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2 weeks ago

Opinion | Oil and Gas Companies Are Trying to Rig the Marketplace

Renewable energy like solar and wind is now cheaper than fossil fuels, though fossil fuel interests hinder market shift. [ more ]
Ars Technica
2 weeks ago
OMG science

Climate and health benefits of wind and solar dwarf all subsidies

Renewable energy, like wind and solar, can have significant health and climate benefits compared to fossil fuels. [ more ]
The Verge
1 month ago
OMG science

The US is propping up gas while the world moves to renewable energy

Global electricity generation from fossil fuels likely peaked in 2023, marking a significant turning point towards renewables and reduced emissions. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
2 months ago

Column: Trump loves fossil fuels; California wants clean energy. Cue collision

Trump downplays climate change and prioritizes oil and gas production for economic growth.
California's support for clean energy is in stark opposition to Trump's fossil fuel approach, leading to clashes. [ more ]
2 months ago
France news

Saudi Aramco chief calls energy transition strategy a 'misguided' failure

Renewable energy share in global supply remains low.
Current energy transition strategy is perceived as a failure by Saudi Aramco and ExxonMobil CEOs. [ more ]
2 months ago

Is Science Museum's green power gallery tainted by fossil fuel cash?

Museum gallery faces backlash for sponsorship
India's transition to renewable energy highlighted [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Opinion | Oil and Gas Companies Are Trying to Rig the Marketplace

Renewable energy like solar and wind is now cheaper than fossil fuels, though fossil fuel interests hinder market shift. [ more ]
Ars Technica
2 weeks ago
OMG science

Climate and health benefits of wind and solar dwarf all subsidies

Renewable energy, like wind and solar, can have significant health and climate benefits compared to fossil fuels. [ more ]
The Verge
1 month ago
OMG science

The US is propping up gas while the world moves to renewable energy

Global electricity generation from fossil fuels likely peaked in 2023, marking a significant turning point towards renewables and reduced emissions. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
2 months ago

Column: Trump loves fossil fuels; California wants clean energy. Cue collision

Trump downplays climate change and prioritizes oil and gas production for economic growth.
California's support for clean energy is in stark opposition to Trump's fossil fuel approach, leading to clashes. [ more ]
2 months ago
France news

Saudi Aramco chief calls energy transition strategy a 'misguided' failure

Renewable energy share in global supply remains low.
Current energy transition strategy is perceived as a failure by Saudi Aramco and ExxonMobil CEOs. [ more ]
2 months ago

Is Science Museum's green power gallery tainted by fossil fuel cash?

Museum gallery faces backlash for sponsorship
India's transition to renewable energy highlighted [ more ]
3 weeks ago
OMG science

Humanity's survival is still within our grasp just. But only if we take these radical steps | David King

Climate crisis escalating: Polar ice loss accelerating, extreme events intensifying, urgent action imperative. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Trump attends Houston lunch to ask oil bosses for more campaign cash

Donald Trump is soliciting campaign funds from fossil-fuel executives despite climate crisis and public disasters. [ more ]
2 months ago

World's top fossil-fuel bosses deride efforts to move away from oil and gas

Fossil fuel executives skeptical of rapid clean energy transition
Industry leaders emphasize slower pace for transition to clean energy [ more ]
3 months ago

Methane emissions from energy sector remain at historic highs, fueling climate crisis

Global energy sector methane emissions at record levels
Focus on reducing methane emissions from fossil fuels to combat climate crisis [ more ]
4 months ago

Cop28 deal will fail unless rich countries quit fossil fuels, says climate negotiator

The credibility of the Cop28 agreement to transition away from fossil fuels depends on major historical polluters rethinking oil and gas production plans.
Major developed countries are expanding their fossil fuel production instead of moving away from it. [ more ]
6 months ago

Good Cop, bad Cop: what the Cop28 agreement says and what it means

The decision text from Cop28 calls for a transition away from fossil fuels, but has been criticized for being weak and containing loopholes for the fossil fuel industry.
The text acknowledges the need for deep reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, but carbon emissions are still rising. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
OMG science

Humanity's survival is still within our grasp just. But only if we take these radical steps | David King

