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1 month ago

Loot Recap: Top Model

Physical comedy by Maya Rudolph is unparalleled in the latest episode of 'Loot' on Apple TV+ [ more ]
4 months ago
Video games

Diablo 4 Will Soon Let Players Craft Its Most Powerful Uber Unique Items

Uber Unique items in Diablo 4 are extremely rare and powerful.
Update 1.3.2 will introduce Uber Unique crafting, allowing players to salvage unwanted items and craft specific Uber Uniques of their choice. [ more ]
4 months ago
Video games

Blizzard Bans A Controversial Way To Obtain Gear In New WoW Classic Season

Blizzard has banned the use of GDKPs in World of Warcraft Classic's current season due to concerns about the activity's impact.
GDKPs were a popular way for players to earn loot using in-game gold, but there were concerns about illegal gold buying and pay-to-win dynamics. [ more ]
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