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New York Post
1 day ago
Left-wing politics

Donald Trump's conviction is nothing more than a 'thrill kill'

The politicization of the legal system is exemplified by historical and present-day political prosecutions. [ more ]
3 days ago
Black Lives Matter

Streets and Highways are Becoming a Big Roadblock to Free Speech -

The clash between the right to free speech and the right of way on roadways can lead to potentially volatile situations, especially in a society heavily reliant on cars. [ more ]
Washington Post
3 weeks ago
US news

For college faculty, supporting protesters is a new job - and risk

Protests involving UCLA faculty and pro-Palestinian demonstrators led to intense interactions with police on campus. [ more ]
4 weeks ago

College campuses are on edge - just in time for graduation

Student tensions at Northeastern University remain high post-encampment removal. [ more ]
1 month ago
Black Lives Matter

Nearly 300 people arrested at campus protests against the war in Gaza this weekend

Universities are removing pro-Palestinian protests on campuses. [ more ]
1 month ago

With eyes on US college campuses, students stress: Gaza is why we're here'

Growing protests on US campuses demand an end to Israel's bombardment of Gaza, leading to debates on freedom of speech and Palestinian solidarity activism. [ more ]
1 month ago
New York City

Court in Iran Sentences Prominent Rapper to Death, His Lawyer Says

A dissident rapper, Toomaj Salehi, has been sentenced to death in Iran for releasing music supporting antigovernment demonstrations, prompting global condemnation. [ more ]
2 days ago

New Hampshire's limits on teaching on race and gender are unconstitutional, judge says

Federal judge strikes down New Hampshire law limiting teaching topics in public schools as unconstitutional. [ more ]
6 days ago

In 2021, Amanda Gorman spoke at Joe Biden's inauguration. Two years later, her book was banned

Book censorship is increasing globally, with a significant rise in challenges to books related to sexuality and race. [ more ]
2 months ago

Beaufort, South Carolina, schools return most books to shelves after attempt to ban 97

Campaign to ban books in schools on the rise, with 3,000 bans last year
Beaufort County, SC faces battle over book bans and the true meaning of liberty [ more ]
1 week ago

Harvard student speaker denounces university over Gaza protest response

Student at Harvard commencement criticizes university over treatment of pro-Palestine students. [ more ]
The Nation
1 week ago
Black Lives Matter

What Does Anti-Arab Racism on Campus Have to Do With the War on Gaza?

Criticism of Israeli state is being conflated with racism against Jewish people to suppress critics and potentially restrict freedom of speech on US campuses. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

How Is This Antisemitism Hearing Different From Ones on College Campuses?

K-12 leaders face similar challenges as college presidents regarding antisemitism and anti-Israel activism, differing in how pro-Palestinian speech is handled due to stricter standards in public schools. [ more ]
4 weeks ago

Students join pro-Palestinian encampment at University of College London

Pro-Palestine protesters set up camp at UCL against antisemitism, amidst police support for crackdown on hostile protests. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
1 month ago
Los Angeles

USC valedictorian's grad speech is canceled: 'The university has betrayed me'

USC barring student from speaking at graduation over alleged antisemitism sparked controversy and highlighted tensions in campus activism. [ more ]
New York Post
3 months ago

Barnard orders removal of dorm door decor to stop 'isolating those who have different views'

Barnard College mandates removal of dorm decorations featuring messages to avoid isolation of differing views
Columbia Students for Justice in Palestine criticizes new decoration policy as suppressing freedom of speech [ more ]
1 week ago

Why is New York University making protesters watch The Simpsons as punishment?