Climate crisis escalating: Polar ice loss accelerating, extreme events intensifying, urgent action imperative. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Trump attends Houston lunch to ask oil bosses for more campaign cash

Donald Trump is soliciting campaign funds from fossil-fuel executives despite climate crisis and public disasters. [ more ]
2 months ago

World's top fossil-fuel bosses deride efforts to move away from oil and gas

Fossil fuel executives skeptical of rapid clean energy transition
Industry leaders emphasize slower pace for transition to clean energy [ more ]
3 months ago

Methane emissions from energy sector remain at historic highs, fueling climate crisis

Global energy sector methane emissions at record levels
Focus on reducing methane emissions from fossil fuels to combat climate crisis [ more ]
4 months ago

Cop28 deal will fail unless rich countries quit fossil fuels, says climate negotiator

The credibility of the Cop28 agreement to transition away from fossil fuels depends on major historical polluters rethinking oil and gas production plans.
Major developed countries are expanding their fossil fuel production instead of moving away from it. [ more ]
6 months ago

Good Cop, bad Cop: what the Cop28 agreement says and what it means

The decision text from Cop28 calls for a transition away from fossil fuels, but has been criticized for being weak and containing loopholes for the fossil fuel industry.
The text acknowledges the need for deep reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, but carbon emissions are still rising. [ more ]
New York Post
3 weeks ago
OMG science

Green activists don't care how many people will die from zero fossil fuel use

The impact of ending fossil fuels must consider not only climate science but also the broader benefits and costs, including the significant improvements in quality of life provided by fossil fuels. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Left-wing politics

Green activists push Biden to freeze disastrous' deepwater oil export rigs

Biden's administration under pressure to halt new deepwater oil export facilities and extend pause on gas export licenses amid environmental concerns. [ more ]
1 month ago

California's Governor Accuses Trump of Open Corruption' at Climate Meeting

Governor Gavin Newsom criticizes former President Trump for meeting with fossil fuel executives for campaign contributions at a Vatican conference on climate change. [ more ]
1 month ago
US news

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signs a bill that strikes climate change from state law

Climate change will be a lesser priority in Florida and largely disappear from state statutes under legislation signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
1 month ago

Wildfire weather is increasing in California and much of the U.S., report finds

Wildfire weather is increasing in frequency in the Western United States due to a combination of heat, dryness, and wind, posing a greater risk for large wildfires. [ more ]
1 month ago
OMG science

Record-breaking increase in CO2 levels in world's atmosphere

The largest-ever recorded leap in carbon dioxide levels happened due to El Nino and human activities, threatening global warming. [ more ]
New York Post
3 weeks ago
OMG science

Green activists don't care how many people will die from zero fossil fuel use

The impact of ending fossil fuels must consider not only climate science but also the broader benefits and costs, including the significant improvements in quality of life provided by fossil fuels. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Left-wing politics

Green activists push Biden to freeze disastrous' deepwater oil export rigs

Biden's administration under pressure to halt new deepwater oil export facilities and extend pause on gas export licenses amid environmental concerns. [ more ]
1 month ago

California's Governor Accuses Trump of Open Corruption' at Climate Meeting

Governor Gavin Newsom criticizes former President Trump for meeting with fossil fuel executives for campaign contributions at a Vatican conference on climate change. [ more ]
1 month ago
US news

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signs a bill that strikes climate change from state law

Climate change will be a lesser priority in Florida and largely disappear from state statutes under legislation signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
1 month ago

Wildfire weather is increasing in California and much of the U.S., report finds

Wildfire weather is increasing in frequency in the Western United States due to a combination of heat, dryness, and wind, posing a greater risk for large wildfires. [ more ]
1 month ago
OMG science

Record-breaking increase in CO2 levels in world's atmosphere

The largest-ever recorded leap in carbon dioxide levels happened due to El Nino and human activities, threatening global warming. [ more ]
The New Yorker
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

It's a Climate Election Now

Trump reportedly offering to reverse Biden's climate rules for $1 billion from oil-and-gas industry, highlighting his consistent loyalty to fossil fuels. [ more ]
Washington Post
4 months ago
EU data protection

