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Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly
1 month ago

Two Weeks in, I Already Wanted to Quit: Challenges Faced by a Queer Black Woman in Nonprofit Leadership - Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly

Black women in nonprofit leadership face isolation, gaslighting, and lack of support, even in queer spaces. [ more ]
The New Yorker
1 month ago


A reflective narrative on self-discovery and the struggle with identity. [ more ]
The Paris Review
1 month ago

Death by Sea - The Paris Review

Moving to a new place to start a restaurant can lead to unexpected challenges and a sense of isolation, impacting mental well-being. [ more ]
The Verge
1 month ago
Digital life

The teens making friends with AI chatbots

AI chatbots like Psychologist from Character.AI provide support and comfort to users, especially teenagers facing loneliness and isolation. [ more ]
Tiny Buddha
3 months ago
Mental health

ASMR: The Powerful Practice That Helped Me Let People In - Tiny Buddha

Hyper-independence can lead to loneliness and emotional pain.
Desire for human connection is fundamental and cannot be replaced by material wealth. [ more ]
6 months ago

I am so lonely and so isolated, I feel I'm living like a zombie | Ask Philippa

Feeling isolated and abandoned
Lack of close friends and social interaction [ more ]
The Verge
1 month ago
Digital life

The teens making friends with AI chatbots

AI chatbots like Psychologist from Character.AI provide support and comfort to users, especially teenagers facing loneliness and isolation. [ more ]
Tiny Buddha
3 months ago
Mental health

ASMR: The Powerful Practice That Helped Me Let People In - Tiny Buddha

Hyper-independence can lead to loneliness and emotional pain.
Desire for human connection is fundamental and cannot be replaced by material wealth. [ more ]
6 months ago

I am so lonely and so isolated, I feel I'm living like a zombie | Ask Philippa

Feeling isolated and abandoned
Lack of close friends and social interaction [ more ]
New York Post
1 month ago

Why two-thirds of parents feel lonely and isolated by demands of parenthood: study

Two-thirds of parents feel lonely and isolated due to parenthood demands, and many lack support networks or opportunities to connect with others. [ more ]
4 months ago
Public health

Prisoners with severe mental health needs spending months in isolation, report finds

Prisoner spent over 800 days in segregation due to self-harm in a damning report on the use of isolation in jails for mental health needs
Prisoners with severe mental health needs should be transferred to secure hospitals within 28 days, but this target is not being met [ more ]
4 months ago
Mental health

Vulnerable prisoner serving indefinite jail term held in isolation for 800 days

Prisoners with mental health needs are frequently placed in isolation, sometimes for years, due to overcrowded prisons and delays in finding space in health units.
Inmates serving imprisonment for public protection sentences (IPP) are particularly affected, with high rates of suicide and self-harm. [ more ]
5 months ago

Former Students Are Revealing The Most "Unexpected" Secrets About Boarding School

Boarding school can have a negative impact on students' mental health.
Boarding school can be isolating and make it difficult to make friends. [ more ]
1 week ago
Remote teams

Council Post: How To Support Mental Health In Remote Teams

Remote work can impact mental health positively or negatively, highlighting the importance of creating a support system for all employees. [ more ]
New York Post
1 month ago

Why two-thirds of parents feel lonely and isolated by demands of parenthood: study

Two-thirds of parents feel lonely and isolated due to parenthood demands, and many lack support networks or opportunities to connect with others. [ more ]
4 months ago
Public health

Prisoners with severe mental health needs spending months in isolation, report finds

Prisoner spent over 800 days in segregation due to self-harm in a damning report on the use of isolation in jails for mental health needs
Prisoners with severe mental health needs should be transferred to secure hospitals within 28 days, but this target is not being met [ more ]
4 months ago
Mental health

Vulnerable prisoner serving indefinite jail term held in isolation for 800 days

Prisoners with mental health needs are frequently placed in isolation, sometimes for years, due to overcrowded prisons and delays in finding space in health units.
Inmates serving imprisonment for public protection sentences (IPP) are particularly affected, with high rates of suicide and self-harm. [ more ]
5 months ago

Former Students Are Revealing The Most "Unexpected" Secrets About Boarding School

Boarding school can have a negative impact on students' mental health.
Boarding school can be isolating and make it difficult to make friends. [ more ]
1 week ago
Remote teams

Council Post: How To Support Mental Health In Remote Teams

Remote work can impact mental health positively or negatively, highlighting the importance of creating a support system for all employees. [ more ]
New York Post
1 month ago
Black Lives Matter

Blame the COVID pandemic for pro-Palestine protests

Campus protesters, influenced by pandemic isolation, seek connection through causes like pro-Palestinian, lacking full understanding. [ more ]
Arnie Nicola
2 months ago
Remote teams

16 Disadvantages of Working Remotely That Many Wish They Knew Sooner - arnienicola

Remote work brings flexibility but also challenges like isolation, overworking, and distractions. [ more ]
5 months ago

