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Ars Technica
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

Microsoft launches AI chatbot for spies

Microsoft introduces GPT-4-based generative AI for US intelligence agencies, highlighting secure, disconnected use. [ more ]
1 month ago
Privacy professionals

N.S.A. Disclosure of U.S. Identities in Surveillance Reports Nearly Tripled in 2023

The number of unmaskings by the NSA from warrantless surveillance nearly tripled in 2022. [ more ]
2 months ago
Privacy professionals

Moscow attack: Why intelligence agencies share information DW 03/27/2024

Intelligence agencies gather information to bolster national security, sometimes even spying on allies.
Intelligence sharing among countries can help prevent potential security threats such as terror attacks. [ more ]
New York Post
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

Russian ransomware gang claims it stole 'classified and top secret documents' from US intelligence

A Russian hacking group known as BlackCat or ALPHV claims to have infiltrated a tech company that handles classified and top secret documents for US intelligence agencies.
The group is threatening to sell or release more than two dozen documents related to the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency if the tech firm does not respond. [ more ]
1 month ago
Privacy professionals

N.S.A. Disclosure of U.S. Identities in Surveillance Reports Nearly Tripled in 2023

The number of unmaskings by the NSA from warrantless surveillance nearly tripled in 2022. [ more ]
2 months ago
Privacy professionals

Moscow attack: Why intelligence agencies share information DW 03/27/2024

Intelligence agencies gather information to bolster national security, sometimes even spying on allies.
Intelligence sharing among countries can help prevent potential security threats such as terror attacks. [ more ]
New York Post
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

Russian ransomware gang claims it stole 'classified and top secret documents' from US intelligence

A Russian hacking group known as BlackCat or ALPHV claims to have infiltrated a tech company that handles classified and top secret documents for US intelligence agencies.
The group is threatening to sell or release more than two dozen documents related to the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency if the tech firm does not respond. [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe news

Russia persists in blaming Ukraine for concert attack despite its denial and Islamic State's claim

Russian officials persist in blaming Ukraine and the West for Moscow attack despite IS claim.
IS affiliate claims responsibility for the attack confirmed by U.S. and French intelligence. [ more ]
3 months ago
Mental health

New Studies Find No Evidence of Brain Injury in Havana Syndrome Cases

The National Institutes of Health found no evidence of brain injury in Havana syndrome cases linked to diplomats and spies.
Intelligence agencies believe symptoms may be due to environmental factors, medical conditions, or stress, refuting hostile foreign power involvement. [ more ]
3 months ago
Privacy professionals

This Startup Sells Access To Data Locating People At Foreign Military Bases And Embassies

Bazze offers real-time location data for tracking individuals in sensitive locations overseas.
Bazze operates as a marketplace for data, providing access to vast quantities of intelligence sourced from various databases. [ more ]
3 months ago
EU data protection

Armenian, Azerbaijani Leaders Say Foreign Ministers To Meet Soon

German authorities helped shut down a Russian espionage network targeting Germany's plans for Ukraine.
APT 28 installed malware on routers for the Russian GRU military intelligence, attacking various EU and NATO countries. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

NSA admits to buying Americans' web browsing data from brokers without warrants

The NSA buys Americans' web browsing data from brokers without warrants.
NSA director confirmed the practice in response to Senator Ron Wyden's questions. [ more ]
#intelligence agencies
Stanford HAI
7 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Amy Zegart: Integrating AI in the Realm of National Security

AI has the potential to improve and economize the work of intelligence agencies
Proper deployment of AI is important to harness its benefits [ more ]
7 months ago
Privacy professionals

Encrypted mail service Tuta says it was wrongly accused of being a front for intelligence services | Computer Weekly

German encrypted email service, Tutanota, denies claims of being a 'storefront' for law enforcement and intelligence agencies.
Former RCMP officer, Cameron Ortis, alleges Tutanota was used to collect intelligence on criminals. [ more ]
Stanford HAI
7 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Amy Zegart: Integrating AI in the Realm of National Security

AI has the potential to improve and economize the work of intelligence agencies
Proper deployment of AI is important to harness its benefits [ more ]
7 months ago
Privacy professionals

Encrypted mail service Tuta says it was wrongly accused of being a front for intelligence services | Computer Weekly

German encrypted email service, Tutanota, denies claims of being a 'storefront' for law enforcement and intelligence agencies.
Former RCMP officer, Cameron Ortis, alleges Tutanota was used to collect intelligence on criminals. [ more ]
moreintelligence agencies
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