Europe to call for phasing out fossil fuels, despite 'greenlash'

Europe is set to call for a 90% emissions cut by 2040, requiring a reduction in fossil fuels and changes in transportation and food systems.
Despite growing backlash and protests, Europe remains committed to ambitious climate regulations. [ more ]
The New Yorker
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

It's a Climate Election Now

Trump reportedly offering to reverse Biden's climate rules for $1 billion from oil-and-gas industry, highlighting his consistent loyalty to fossil fuels. [ more ]
Washington Post
4 months ago
EU data protection

Europe to call for phasing out fossil fuels, despite 'greenlash'

Europe is set to call for a 90% emissions cut by 2040, requiring a reduction in fossil fuels and changes in transportation and food systems.
Despite growing backlash and protests, Europe remains committed to ambitious climate regulations. [ more ]
1 month ago

When will EVs become mainstream in the US?

Electric vehicle adoption is inevitable in the US, but the speed of transition remains uncertain. [ more ]
6 months ago

Historic climate agreement

The COP28 climate summit in Dubai produced a historic agreement that explicitly mentions the need to transition away from fossil fuels.
The agreement represents a clear defeat for countries with oil interests like Saudi Arabia and Iraq. [ more ]
6 months ago

Dubai climate talks: What did they achieve? DW 12/13/2023

Global leaders at the COP28 climate conference have agreed to transition away from fossil fuels in a just and orderly manner.
The agreement marks a historic moment as it is the first time fossil fuels have been addressed in the final agreement. [ more ]
6 months ago

Dubai climate talks: What did they achieve? DW 12/13/2023

Global leaders at COP28 have agreed to transition away from fossil fuels in a just and equitable manner.
The agreement marks the first time fossil fuels have been addressed in a final agreement at a UN climate conference. [ more ]
6 months ago

Dubai climate talks: What did they achieve? DW 12/13/2023

Global leaders at the COP28 climate summit have agreed to transition away from fossil fuels in a just and equitable manner.
The agreement does not explicitly mention a phaseout of fossil fuels, but it is seen as a significant step towards moving away from coal, oil, and gas. [ more ]
6 months ago

Nations Near Stronger Deal To Wean Planet Off Fossil Fuels At UN Climate Summit

A new compromise has been proposed at the UN COP28 climate talks to transition away from fossil fuels in a just and equitable manner
The proposal aims to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 while giving wiggle room to individual nations [ more ]
1 month ago

When will EVs become mainstream in the US?

Electric vehicle adoption is inevitable in the US, but the speed of transition remains uncertain. [ more ]
6 months ago

Historic climate agreement

The COP28 climate summit in Dubai produced a historic agreement that explicitly mentions the need to transition away from fossil fuels.
The agreement represents a clear defeat for countries with oil interests like Saudi Arabia and Iraq. [ more ]
6 months ago

Dubai climate talks: What did they achieve? DW 12/13/2023

Global leaders at the COP28 climate conference have agreed to transition away from fossil fuels in a just and orderly manner.
The agreement marks a historic moment as it is the first time fossil fuels have been addressed in the final agreement. [ more ]
6 months ago

Dubai climate talks: What did they achieve? DW 12/13/2023

Global leaders at COP28 have agreed to transition away from fossil fuels in a just and equitable manner.
The agreement marks the first time fossil fuels have been addressed in a final agreement at a UN climate conference. [ more ]
6 months ago

Dubai climate talks: What did they achieve? DW 12/13/2023

Global leaders at the COP28 climate summit have agreed to transition away from fossil fuels in a just and equitable manner.
The agreement does not explicitly mention a phaseout of fossil fuels, but it is seen as a significant step towards moving away from coal, oil, and gas. [ more ]
6 months ago

Nations Near Stronger Deal To Wean Planet Off Fossil Fuels At UN Climate Summit

A new compromise has been proposed at the UN COP28 climate talks to transition away from fossil fuels in a just and equitable manner
The proposal aims to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 while giving wiggle room to individual nations [ more ]
1 month ago