NYU requires students to watch The Simpsons as a punishment and write coerced confessions after protests against university ties to weapon manufacturers and Gaza conflict. [ more ]
Electronic Frontier Foundation
1 week ago
Privacy professionals

EFF Urges Supreme Court to Reject Texas' Speech-Chilling Age Verification Law

Texas age verification law could limit online anonymity and obstruct access to constitutionally protected content, raising concerns about privacy and freedom of speech. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
US news

Arrested. Injured. Suspended. Six NYC university students say they'll keep protesting

Pro-Palestinian students at Columbia University defied orders, risking arrest for their encampment in protest against Israel and the war in Gaza. [ more ]
Brooklyn Eagle
2 weeks ago

Police arrest 100-plus protesters on the Manhattan Bridge

Authorities arrested 150 pro-Palestinian protesters on the Manhattan Bridge due to traffic disruption and safety concerns. [ more ]
1 month ago

Cops Tase Students in Violent Arrests at Emory

University administrations are sanctioning police crackdowns on student protests, leading to arrests and tense situations. [ more ]
Electronic Frontier Foundation
2 weeks ago

EFF Urges Ninth Circuit to Hold Montana's TikTok Ban Unconstitutional

Montana's TikTok ban violates the First Amendment according to EFF and others, as it restricts speech and imposes financial penalties on TikTok. [ more ]
1 month ago

Can the First Amendment Save TikTok?

TikTok may challenge US law banning TikTok, citing First Amendment
Experts suggest that the law may face challenges due to First Amendment concerns [ more ]
LGBTQ Nation
1 month ago

An LGBTQ+ student was suspended for rapping an anti-gay slur. He's suing the school.

A 17-year-old LGBTQ+ student in Upstate New York is suing his school district for suspending him over using anti-gay slurs in a rap song he created to reclaim the words. [ more ]
Above the Law
1 month ago
Black Lives Matter

...And There Goes The Right To Assembly

The U.S. Supreme Court decision allows a Louisiana police officer to sue a Black Lives Matter activist, setting a risky precedent for public demonstrations. [ more ]
The American Conservative
2 months ago

The TikTok Ban Is an Assault on Free Speech

Despite fear-mongering about Trump, Democrats are seen undermining First Amendment freedoms.
The House passed a bill seeking to 'ban' TikTok based on assumptions without solid evidence. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Iranian filmmaker flees to Europe after prison sentence ahead of his Cannes premiere

Award-winning Iranian director Mohammad Rasoulof fled to Europe ahead of Cannes Film Festival premiere amid an eight-year prison sentence for making films and signing statements. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
3 weeks ago

Jewish families say anti-Israel messaging in Bay Area classrooms is making schools unsafe

School incident sparks controversy over student expression and understanding of sensitive topics. [ more ]
Electronic Frontier Foundation
3 weeks ago
Privacy professionals

No Country Should be Making Speech Rules for the World

No single country should have the power to restrict speech online globally, as it sets a dangerous precedent for online expression and users' rights. [ more ]
New York Post
3 weeks ago

Columbia law students demand no finals: Letters to the Editor - May 8, 2024

Columbia Law Review calls for exam cancellations and pass/fail due to campus chaos. [ more ]
Above the Law
3 weeks ago

Are You Kidding Me? - See Also

Exposing judicial corruption may lead to unexpected recognition and rewards.
Challenges faced by Columbia graduates for protesting highlight potential consequences for standing up for rights. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Teacher Alleges Dismissal Post-Arrest at Columbia University Protest

A teaching assistant at a Brooklyn elementary school was fired after being arrested during a protest at Columbia University. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Read TikTok's legal challenge

The Protecting Americans From Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act banning TikTok is deemed unconstitutional due to singling out a specific platform for a permanent nationwide ban. [ more ]
1 month ago

TikTok says it will fight US ban or forced sale after bill passes

TikTok vows to fight US legislative actions targeting ban or forced sale in courts. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Left-wing politics

Biden Echoes Fascist Rhetoric in Speech Denouncing "Lawless" Pro-Palestine Protests

President Biden criticizes pro-Palestine protests at US college campuses, condemning supposed violence and endorsing peaceful dissent. [ more ]
1 month ago

Amid Columbia protests, Speaker Mike Johnson is wrong that hybrid class plan tells Jewish students to stay home - Poynter

Pro-Palestine protests at Columbia University spark debate over freedom of speech and campus safety. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Black Lives Matter

Destroying Property Is Not a Peaceful Protest': Biden Denounces Violence and Intimidation by Campus Protesters

Biden emphasizes the importance of peaceful protest over violence and disruption in response to campus protests over the Israel-Hamas conflict. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
1 month ago

At USC, arrests. At UCLA, hands off. Why pro-Palestinian protests have not blown up on UC campuses

