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2 weeks ago
Media industry

What to make of the AP's new partnerships with nonprofit news sites - Poynter

AP partners with nonprofit news sites to share content and reach new audiences, focusing on election coverage and local news. [ more ]
1 month ago
Media industry

Press Forward open call puts underrepresented communities first - Poynter

Press Forward's open call aims to bridge gaps in local news coverage by supporting diverse storytelling and empowering underrepresented communities. [ more ]
Austin Monitor
2 months ago

Enduring clarity and pressing forward with you - Austin Monitor

Running a nonprofit news organization can be challenging amidst industry transformation, but clarity in purpose and strong community focus can sustain longevity. [ more ]
4 months ago
Media industry

The News About the News Business Is Getting Grimmer

The mainstream news industry is struggling to stay afloat, with prominent newspapers shedding reporters and editors and local newspapers closing at an alarming rate.
Only about one in five public radio stations is producing local journalism, leading to a lack of solid news coverage at a time when it is needed most. [ more ]
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