Support communities that will lose out in the energy transition

Support for those affected by clean energy transition is crucial to prevent backlash. [ more ]
1 month ago
OMG science

Global heating and urbanisation to blame for severity of UAE floods, study finds

Fossil fuels and concrete worsened recent record flooding in the UAE and Oman due to human-caused climate disruption.
Downpours in El Nino years became 10-40% heavier, turning roads into rivers, causing 23 deaths and substantial damage.
Cloud seeding was not a significant factor in the extreme rainfall event; the main cause was attributed to global heating from burning fossil fuels. [ more ]
1 month ago

Students at US universities file legal complaints over fossil fuel investments

University students file legal complaints alleging illegal investments in fossil fuels, citing breach of fiduciary duty and societal responsibility. [ more ]
Common Dreams
2 months ago
NYC politics

A Bronx Doctor's Prescription: The NY State Assembly Must Act on Climate | Common Dreams

Air pollution from burning fossil fuels, particularly in areas with heavy traffic, is a major contributor to high asthma rates in children. [ more ]
City Limits
2 months ago
NYC politics

Bill Would Codify City Government Ban on Single-Use Plastic Water Bottles

Legislation aims to ban small plastic water bottles in NYC, promoting alternatives like water coolers and paper/aluminum packaging. [ more ]
Business Insider
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

AI execs who urgently need more energy to power their tech revolution are turning to fossil fuels

AI is driving a massive demand for electricity.
The energy demands of AI may exceed clean energy capacities, leading to increased reliance on fossil fuels. [ more ]
Sacramento Bee
2 months ago

Berkeley settles lawsuit to repeal gas ban, in final blow to dozens of California measures

Berkeley settles lawsuit to repeal gas hookup ban
Impact of Berkeley's gas ban on other California cities [ more ]
City Limits
2 months ago
NYC politics

Bill Would Codify City Government Ban on Single-Use Plastic Water Bottles

Legislation aims to ban small plastic water bottles in NYC, promoting alternatives like water coolers and paper/aluminum packaging. [ more ]
Business Insider
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

AI execs who urgently need more energy to power their tech revolution are turning to fossil fuels

AI is driving a massive demand for electricity.
The energy demands of AI may exceed clean energy capacities, leading to increased reliance on fossil fuels. [ more ]
Sacramento Bee
2 months ago

Berkeley settles lawsuit to repeal gas ban, in final blow to dozens of California measures

Berkeley settles lawsuit to repeal gas hookup ban
Impact of Berkeley's gas ban on other California cities [ more ]
2 months ago

Greta Thunberg detained at The Hague climate demonstration

Greta Thunberg detained by police in The Hague during a climate protest.
Extinction Rebellion activists demand an end to subsidies for fossil fuels by blocking highways. [ more ]
3 months ago
Canada news

Canada's top pensions have trillions in assets. Should they do more to fuel the energy transition? | CBC News

Canada's largest pension funds lag behind in shifting from fossil fuels despite some progress.
Global examples show transparency and divestment from fossil fuels can be effective. [ more ]
3 months ago
UK news

Energy bills: How are Labour and Conservatives proposing to help households?

Household energy bills to drop by 12.3% with Ofgem's price cap decrease.
Average household gas and electricity bill to fall from 1,928 to 1,690 per year. [ more ]
3 months ago
UK news

Energy expert predicts how much bills are going to fall by

Households will see a significant drop in energy bills, lowest in over two years.
UK energy prices to fall due to lower price cap, but challenges remain with fossil fuel reliance. [ more ]
3 months ago
UK news

Energy bills: How are Labour and Conservatives proposing to help households?

