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3 weeks ago
Public health

Middle East Crisis: Spain, Norway and Ireland Recognize a Palestinian State, a Blow to Israel

Hospitals in Gaza, like Al Awda, are under siege, cutting off access to medical care and basic supplies amidst ongoing conflicts. [ more ]
2 months ago
World news

Here's Where Israel's Military Offensive in Gaza Stands

Israeli military operations in Gaza continue despite the shift in focus to Iran's attack on Israel. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Public health

Middle East Crisis: Spain, Norway and Ireland Recognize a Palestinian State, a Blow to Israel

Hospitals in Gaza, like Al Awda, are under siege, cutting off access to medical care and basic supplies amidst ongoing conflicts. [ more ]
2 months ago
World news

Here's Where Israel's Military Offensive in Gaza Stands

Israeli military operations in Gaza continue despite the shift in focus to Iran's attack on Israel. [ more ]
The Conversation
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Israel accused of using AI to target thousands in Gaza, as killer algorithms outpace international law

The Israeli army utilized an AI system to generate lists of human targets for airstrikes in Gaza.
Reports indicate machine-driven warfare in Gaza with limited accuracy, little human oversight, and high civilian costs. [ more ]
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