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4 weeks ago
Information security

Security agencies warn of heightened threat to critical national infrastructure

Hacktivists target ICS in North America and Europe with potential physical threats, utilizing unsophisticated techniques initially. [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

CISA Warns of Unitronics PLC Exploitation Following Water Utility Hack

Hackers targeted an industrial control system (ICS) at a water utility in the United States, prompting a cybersecurity agency alert.
A hacktivist group called Cyber Av3ngers, potentially linked to Iran, claimed responsibility for the attack on the insecurely configured Unitronics PLC.
CISA issued recommendations to organizations to protect their PLCs, including changing default passwords and implementing multi-factor authentication. [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

CISA Warns of Unitronics PLC Exploitation Following Water Utility Hack

Hackers targeted an industrial control system (ICS) at a water utility in the United States, prompting a cybersecurity agency alert.
A hacktivist group called Cyber Av3ngers, potentially linked to Iran, claimed responsibility for the attack on the insecurely configured Unitronics PLC.
CISA issued recommendations to organizations to protect their PLCs, including changing default passwords and implementing multi-factor authentication. [ more ]
6 months ago
Information security

CISA Warns of Unitronics PLC Exploitation Following Water Utility Hack

Hackers targeted an industrial control system (ICS) at a water utility in the United States, prompting a cybersecurity agency alert.
A hacktivist group called Cyber Av3ngers, potentially linked to Iran, claimed responsibility for the attack on the insecurely configured Unitronics PLC.
CISA issued recommendations to organizations to protect their PLCs, including changing default passwords and implementing multi-factor authentication. [ more ]
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