Consult a Coach: How to stay connected when working remotely

Feeling isolated while working remotely is a common issue that many people experience.
The lack of connection and networking opportunities in remote work can negatively impact confidence, wellbeing, and productivity. [ more ]
Arnie Nicola
2 months ago
Remote teams

16 Disadvantages of Working Remotely That Many Wish They Knew Sooner - arnienicola

Remote work brings flexibility but also challenges like isolation, overworking, and distractions. [ more ]
5 months ago

Consult a Coach: How to stay connected when working remotely

Feeling isolated while working remotely is a common issue that many people experience.
The lack of connection and networking opportunities in remote work can negatively impact confidence, wellbeing, and productivity. [ more ]
BBC News
2 months ago

London charity tackles isolation through music

The Spitz Charitable Trust uses music to improve wellbeing and reduce isolation. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
2 months ago

Big Sur to be cut off again as damaged Highway 1 threatened by rain

Communities and businesses in Big Sur facing isolation due to landslides on Highway 1.
Temporary halting of convoys due to rainy forecast impacting residents and businesses in the region. [ more ]
3 months ago
Information security

5 security challenges in containerized runtime environments and how to overcome them - Amazic

Containerized environments pose unique security challenges like isolation and multi-tenancy, as well as vulnerability management. [ more ]
Center For The Art Of Translation
3 months ago

Author & Translator: About Uncle | Center for the Art of Translation | Two Lines Press

Rebecca Gisler's novel 'About Uncle' explores themes of isolation and familial bonds in a collapsing world.
The online event with author Rebecca Gisler, translator Jordan Stump, and host Stephen Sparks is a collaboration between Community Bookstore, Point Reyes Books, and Third Place Books. [ more ]
3 months ago

Asking for a friend: 'My controlling husband calls me the c-word and threatens to turn our kids against me. I want to leave but he won't let me'

Verbal abuse can have a lasting impact on mental health and relationships.
Isolation and control tactics are signs of an abusive relationship. [ more ]
3 months ago
Public health

US health officials drop five-day isolation time for Covid-19

CDC changes isolation guidelines for Covid-19 positive individuals to 5 days with improving symptoms and no fever for 24 hours.
Experts concerned the new guidelines may increase infection risk for vulnerable individuals. [ more ]
4 months ago

The garden project helping lonely women in Bethnal Green

Bangladeshi women in East End are combatting isolation by growing their own vegetables in a community garden
The gardening club, funded by City Bridge charity foundation, offers older women a space to be themselves [ more ]
Sacramento Bee
4 months ago

CDC may drop COVID guidelines to mimic California: 'I think it's reasonable to move on'

The CDC is considering loosening its COVID-19 guidelines, potentially changing isolation recommendations for those who test positive.
The planned guidelines would no longer require isolation if a person has been fever-free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication and their symptoms are improving. [ more ]
4 months ago

Berkeley Unified loosens COVID-19 guidelines further

New guidelines from the California Department of Public Health have relaxed COVID-19 restrictions at Berkeley schools.
Students who test positive for COVID-19 can now return to school with a mask on as long as their symptoms are mild and improving.
The district's approach to the pandemic has shifted from a comprehensive program to a more limited operation. [ more ]
Sacramento Bee
4 months ago

CDC may drop COVID guidelines to mimic California: 'I think it's reasonable to move on'

The CDC is considering loosening its COVID-19 guidelines, potentially changing isolation recommendations for those who test positive.
The planned guidelines would no longer require isolation if a person has been fever-free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication and their symptoms are improving. [ more ]
4 months ago

Berkeley Unified loosens COVID-19 guidelines further

New guidelines from the California Department of Public Health have relaxed COVID-19 restrictions at Berkeley schools.
Students who test positive for COVID-19 can now return to school with a mask on as long as their symptoms are mild and improving.
The district's approach to the pandemic has shifted from a comprehensive program to a more limited operation. [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

How might AI change aging in place for seniors?

AI technology can help mitigate feelings of isolation among seniors aging in place.
Intuition Robotics' AI-powered home care companion, ElliQ, has had a positive impact on loneliness and isolation among older adults. [ more ]
Washington Post
4 months ago
US news

Detained Kentucky teens denied toilets, showers and clothes, suit says

Willow Neal, a pregnant teenager, was allegedly subjected to isolation and limited access to showers in the Adair Youth Development Center in Kentucky.
Other minors in the detention center also reportedly experienced abuses, including being held in cells without lights or running water. [ more ]
4 months ago

Post-divorce, I'm isolating myself at home alone. How do I get out of this funk? | Leading questions

The end of a long-term marriage and the isolation of the pandemic have contributed to feeling more isolated and stuck in a routine.
One strategy for change is to let things disappoint you and to seek out new experiences, even if they might suck at first. [ more ]
7 months ago

Care home families not informed of do not attempt CPR' notices, inquiry told

Families were not told that relatives in care homes would not receive CPR in the event of a cardiac arrest, according to an inquiry.
Care home residents are often issued with a DNA CPR notice, but this was not fully explained to families during the pandemic. [ more ]
4 months ago

Post-divorce, I'm isolating myself at home alone. How do I get out of this funk? | Leading questions

The end of a long-term marriage and the isolation of the pandemic have contributed to feeling more isolated and stuck in a routine.
One strategy for change is to let things disappoint you and to seek out new experiences, even if they might suck at first. [ more ]
7 months ago

Care home families not informed of do not attempt CPR' notices, inquiry told

Families were not told that relatives in care homes would not receive CPR in the event of a cardiac arrest, according to an inquiry.
Care home residents are often issued with a DNA CPR notice, but this was not fully explained to families during the pandemic. [ more ]
5 months ago
Europe news

Jetsetting Orban is speed-dating global strongmen but at what cost?