The response to campus protests varies significantly between public and private institutions. [ more ]
New York Post
2 months ago

Biden's settlements slap at Israel, Berkeley must expel the thugs and other commentary

President Biden waited until Israel was under attack to campaign against Israeli settlements.
Campuses must enforce discipline for those engaging in violence and violating free speech norms. [ more ]
PinkNews | Latest lesbian, gay, bi and trans news | LGBTQ+ news
1 month ago

Teen girls who held silent protest against trans athlete 'barred from future events'

Five girls plan to sue a board of education after being barred from a shot-put competition due to a silent protest against a transgender athlete's participation. [ more ]
The Nation
1 month ago
Black Lives Matter

This Is How Power Protects Itself

It was about eliminating the threat the pro-Palestine movement poses to business as usual. [ more ]
1 month ago
Germany news

Germany's crackdown on criticism of Israel betrays European values

Silencing pro-Palestinian voices hinders critical discussions, solidarity, and accountability. [ more ]
5 months ago

Nonbinary Florida Teacher Sues State After Firing Over 'Mx' Honorific

Three LGBTQ+ teachers in Florida have filed a lawsuit against a state law that bars them from using chosen titles and pronouns.
The teachers argue that the law is discriminatory and violates their rights under several federal acts. [ more ]
Inside Higher Ed | Higher Education News, Events and Jobs
1 month ago

Are we repeating the mistakes of the 1960s? (opinion)

Universities' historical response to protests led to over-policing and arrests, potentially curtailing freedom of speech and critical thinking. [ more ]
1 month ago

Here's What Is Happening on Some Other Campuses Across the Country

Students at multiple colleges and universities across the United States are continuing protests and demonstrations related to Palestinian solidarity and free speech.
The protests have primarily taken place in the Northeast but have also been observed in other parts of the country. [ more ]
1 month ago

About 1,000 Tajik Nationals Stranded At Moscow Airports

Sharing, liking, or saving content in Russia may lead to fines or imprisonment [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe news

Two Russian journalists arrested over alleged work for Navalny group

Russian journalists Gabov and Karelin arrested on extremism charges linked to group founded by Navalny. [ more ]
Washington Post
1 month ago
Europe news

Russian man sentenced to five years labor for criticizing war in Ukraine

Russian government intensifies crackdown on dissent by sentencing man to labor for antiwar comment to RFE/RL, highlighting chilling effect on international media. [ more ]
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

I'm Not Happy With The Choice': Bill Barr Explains Why He's Regretfully Supporting Trump Over Biden

Barr supports Trump over Biden, sees Biden's administration as a greater threat to democracy due to squelching opposition and freedom of speech. [ more ]
New York Post
4 months ago
Left-wing politics

Biden wants to defend democracy by making sure you can't vote for Trump

Biden boasts about his power and invokes American history to castigate his opponents.
Biden accuses Trump of echoing Nazi language and plans to make a direct comparison to Hitler. [ more ]
New York Post
4 months ago
Left-wing politics

Biden wants to defend democracy by making sure you can't vote for Trump

Biden boasts about his power and invokes American history to castigate his opponents.
Biden accuses Trump of echoing Nazi language and plans to make a direct comparison to Hitler. [ more ]
New York Post
4 months ago
Left-wing politics

Biden wants to defend democracy by making sure you can't vote for Trump

Biden boasts about his power and invokes American history to castigate his opponents.
Biden accuses Trump of echoing Nazi language and plans to make a direct comparison to Hitler. [ more ]
1 month ago

Elon Musk Comes Out Against Banning TikTok: Not What America Stands For'

Elon Musk opposes banning TikTok in the USA, citing freedom of speech and expression and contrasting with Congress's efforts. [ more ]
2 months ago

Newsmax Host Calls TikTok Ban The Dumbest Legislation I've Seen Yet' After Majority of Republicans Vote in Favor

Criticism of bill banning TikTok
Concerns about the bill's impact on freedom of speech [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe news

Belarus prisoner smuggles out account of brutal jail written on toilet paper

A political prisoner in Belarus exposed the harsh prison conditions and brutality inflicted by authorities through writings on toilet paper. [ more ]
4 months ago
EU data protection

