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4 weeks ago
France politics

Palestinian doctor Ghassan Abu-Sitta says he was denied entry to France

Dr. Ghassan Abu-Sitta was denied entry to France for a speech at the French Senate due to a one-year ban on entry to Europe imposed by Germany. [ more ]
Washington Post
3 months ago
France politics

French Senate votes to enshrine abortion in constitution, a world first

The French Senate voted to enshrine abortion rights in the constitution, facing one final test in a special congress.
The move is a historic step towards women's rights, with France poised to become the first country globally to constitutionally guarantee women's freedom to control their bodies. [ more ]
3 months ago
France politics

French Senate votes to add abortion rights to the constitution after US rollback

French Senate passed a bill enshrining the right to abortion in the constitution.
France may become the first country to constitutionally ensure abortion rights. [ more ]
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