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2 weeks ago

Moving Beyond IaC: Infrastructure into Components

Creating a Pulumi App component is crucial as an entry point for executing Pulumi commands. [ more ]
Amazon Web Services
2 weeks ago

Quickly adopt new AWS features with the Terraform AWS Cloud Control provider | Amazon Web Services

AWS announces Terraform AWS Cloud Control (AWS CC) Provider for faster adoption of AWS innovations through Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools. [ more ]
4 months ago

AWS Launches CDK Migrate and CloudFormation IaC Generator for Infrastructure as Code Adoption

AWS announced the general availability of CDK Migrate, a tool that enables developers to migrate AWS CloudFormation templates into a CDK application.
AWS also launched the CloudFormation IaC Generator, which helps developers import resources created outside of CloudFormation into a template and a newly generated CloudFormation stack. [ more ]
Amazon Web Services
4 months ago

Import entire applications into AWS CloudFormation | Amazon Web Services

AWS Infrastructure as Code (IaC) allows customers to manage and provision infrastructure at scale using code.
Customers can now use the IaC generator and CDK Migrate to create IaC configurations based on existing resources, including their relationships. [ more ]
4 months ago
Software development

AWS Console-to-Code: Generating Code for Console Actions

AWS introduced Console-to-Code, which transforms console actions into reusable code for AWS CDK and CloudFormation.
Console-to-Code is currently in preview and supports only Amazon EC2. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Moving Beyond IaC: Infrastructure into Components

Creating a Pulumi App component is crucial as an entry point for executing Pulumi commands. [ more ]
Amazon Web Services
2 weeks ago

Quickly adopt new AWS features with the Terraform AWS Cloud Control provider | Amazon Web Services

AWS announces Terraform AWS Cloud Control (AWS CC) Provider for faster adoption of AWS innovations through Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools. [ more ]
4 months ago

AWS Launches CDK Migrate and CloudFormation IaC Generator for Infrastructure as Code Adoption

AWS announced the general availability of CDK Migrate, a tool that enables developers to migrate AWS CloudFormation templates into a CDK application.
AWS also launched the CloudFormation IaC Generator, which helps developers import resources created outside of CloudFormation into a template and a newly generated CloudFormation stack. [ more ]
Amazon Web Services
4 months ago

Import entire applications into AWS CloudFormation | Amazon Web Services

AWS Infrastructure as Code (IaC) allows customers to manage and provision infrastructure at scale using code.
Customers can now use the IaC generator and CDK Migrate to create IaC configurations based on existing resources, including their relationships. [ more ]
4 months ago
Software development

AWS Console-to-Code: Generating Code for Console Actions

AWS introduced Console-to-Code, which transforms console actions into reusable code for AWS CDK and CloudFormation.
Console-to-Code is currently in preview and supports only Amazon EC2. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

After co-founder's murder at the hands of Hamas, cloud startup Firefly raises $23M | TechCrunch

Firefly raised $23 million for cloud asset management, born from Covid-19 demand, navigating complexity with 'infrastructure as code'. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Microsoft Introduces the Public Preview of Bicep Templates Support for Microsoft Graph

Bicep templates simplify deployment of Microsoft Graph resources for efficient infrastructure definition in DevOps workflows. [ more ]
1 month ago

A Walk Through HashiCorp's History from 2012 until Today

Terraform is a prominent platform for infrastructure-as-code, with numerous providers on the Terraform Registry facilitating consumption of various technologies. [ more ]
1 month ago

Mind the Shift: Answering Common Questions About OpenTofu - DevOps.com

OpenTofu can serve as a 'drop-in replacement' for Terraform with minimal effort and adjustments, allowing for the continuation of using existing configurations, modules, and providers. [ more ]
1 month ago

Terraform 1.8 Adds Provider-Defined Functions, Improves AWS, GCP, and Kubernetes Providers

HashiCorp released Terraform version 1.8 with provider-defined functions allowing custom functions in different providers. [ more ]
Amazon Web Services
1 month ago

Automate Terraform Deployments with Amazon CodeCatalyst and Terraform Community action | Amazon Web Services