Journalists say tech giants aid suppression DW 01/20/2024

Google, Meta, and other tech giants are complying with restrictions imposed by the Belarusian government, making it difficult for users to access independent media content.
Exiled journalists and opposition leaders argue that technology companies have enormous power and should be on the side of promoting democratic values. [ more ]
1 month ago
Black Lives Matter

Prejudice, Islamophobia': Free speech fears as UK redefines extremism

The UK government's new definition of extremism is criticized for targeting groups advocating for Muslims' civil rights. [ more ]
The Art Newspaper - International art news and events
1 month ago

Rejected Polish Venice Biennale artist to stage own show near national pavilion

Polish artist rejected from Venice Biennale will showcase works at off-site exhibition near the Polish Pavilion.
Exhibition includes paintings of 'blanks' in Polish history, German war criminals, and Putin's political portrayal in democratic Europe. [ more ]
1 month ago

Eurovision hits out at targeted social media campaigns' against artists

Organizers condemn targeted social media campaigns against Eurovision artists.
The European Broadcasting Union emphasizes the importance of freedom of speech while opposing online abuse and hate speech. [ more ]
3 months ago
East Bay (California)

They said it: Free speech gets ugly

Freedom of speech includes hearing objectionable comments. [ more ]
No Film School
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

Meta to Add 'Made With AI' Labels to Photos and Videos

Social media platforms to label AI-created content as 'Made with AI'.
Focus on transparency and context to address manipulated media concerns. [ more ]
The Verge
3 months ago

The Supreme Court is about to decide the future of online speech

Laws in Florida and Texas restrict online platforms from curating content.
Ruling for the states may lead to hosting potentially harmful speech. [ more ]
1 month ago
UK news

JK Rowling comments about hate law crime not criminal', says Police Scotland

JK Rowling's posts about Scotland's new hate crime law deemed non-criminal by Police Scotland despite complaints.
Rowling challenges authorities, emphasizing freedom of speech and highlighting concerns about the restriction of beliefs in Scotland. [ more ]
Towleroad Gay News
2 months ago

Keep Key West GAY: Rebel & Relax - Towleroad Gay News

The settlement over Florida's 'Don't Say Gay' law clarifies discussions on LGBTQ+ issues in schools.
The agreement allows teachers in Florida to discuss LGBTQ+ issues but prohibits explicit instruction on gender identity and sexuality. [ more ]
3 months ago

'Two genders' T-shirt case goes in front of federal appeals court

A student in Middleborough was barred from wearing a shirt with the message 'There are only two genders' to school.
Lawyers argue that the school violated the student's freedom of speech by censoring his shirt. [ more ]
2 months ago
Tech industry

X's Lawsuit Against Anti-Hate Research Group Is Dismissed

The court ruled in favor of the nonprofit organization in a lawsuit by X, stating that the research work criticizing the social media company was protected under the law.
The ruling is a setback for Mr. Musk's legal tactics against critics of his social media platform, reinforcing the rights of organizations to conduct research and hold social media companies accountable. [ more ]
2 months ago

London is most anti-Semitic city in the West, claims Israeli minister

London is perceived as the most anti-Semitic place in the West due to a combination of far-Left wokeism and Islamic extremism.
Jewish families in the UK are feeling increasingly unsafe and are considering relocating abroad due to rising anti-Semitic attacks. [ more ]
2 months ago
UK news

Watch live: David Cameron speaks during foreign policy debate in House of Lords

Children are dying of starvation in northern Gaza due to severe malnutrition and shortages of essential supplies. Lord Cameron is urging Hong Kong to reconsider their national security law proposal that threatens freedom of speech and the press. [ more ]
3 months ago
UK news

UK strongly' calls on China to reconsider Hong Kong's new national security law

David Cameron criticizes Hong Kong's new security law for breaching obligations under the British handover deal.
The proposed Article 23 law in Hong Kong aims to target crimes like treason and poses risks to freedom of speech and press. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Russian activist Oleg Orlov sentenced to 30 months in prison

Human rights advocate Oleg Orlov sentenced to two-and-a-half years in prison for discrediting armed forces.
Memorial, a Nobel Prize-winning human rights group, condemned the trial as an attack on free expression and vowed to appeal. [ more ]
5 months ago
Europe news

