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Alternative Medicine Magazine
2 weeks ago
Alternative medicine

Preventing and Reversing Diabetes Naturally: Can You Really Reverse It?

Research shows it's possible to manage and even reverse diabetes through lifestyle changes for a healthier life. [ more ]
Yanko Design - Modern Industrial Design News
3 weeks ago

Empowering Children with a Watch That Guides Habit Formation and Joyful Growth - Yanko Design

The NehNehBaby Training Watch helps parents manage children's routines with timed alarms, vibrations, and animations for essential activities, promoting independence and healthy habits. [ more ]
1 month ago

'I'm UK's strictest mum': Sweets are banned and toys thrown away if not tidied up

Strict parenting, emphasizing healthy habits and chores from a young age, can prepare kids for life effectively. [ more ]
Brooklyn Paper
1 month ago

Weight Loss to Shape Up in Style: Discover the Latest Must-Have Health and Fitness Products! * Brooklyn Paper

There are four basic principles for successful weight loss: portion control, drinking water, regular exercise, and getting enough sleep. [ more ]
New York Post
2 months ago

I lost 104 lbs doing one simple exercise - and making an easy diet tweak

Samantha Abreu lost over 100 pounds by walking 10,000 steps a day and incorporating exercise into her routine.
Abreu's journey involved overcoming struggles with binge eating, lack of physical activity, and exhaustion from work while finding a new appreciation for movement and healthy habits. [ more ]
Eater Chicago
1 month ago

A Guide to Chicago Farmers Market Etiquette

Farmers markets offer more than just produce; they are hubs for food culture, supporting local businesses, and health initiatives. [ more ]
The Gottman Institute
2 months ago

Building Healthy Habits for Toddlers: A parent's guide

Establishing healthy habits in toddlerhood is crucial for overall well-being.
Nutritious diet, physical activity, sufficient sleep, and emotional well-being are essential for raising a healthy toddler. [ more ]
All Singles And Married
2 months ago

5 Important Things To Put In Place Before Entering A Relationship.

Having a good relationship with yourself is paramount for healthy relationships.
Self-awareness and knowing who you are are crucial before entering a relationship. [ more ]
Calm Sage - Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being
3 months ago

10 Effective Strategies To Deal With College Stress And Anxiety

College students commonly face stress and anxiety, with 51% struggling.
Effective strategies to manage college stress include physical activity, healthy habits, and setting realistic goals. [ more ]
4 months ago
Digital life

Can a Calendar App Actually Be Fun? This Startup Is Spending Millions To Find Out.

Amie is a new calendar app that aims to make calendars more enjoyable and personalized.
The app allows users to go beyond scheduling and add personal data points like sleep tracking and music listened to. [ more ]
5 months ago

People Who Can Fall Asleep Quickly Are Revealing Their Top-Secret Sleep Tricks

The actions you take throughout the day have a significant impact on your ability to sleep
Implementing a consistent sleep routine and avoiding caffeine and screens before bed can improve sleep quality [ more ]
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