Amazon CodeCatalyst integrates CI/CD tools for efficient software delivery. [ more ]
1 month ago

Vercel Terraform Provider v1.9 - Vercel

Vercel Terraform Provider enables managing Vercel projects using infrastructure-as-code. [ more ]
2 months ago

Terraform 1.7 Adds Config-Driven Remove and Test Mocking Ahead of OpenTofu

Terraform 1.7 introduces config-driven remove capability for safer removal of resources from the managed stack.
Terraform 1.7 enhances the testing framework with mock providers and overrides, along with new import block functionality. [ more ]
1 month ago

A Walk Through HashiCorp's History from 2012 until Today

Terraform is a prominent platform for infrastructure-as-code, with numerous providers on the Terraform Registry facilitating consumption of various technologies. [ more ]
1 month ago

Mind the Shift: Answering Common Questions About OpenTofu - DevOps.com

OpenTofu can serve as a 'drop-in replacement' for Terraform with minimal effort and adjustments, allowing for the continuation of using existing configurations, modules, and providers. [ more ]
1 month ago

Terraform 1.8 Adds Provider-Defined Functions, Improves AWS, GCP, and Kubernetes Providers

HashiCorp released Terraform version 1.8 with provider-defined functions allowing custom functions in different providers. [ more ]
Amazon Web Services
1 month ago

Automate Terraform Deployments with Amazon CodeCatalyst and Terraform Community action | Amazon Web Services

Amazon CodeCatalyst integrates CI/CD tools for efficient software delivery. [ more ]
1 month ago

Vercel Terraform Provider v1.9 - Vercel

Vercel Terraform Provider enables managing Vercel projects using infrastructure-as-code. [ more ]
2 months ago

Terraform 1.7 Adds Config-Driven Remove and Test Mocking Ahead of OpenTofu

Terraform 1.7 introduces config-driven remove capability for safer removal of resources from the managed stack.
Terraform 1.7 enhances the testing framework with mock providers and overrides, along with new import block functionality. [ more ]
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

Developers seethe as Google surfaces buggy AI-written code

Google has indexed inaccurate infrastructure-as-code samples generated by Pulumi AI, causing low-quality AI responses to appear at the top of search results. [ more ]
1 month ago

Reliable Web App Pattern: Now Optimizes Azure Migration with Enhanced Infrastructure and Security

The updated Reliable Web App Pattern for .NET by Microsoft emphasizes infrastructure as code practices, enhanced network security, and simplifying Azure migration for .NET web apps. [ more ]
1 month ago

The IBM-HashiCorp coupling could be more complicated than it seems | TechCrunch

An acquisition involves more than just a strategic fit; financial aspects must also be considered. [ more ]
1 month ago

Detecting drift and dealing with the Silicon Valley mindset

Drift detection and automated clean-up are crucial for managing infrastructure as code effectively. [ more ]
2 months ago

Architecting for High Availability in the Cloud with Cellular Architecture

Automation is crucial for maintainable and scalable cellular architecture.
Advancements in infrastructure as code simplify the problem-solving process. [ more ]
2 months ago

Architecting for High Availability in the Cloud with Cellular Architecture

Cellular architecture provides benefits like increased availability and engineering velocity.
Automating cellular infrastructure requires addressing isolation, cell creation, deployment, permissions, and monitoring. [ more ]
3 months ago

Code your infrastructure with Azure Automation

Deploying applications at scale in public cloud requires infrastructure as code and automation.
Microsoft's Azure Automation offers a programmatic approach with tools like runbooks and Desired State Configuration. [ more ]
4 months ago

10 Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools that can be integrated into CI/CD pipelines - Amazic

Implementing IaC tools in a CI/CD pipeline automates infrastructure provisioning and configuration, improving efficiency and consistency.
Challenges of implementing IaC tools include a learning curve, security concerns, testing and debugging complexities, versioning and drift management, and integration with existing workflows. [ more ]
1 month ago

Detecting drift and dealing with the Silicon Valley mindset

Drift detection and automated clean-up are crucial for managing infrastructure as code effectively. [ more ]
2 months ago