Russia adds writer Boris Akunin to terrorist list over criticism of war

Russian novelist Boris Akunin has been placed on Russia's register of extremists and terrorists for his criticism of Moscow's war in Ukraine.
Akunin's name was listed on the terrorist and extremists list by Russia's financial watchdog and a criminal investigation has been opened against him for allegedly justifying terrorism and spreading fake information on the Russian army. [ more ]
5 months ago
Europe news

Russian American journalist Masha Gessen put on Kremlin's wanted list

Russian journalist Masha Gessen has been put on a wanted list by Russian police and is facing charges of spreading false information about the Russian army.
The crackdown on dissent in Russia has intensified since the invasion of Ukraine in 2022, with numerous prosecutions and detentions of individuals speaking out against the war. [ more ]
3 months ago
France news

Maidan Revolution protesters lament enduring corruption in Ukraine, 10 years on

Corruption remains a concern in Ukraine despite efforts to tackle it
The Maidan Revolution was successful in preserving freedom of speech in Ukraine [ more ]
5 months ago

Palestine: Banned in Berlin

Nadija Samour and her colleagues in Germany are fighting against the suppression of Palestinian voices in the country.
Authorities have increased restrictions on Palestinian activism in Berlin, but Nadija remains committed to defending constitutional rights. [ more ]
5 months ago

Palestine: Banned in Berlin

Nadija Samour and her colleagues in Germany are fighting against the suppression of Palestinian voices in the country.
Authorities have increased restrictions on Palestinian activism in Berlin, but Nadija remains committed to defending constitutional rights. [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe news

Russian artist sentenced to seven years in prison over supermarket protest

Russian artist Alexandra Skochilenko has been sentenced to seven years in prison for spreading "false information" about the army.
Skochilenko is the latest in a long line of Russians to be detained, jailed, or fined for speaking out against Moscow's military intervention.
Supporters shouted "shame" and "we're with you Sasha" after the verdict was read out. [ more ]
3 months ago

Washington state is pushing back on book bans

Banning books reached a record high in 2022 with 17 attempts in Washington.
California and Illinois have laws to limit book bans, while other states are considering similar measures. [ more ]
New York Focus
4 months ago

Native Son and Other Books Blocked in New York Prisons

Censorship of classics continues in schools and libraries
Outrage sparked by book banning [ more ]
Washington Post
3 months ago
Europe news

Tucker Carlson faces new backlash over Putin interview after Navalny death

Tucker Carlson faces criticism for controversial interview with Putin and comments on leaders killing people.
Navalny's death in a Russian prison colony spurs allegations of state-sponsored murder. [ more ]
The Art Newspaper - International art news and events
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Ai Weiwei criticises 'fragile' state of Western democracy following Sky News interview

Ai Weiwei criticizes censorship in the West, stating that it exists in universities, media, and politics.
Ai Weiwei believes that censorship in the West is more subtle, operating within the framework of so-called democratic politics and freedom of speech. [ more ]
Cageside Press
4 months ago
Black Lives Matter

Dana White Doesn't Agree with "95%" of What Sean Strickland Says, but "It's His Right to Say It"

Dana White defends Sean Strickland's right to say controversial things.
White compares Strickland's situation to Tyron Woodley's support of Black Lives Matter. [ more ]
4 months ago
EU data protection

Sri Lanka Parliament passes bill to regulate online content

Sri Lanka's Parliament has passed a bill to regulate online content, sparking criticism from rights groups and opposition politicians.
The bill holds companies accountable for content posted on their platforms and punishes content creators with jail sentences. [ more ]
4 months ago
Black Lives Matter

Strike threat over claim pro-Israeli lobby forced out Australian journalist

Antoinette Lattouf, a journalist at the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, was sacked for expressing support for Palestinians.
Pro-Israel lobbyists allegedly pressured ABC to fire Lattouf, sparking criticism about eradicating dissent in newsrooms. [ more ]
4 months ago

From Iowa to Florida, national lawsuits against local book bans begin to gain traction

Lawsuits challenging book bans in Florida and Iowa are playing a key role in the fight for student's access to literature.
A U.S. District Judge ruled that a federal lawsuit against the Escambia County School Board for censoring library shelves can move forward. [ more ]
5 months ago

