UX

Sony Xperia 1 V design revealed on billboards

Sony is unveiling the Xperia 1 Mk V in ten days.The device was teased over two months ago with a similar design to its predecessors, but now we have a confirmation of the looks.The new flagship appeared on a billboard in Hong Kong, revealing the three-camera vertical design with a more significant oval island and more prominent lenses.
1 year ago

Over 5,000 tons of dangerous fumes escaped from consumer products, study finds

Volatile organic compounds, or VOCs, are liquids or solids used in consumer products that turn into gas when exposed to air and sunlight.Some VOCs have been linked to asthma, cancer and reproductive and developmental harm as well as damage to the liver, kidneys or central nervous system.Shampoo, body lotion, dishwashing soap, caulking compounds, room deodorizers, household cleaners, paint removers, flooring, carpet and pressed-wood products are just a few of the thousands of consumer items that may contain these chemicals.
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