Household energy bills to drop by 12.3% with Ofgem's price cap decrease.
Average household gas and electricity bill to fall from 1,928 to 1,690 per year. [ more ]
3 months ago
UK news

Energy expert predicts how much bills are going to fall by

Households will see a significant drop in energy bills, lowest in over two years.
UK energy prices to fall due to lower price cap, but challenges remain with fossil fuel reliance. [ more ]
4 months ago
UK news

Labour finally ditches its 28bn green investment promise

Labour is scrapping its pledge to spend 28bn a year on green investment in government.
Labour will instead focus on previously-announced plans to get Britain off fossil fuels. [ more ]
4 months ago
Left-wing politics

Big Agriculture and Big Oil Join Forces to Lobby for Clean Energy Credits

Biomethane gas produced by factory farms is being advocated for renewable energy tax credits by a gas industry trade association.
Environmental groups warn that subsidizing the burning of biomethane gas could prolong dependence on fossil fuels and support gas company infrastructure. [ more ]
5 months ago
Left-wing politics

As the Planet Boils, Corporate Media Still Carry Water for Fossil Fuel Giants

The president of COP28, Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, faced criticism for his defense of fossil fuels and rumors of making oil deals.
The mainstream media often underreport the impact of the oil and gas industry on climate change and downplay the forces that keep us dependent on fossil fuels. [ more ]
5 months ago

2024 is the year the world could reach peak coal use. But it's a tough habit to quit | CBC News

Coal consumption in power plants is expected to peak before decreasing in the coming years.
The forecast for peak coal consumption in 2024 is based on China's potential economic rebound. [ more ]
5 months ago

2024 is the year the world could reach peak coal use. But it's a tough habit to quit | CBC News

Coal consumption in power plants is expected to peak before decreasing in the coming years.
The forecast for peak coal consumption in 2024 is based on China's potential economic rebound. [ more ]
5 months ago

2024 is the year the world could reach peak coal use. But it's a tough habit to quit | CBC News

Coal consumption in power plants is expected to peak before decreasing in the coming years.
The forecast for peak coal consumption in 2024 is based on China's potential economic rebound. [ more ]
5 months ago

2024 is the year the world could reach peak coal use. But it's a tough habit to quit | CBC News

Coal consumption in power plants is expected to peak before decreasing in the coming years.
The forecast for peak coal consumption in 2024 is based on China's potential economic rebound. [ more ]
5 months ago

Surviving Cancer Made Me Realize the Importance of the Climate Crisis

Cancer rates are on the rise and approximately 40% of people in the US will develop cancer.
There is a strong connection between the environment, specifically fossil fuels, and the increase in cancer cases. [ more ]
5 months ago

Surviving Cancer Made Me Realize the Importance of the Climate Crisis

Cancer rates are on the rise and approximately 40% of people in the US will develop cancer.
There is a strong connection between the environment, specifically fossil fuels, and the increase in cancer cases. [ more ]
5 months ago

Surviving Cancer Made Me Realize the Importance of the Climate Crisis

Cancer rates are on the rise and approximately 40% of people in the US will develop cancer.
There is a strong connection between the environment, specifically fossil fuels, and the increase in cancer cases. [ more ]
5 months ago

Surviving Cancer Made Me Realize the Importance of the Climate Crisis

Cancer rates are on the rise and approximately 40% of people in the US will develop cancer.
There is a strong connection between the environment, specifically fossil fuels, and the increase in cancer cases. [ more ]
5 months ago
Public health

Surviving Cancer Made Me Realize the Importance of the Climate Crisis

Cancer rates are on the rise and approximately 40% of people in the US will develop cancer.
There is a strong connection between the environment, specifically fossil fuels, and the increase in cancer cases. [ more ]
5 months ago

COP29 Host Azerbaijan Plans to Raise Gas Production by a Third Over Next Decade

Azerbaijan plans to increase gas production by a third over the next 10 years.
Global Witness raises concerns about Azerbaijan hosting the next UN Climate Change Conference due to its reliance on fossil fuels. [ more ]
The Washington Times
6 months ago

Biden officials warned against EPA's plan to ban fossil fuels from electrical grid

President Biden's new rule to end power plant emissions is facing opposition from administration officials.
The proposed rule relies on technologies that are either too expensive or not feasible on a large scale. [ more ]
"Australia Backed a Global Transition From Fossil Fuels at COP28 – But Scientists Are 'Devastated'" by Aleksandra Bliszczyk (@aleksbliszczyk) for Vice Australia (@viceau)

6 months ago

Australia Backed Transition From Fossil Fuels at COP28

198 countries agreed to transition away from fossil fuels at the COP28 summit in Dubai.
The deal calls for achieving net zero by 2050 in a just and equitable manner. [ more ]
6 months ago