Architecting for High Availability in the Cloud with Cellular Architecture

Automation is crucial for maintainable and scalable cellular architecture.
Advancements in infrastructure as code simplify the problem-solving process. [ more ]
2 months ago

Architecting for High Availability in the Cloud with Cellular Architecture

Cellular architecture provides benefits like increased availability and engineering velocity.
Automating cellular infrastructure requires addressing isolation, cell creation, deployment, permissions, and monitoring. [ more ]
3 months ago

Code your infrastructure with Azure Automation

Deploying applications at scale in public cloud requires infrastructure as code and automation.
Microsoft's Azure Automation offers a programmatic approach with tools like runbooks and Desired State Configuration. [ more ]
4 months ago

10 Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools that can be integrated into CI/CD pipelines - Amazic

Implementing IaC tools in a CI/CD pipeline automates infrastructure provisioning and configuration, improving efficiency and consistency.
Challenges of implementing IaC tools include a learning curve, security concerns, testing and debugging complexities, versioning and drift management, and integration with existing workflows. [ more ]
2 months ago

Linux Foundation leads the fight against fauxpen source

Linux Foundation promoting open source projects like OpenTofu and Valkey against faux open source companies. [ more ]
2 months ago

7 Strategies and Best Practices for Automating CI/CD Pipelines - Amazic

Agile processes are replacing traditional software development for rapid delivery.
CI/CD automation improves speed, quality, and efficiency in software development. [ more ]
Amazon Web Services
2 months ago

Terraform CI/CD and testing on AWS with the new Terraform Test Framework | Amazon Web Services

Terraform Modules streamline resource provisioning and offer a standardized deployment approach.
Manual testing in Terraform modules can be error-prone and inefficient, necessitating automated testing for reliability. [ more ]
3 months ago

The IaC Weight on DevOps' Shoulders - DevOps.com

Established tech companies struggle with DevOps culture, not just IaC syntax.
Legacy tendencies persist causing bottlenecks in development velocity. [ more ]
Amazon Web Services
3 months ago

How we sped up AWS CloudFormation deployments with optimistic stabilization | Amazon Web Services

Optimistic stabilization strategy improves CloudFormation deployment times by up to 40% with CONFIGURATION_COMPLETE status
CloudFormation enables modeling and managing AWS resources through template files using various tools like AWS CLI, SAM, CDK, Application Composer. [ more ]
3 months ago
Information security

Why DevOps is Key to Software Supply Chain Security - DevOps.com

DevOps emphasizes rapid, high-quality service delivery.
DevSecOps integrates security into the software delivery process to combat supply chain attacks. [ more ]
The New Stack
4 months ago

Q&A: HashiCorp CTO Armon Dadgar on IDPs and IaC

HashiCorp is developing an Internal Developer Platform called Waypoint.
Waypoint aims to help developers deploy applications built on Infrastructure as Code patterns. [ more ]
4 months ago

Harnessing AI-Generated Cloudformation with Application Composer

The AWS Toolkit for VS Code now supports AWS Application Composer, allowing users to create Infrastructure as Code (IaC) templates for over 1100 AWS CloudFormation resources.
Application Composer provides a visual interface where users can drag and drop CloudFormation resources to create comprehensive applications.
Generative AI is used to automatically create resource-specific configurations, with built-in safeguards and validation against the CloudFormation schema. [ more ]
4 months ago

Leveraging Bicep to deploy Azure resources

Cloud adoption has resulted in the need for more robust processes for developing and deploying applications.
Infrastructure as code treats infrastructure as code, allowing it to be versioned, tested, and deployed with the same practices used for application code. [ more ]
Amazon Web Services
6 months ago

Automate safe AWS CloudFormation deployments from GitHub | Amazon Web Services

AWS CloudFormation now supports using Git sync to automatically trigger deployments from tracked Git repositories
The integration with Git enables developers to speed up the development cycle for CloudFormation and reduce context switching
Developers can create a cloud development environment using GitHub Codespaces and use the CloudFormation Linter extension to validate templates before deployment [ more ]
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