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Forbes Advisor
4 weeks ago

Is Social Media The New Google? Gen Z Turn To Google 25% Less Than Gen X When Searching

Generational shift in digital behavior towards social media search and away from traditional search engines. [ more ]
1 month ago

How Legalization Has Made Pot A Lot More Potent

Many adults may feel out of touch with younger generations when discussing cannabis due to its changing forms and potency. [ more ]
1 month ago

Mambar Pierrette review subtle and big-hearted parable of women's resilience in Cameroon

The need to keep moving forward in daily life with stoicism and resilience is depicted through the character of Pierrette in Rosine Mbakam's debut feature. [ more ]
1 week ago

My son is passing many early milestones but there's one that's for me to reflect on | Seamas O'Reilly

Challenges of bridging generational gaps due to evolving environments and memories. [ more ]
1 month ago

Mambar Pierrette review subtle and big-hearted parable of women's resilience in Cameroon

The need to keep moving forward in daily life with stoicism and resilience is depicted through the character of Pierrette in Rosine Mbakam's debut feature. [ more ]
1 week ago

My son is passing many early milestones but there's one that's for me to reflect on | Seamas O'Reilly

Challenges of bridging generational gaps due to evolving environments and memories. [ more ]
2 months ago
Digital life

Older Adults Are Sharing The "Generational Confusions" That Affect How They See Gen Z'ers

Older generation struggles to understand newer generation's language and behaviors.
Younger generation's habits like oversharing online and redefining mundane tasks are perplexing to older generations. [ more ]
4 months ago

Why Older Leaders Need to Stop Using These Phrases in the Workplace | Entrepreneur

Communication in the workplace can be impacted by the use of language, especially when there is a generational gap between leaders and team members.
Antiquated phrases and references may confuse younger generations and make leaders appear less relatable. [ more ]
2 months ago
Digital life

Older Adults Are Sharing The "Generational Confusions" That Affect How They See Gen Z'ers

Older generation struggles to understand newer generation's language and behaviors.
Younger generation's habits like oversharing online and redefining mundane tasks are perplexing to older generations. [ more ]
4 months ago

Why Older Leaders Need to Stop Using These Phrases in the Workplace | Entrepreneur

Communication in the workplace can be impacted by the use of language, especially when there is a generational gap between leaders and team members.
Antiquated phrases and references may confuse younger generations and make leaders appear less relatable. [ more ]
4 months ago

Millennials Are Sharing That Their Boomer Parents Are Becoming "Really Nasty" As They Age

Generational divide between millennials and boomers can be exacerbated by changes in social attitudes and technology.
Many millennials are noticing a trend of their boomer parents becoming meaner as they age. [ more ]
The Drum
5 months ago
Online marketing

Boomers, Gen Z and millennials find common ground in offbeat Aussie lamb ad

The annual Australian Lamb ad aired on Sunday, featuring a spot titled 'The Generational Gap' that brings together different generations to air their differences.
The ad cleverly uses the aroma of lamb on the barbie to bring the generations closer and bridge the generational gap. [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe politics

Young and old, leavers, remainers: Britain's voters are volatile and divided and it's not just down to Brexit | Anand Menon

Brexit introduced new political tribes in the UK: leave and remain.
Brexit has had a significant impact on politics, but not everything can be attributed to it. [ more ]
1 week ago
Remote teams

You'll Always Have Demotivated Employees if You Don't Follow These Leadership Tactics | Entrepreneur

Employee motivation and engagement have dropped to 30% - lowest in 11 years, influenced by generational differences. [ more ]
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