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South China Morning Post
5 days ago
Remote teams

Half of Hongkongers will quit if asked to spend more time in office: survey

Half of Hong Kong workers may quit if not offered work-from-home flexibility. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy technologies


Employees who work from home tend to be more productive and satisfied with their job.
Remote work can lead to better work-life balance and reduced stress levels. [ more ]
The Conversation
4 months ago
Remote teams

There are more than 300 ways to work flexibly - here are four tips to make it work for you

There are more than 300 ways to work flexibly, indicating a significant increase in flexible work practices.
Flexible work arrangements have benefits for both employers and employees, including improved job satisfaction and lower overhead costs. [ more ]
1 week ago
Information security

Why the CISO role is so demanding - and how leaders can help

CISO role is evolving to a central business leader, facing budget challenges, regulatory pressure, and increased job demands. [ more ]
2 months ago
Privacy professionals

Cash-strapped cyber pros go rogue on the dark web | Computer Weekly

Stagnating salaries push cyber professionals to consider cyber criminal activities.
Lack of appropriate remuneration is main reason for cybersecurity professionals leaving jobs. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Women in technology

Why women in the U.S. are less satisfied with their jobs than men

Women tend to be less satisfied with their jobs compared to men for the past seven years, emphasizing the importance of addressing gender disparities in the workplace. [ more ]
Sun Sentinel
3 weeks ago
Remote teams

Of home work, hybrid or traditional office hours, the last is the worst of all worlds. Here's why | Opinion

Top-down office mandates go against increased productivity and job satisfaction seen in hybrid work settings. [ more ]
The Hill
3 weeks ago
Remote teams

The traditional office workplace is dead, and you'll be surprised to learn why

Hybrid work models enhance productivity and job satisfaction over traditional office settings. [ more ]
Fast Company
3 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

Surprisingly, these burned-out workers don't fear AI-they welcome it

Teachers are increasingly using AI to combat burnout and increase work efficiency. [ more ]
1 month ago
Remote teams

Consider Your Commute To Work During A Job Search

Longer commutes impact job search and personal satisfaction. [ more ]
Yahoo Finance
1 month ago
Mental health

Can you really be friends with your colleagues, whether you work-from-home (WFH) or go into the office?

Creating genuine friendships with colleagues can enhance teamwork and job satisfaction but may involve risks due to blurred boundaries. [ more ]
Fast Company
1 month ago
Remote teams

RIP office bestie. Here's the upside to a diminishing need to have a friend at work

Office friendships are valuable but decreasing in importance in the current workforce. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
3 months ago
Online learning

Embracing a continuous learning culture - LogRocket Blog

Acknowledging you don't know everything is key to continuous learning
Continuous learning benefits product development by enhancing engagement and job satisfaction. [ more ]
eLearning Industry
1 month ago
Remote teams

Unleashing The Power Of Employee Recognition And Engagement

Employee recognition leads to increased satisfaction, engagement, and productivity in the workplace. [ more ]
2 months ago
Marketing tech

Job dissatisfaction up sharply: The 2024 MarTech Salary and Career Survey | MarTech

Job dissatisfaction increased for martech professionals at various levels.
Securing sufficient resources and demonstrating positive impact are key challenges for martech professionals. [ more ]
2 months ago

How to know when it's time to quit your job

Feeling valued at work is crucial; being tired all the time can be a sign to quit; lack of opportunities to learn and grow is a red flag. [ more ]
The Atlantic
3 months ago
Remote teams

Hybrid Work Doesn't Have to Be Awful

Americans desire flexible work locations and hours.
Remote work may lead to an overhead tax causing increased stress and dissatisfaction. [ more ]
LGBTQ Nation
3 months ago

Teachers are fed up with the war on "woke" classrooms

Teachers feel impact of culture wars on job satisfaction
Conservative attacks affecting teachers and curriculum decisions [ more ]
3 months ago

How to find a job you'll actually like

Flexibility in work arrangements is important for job satisfaction
Good pay and a positive work environment are crucial for a good job [ more ]
4 months ago
Remote teams

Top States For Career Growth In 2024: Where Professionals Thrive

Oregon is ranked as the best state to work in 2024, while Mississippi ranks as the worst.
Remote work can lead to increased job satisfaction. [ more ]
4 months ago

How do I know if I should quit my job?

Decide if you can improve your current job before quitting
Leave on good terms when resigning [ more ]
#job satisfaction
London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
5 months ago

Rising workforce attrition could leave SMEs facing costs of 10,500 to 70,000 per employee to replace talent

20% of UK workers are at high risk of leaving their jobs in the next year
Employee experience plays a crucial role in retention rates [ more ]
5 months ago

Gen Z'ers Who Are Choosing Not To Go To College Are Sharing Why, And It's Verrrrry Interesting

The speaker is 21 years old and has a well-paying job
The speaker's husband is unhappy due to debt and expectations from pursuing a degree [ more ]
Above the Law
5 months ago

2024 Legal Landscape: Predictions And Preparations For GCs

Nearly 90% of in-house counsel are unsatisfied with their current positions.
Over 80% of in-house lawyers feel their legal departments are under-resourced. [ more ]
The Atlantic
6 months ago

The Persistent Myth That Most Americans Are Miserable at Work

American workers are happier than they've been in decades.
Reports of the 'Great Resignation' and the notion that 'no one wants to work' are false narratives. [ more ]
Chicago Tribune
6 months ago

Editorial: Corporate America needs to embrace a new office-worker model

A majority of office workers prefer remote work and do not want to return to the traditional office setting.
Workers are generally unhappy with their jobs, with a survey showing an increase in those who dread starting work each morning.
The traditional office model is seen as outdated, and the question now is what will replace it, with the likely emergence of hybrid work models. [ more ]
London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
6 months ago

Four in 10 working parents have considered quitting their jobs as they can't cope with all their responsibilities

A significant number of working parents are considering leaving their jobs due to the difficulty of juggling home and work responsibilities.
Almost half of working mothers and one-third of working fathers have considered quitting their jobs due to the strain of balancing work and parenting responsibilities.
Employers need to enhance the support they offer to working parents and consider the needs of both mothers and fathers. [ more ]
morejob satisfaction
6 months ago

5 Highest Paying Remote Jobs To Consider

60% of the U.S. workforce is projected to be remote by 2024.
Remote work offers benefits such as flexibility, improved well-being, and increased job satisfaction.
63% of respondents prioritize remote work over salary in a job.
Employers need to see value in hiring someone remotely, and individuals need discipline and a suitable work environment for remote work.
The article provides a list of high-paying remote jobs, but salaries may vary and some employers may prefer in-office candidates. [ more ]
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