Jennifer Finney Boylan, Transgender Author & Advocate, Elected President of PEN America

Jennifer Finney Boylan, author and queer rights activist, has been elected president of PEN America.
She has vowed to fight for freedom of speech and against book bans in schools and libraries across the country. [ more ]
4 months ago
Left-wing politics

Florida Bill Could Lead to a $35,000 Fine for Accusing Someone of Racism

Florida State Sen. Jason Brodeur (R) introduced a bill that would revoke certain privileges from journalists, including the right to keep sources anonymous.
The bill would make accusing someone of racism, sexism, homophobia, or transphobia defamatory, even if based on scientific or religious beliefs. [ more ]
New York Post
4 months ago
US politics

Biden wants to defend democracy by making sure you can't vote for Trump

Biden boasts about his power and invokes American history to castigate his opponents.
Biden accuses Trump of echoing Nazi language and plans to make a direct comparison to Hitler. [ more ]
The IP Law Blog
4 months ago

The Briefing: IP Rights and the "Public Good" Exemption to California's Anti-SLAPP Law: An Update

The Ninth Circuit addressed the "Public Interest" exemption to California's anti-SLAPP law in the case of Martinez v. Zoom Info Technologies.
Scott Hervey and James Kachmar discuss this case on The Briefing podcast and the Weintraub YouTube channel. [ more ]
Above the Law
4 months ago

Free Speech Absolutist Elon Musk Does A Great Impersonation Of An Authoritarian At SpaceX

Freedom of speech is often curtailed in authoritarian regimes
SpaceX illegally fired workers for criticizing Elon Musk's behavior on social media [ more ]
The Atlantic
5 months ago

The Artists Crying 'Censorship'

The right has criticized 'cancel culture' as censorship, but liberals argue it's just a consequence of offensive behavior.
The Israel-Hamas conflict has exposed divisions and alliances in the arts community, leading to accusations of suppressing free speech. [ more ]
5 months ago
New York City

He Was Set to Play Santa. His Views on the Middle East Got in the Way.

Disputes over political expression have cost people their jobs in various industries.
The removal of Santa Claus highlights the impact of political divisions on public roles. [ more ]
5 months ago
US politics

Christian Beheads Satanic Display in Iowa Capitol, Receives $10,000 Pledge from Charlie Kirk

A Christian military veteran tore down and beheaded a Satanic altar in Iowa's Capitol.
Governor Kim Reynolds rejected calls to remove the altar, citing freedom of speech. [ more ]
5 months ago
Black Lives Matter

Palestine: Banned in Berlin

Nadija Samour and her colleagues in Germany are fighting against the suppression of Palestinian voices in the country.
Authorities have increased restrictions on Palestinian activism in Berlin, but Nadija remains committed to defending constitutional rights. [ more ]
5 months ago
UK news

Shapps tells Lineker put a sock in it' - but top Tory defends his right to speak out

Grant Shapps tells Gary Lineker to stick to football commentary after Lineker urges government to scrap deportation policy for asylum seekers
Schools minister defends Lineker's right to speak out and express his opinions [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

Shocking' scale of UK government's secret files on critics revealed

Fifteen government departments have been monitoring social media activity of potential critics and compiling secret files.
Guidelines issued in each department advise officials to check experts' social media accounts and conduct Google searches on individuals who have criticized the government.
This practice is widespread across government and likely targets large numbers of individuals. [ more ]
#Freedom of speech
6 months ago

Florida drag shows win temporary victory in Supreme Court

The US Supreme Court refused to reinstate a Florida law that punishes businesses for allowing children into drag shows.
The law, known as the 'Protection of Children Act,' was seen as aimed at drag shows and restaurants that hosted them.
The court's decision upholds the First Amendment right of free speech for businesses hosting drag shows. [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe news

Russian artist who protested against Ukraine war jailed for seven years

Russian artist sentenced to 7 years in prison for spreading false information about the Russian army during the Ukraine invasion.
The trial highlights the severe punishments faced by Russians for civil protest against the war.
The artist admitted to replacing price tags in a supermarket with messages urging shoppers to resist propaganda and stop the war. [ more ]
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