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban is becoming increasingly isolated from the EU due to his backsliding on democratic norms and controversial foreign policies.
Orban is actively seeking alliances with autocratic leaders outside of the EU and far-right factions within the continent, while neglecting domestic issues. [ more ]
5 months ago

No Windows sign to Fat Possum, share "Song 01" from new EP 'Point Nemo'

No Windows has signed to Fat Possum and announced a new EP, Point Nemo, due out on May 3.
The lead single, "Song 01," is inspired by the novel Flowers for Algernon and explores the theme of isolation. [ more ]
5 months ago
Digital life

Some Basic Rules For Proper AirPod Etiquette | Defector

People use noise-cancelling devices to isolate themselves from the outside world
Noise-cancelling devices are part of a larger tech ecosystem that allows people to control what they see, read, and hear. [ more ]
5 months ago
Mental health

Hope amid the hell of being a dementia carer | Letters

Caring for someone with dementia can be a challenging and isolating experience
The UK care sector is underresourced and incapable of providing adequate support [ more ]
6 months ago

Feeling alone and estranged, many Jews at Harvard wonder what's next

Jews at Harvard University are experiencing increasing anti-Semitism, leading to feelings of isolation and alienation.
Many Jewish students have been disrupted and targeted during lectures and have decided to hide their Zionist beliefs. [ more ]
6 months ago

German Chancellor Scholz tests positive for COVID, visit by new Slovak leader canceled

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has tested positive for COVID-19 and will not perform public duties.
A visit by Slovakia's prime minister had to be canceled due to Scholz's positive test. [ more ]
6 months ago
Mental health

A pile of dirt makes me drool': why some people crave and eat inedible things

Mary, a 20-year-old from Ireland, has overcome her habit of eating firelighters, which is a form of pica syndrome.
Pica syndrome is an eating disorder characterized by the consumption of non-food items, but Mary's version is unusual and isolated. [ more ]
6 months ago

5 Ways to Overcome CEO Isolation and Improve Decision-Making | Entrepreneur

CEOs often feel isolated because of the pressure and contradictions of their role.
Joining a community of CEOs can help alleviate feelings of isolation and provide support. [ more ]
Slate Magazine
6 months ago
Digital life

The Complex Bargaining Process of Googling From Prison

Access to information is limited in prison, and Google becomes a valuable resource for incarcerated individuals.
Dependence on others to access Google can strain relationships and create a sense of isolation. [ more ]
6 months ago
Public health

What the Mystery' Canine Illness Means for Your Dog

Dog owners should ensure their pets are up-to-date on their vaccinations.
Isolating dogs from other dogs can help keep them safe from the unidentified respiratory illness. [ more ]
The Atlantic
6 months ago
Digital life

Make More Friends of Different Ages

Most Americans lack age diversity in their friendships, which can lead to isolation and limited perspectives.
A significant percentage of adults don't have close friends who are at least 15 years older or younger than them.
Forming friendships with different generations is difficult in modern society. [ more ]
7 months ago
Privacy professionals

8 security challenges with containerized applications running in the cloud - Amazic

Containerization is a fundamental technology for deploying and managing applications in the cloud.
There are specific security challenges associated with containerized applications running in the cloud. [ more ]
7 months ago
Remote teams

Gen Z Are Opening Up About Experiencing 'Work From Home Depression'

12.7% of full-time employees work from home as of 2023.
Remote work can lead to feelings of isolation and 'work-from-home depression.' [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Spoilt Creatures by Amy Twigg review haven and hell in the countryside

Amy Twigg's debut novel Spoilt Creatures explores the dynamics of a feminist commune showcasing the vulnerability and manipulation within cult settings. [ more ]
1 week ago

Dark and Deep is a cosmic horror blend of modern and classic art, and you can play the demo during Steam Next Fest

Dark and Deep game by Dark and Deep provides a psychological horror experience using Gustave Dore's artwork to tell a haunting tale that delves into isolation and darkness. [ more ]
13 hours ago

Juxtapoz Magazine - On An Italian Island: An Interview with Erkut Terliksiz

Erkut Terliksiz's Isola series embraces freedom in the midst of isolation, allowing viewers to interpret and infuse meaning into the experimental paintings. [ more ]
6 days ago

Miles and the Mind: Psychological Factors in Multi-Day Ultramarathons

The mental challenges in multi-day endurance events are intensified due to prolonged sleep deprivation, isolation, and boredom. [ more ]
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