Why Deleting Carbon From the Atmosphere Is So Controversial

Nations have agreed to transition away from fossil fuels for the first time ever.
Carbon removal technologies are mentioned as a strategy to bring temperatures down. [ more ]
Ars Technica
6 months ago
OMG science

New COP28 agreement calls for "transitioning away from fossil fuels"

The closing agreement at the UN's COP28 meeting includes a call for a transition away from fossil fuels, aligning with the implications of the Paris Treaty.
The Global Stocktake document acknowledges incremental progress but highlights the need for more aggressive measures to meet climate goals. [ more ]
6 months ago

Climate Summit Ends With An Agreement - But It Won't Be Enough

The COP28 climate summit in Dubai ended without a deal to phase out fossil fuels, despite pleas from island nations
The agreement calls for transitioning away from fossil fuels in a just manner, achieving net zero by 2050 [ more ]
6 months ago

Why Deleting Carbon From the Atmosphere Is So Controversial

Nations have agreed to transition away from fossil fuels for the first time ever.
Carbon removal technologies are mentioned as a strategy to bring temperatures down. [ more ]
Ars Technica
6 months ago
OMG science

New COP28 agreement calls for "transitioning away from fossil fuels"

The closing agreement at the UN's COP28 meeting includes a call for a transition away from fossil fuels, aligning with the implications of the Paris Treaty.
The Global Stocktake document acknowledges incremental progress but highlights the need for more aggressive measures to meet climate goals. [ more ]
6 months ago

Climate Summit Ends With An Agreement - But It Won't Be Enough

The COP28 climate summit in Dubai ended without a deal to phase out fossil fuels, despite pleas from island nations
The agreement calls for transitioning away from fossil fuels in a just manner, achieving net zero by 2050 [ more ]
6 months ago
World news

Will the End of Fossil Fuels Spoil the Lucky Country's Streak?

Australia's reliance on natural resources like coal and natural gas has contributed to its economic success
Transitioning to a fossil-fuel-free world would pose challenges for Australia's growth model [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe news

Thursday Briefing

Countries at the U.N. climate summit in Dubai agreed to transition away from fossil fuels and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
The summit took place in a petrostate, highlighting the contrast between oil-producing nations and those vulnerable to climate change. [ more ]
6 months ago

Indigenous people and climate justice groups say Cop28 was business as usual'

Developed countries hailed the Cop28 agreement as historic, but Indigenous people and climate justice groups criticized it as unfair and business as usual.
Many developed countries pushed for a phase-out of fossil fuels, but developing countries emphasized the need for a fair and funded transition. [ more ]
6 months ago
Left-wing politics

Final COP28 Deal Bears the Fingerprints of the Fossil Fuel Industry

The COP28 climate summit in Dubai ended with an agreement that explicitly endorses a move away from fossil fuels.
The agreement, called the UAE Consensus, includes escape hatches that allow the fossil fuel industry to continue operating in ways that contradict efforts to address climate change. [ more ]
6 months ago

COP28 Climate Summit Deal Called 'Historic.' Now Countries Must Follow Through

Climate talks in Dubai ended with a deal to curb fossil fuel use, though many see it as 30 years too late.
The agreement commits countries to transition away from fossil fuels before 2030, but also sanctions their use during the transition. [ more ]
6 months ago

The age of fossil fuels will end': Australia's Chris Bowen hails Cop28 agreement

The Cop28 climate summit agrees to transition away from fossil fuels
The agreement does not include an explicit commitment to phase out fossil fuels [ more ]
6 months ago

COP28 Climate Summit Deal Called 'Historic.' Now Countries Must Follow Through

Climate talks in Dubai ended with a deal to curb fossil fuel use, though many see it as 30 years too late.
The agreement commits countries to transition away from fossil fuels before 2030, but also sanctions their use during the transition. [ more ]
6 months ago

The age of fossil fuels will end': Australia's Chris Bowen hails Cop28 agreement

The Cop28 climate summit agrees to transition away from fossil fuels
The agreement does not include an explicit commitment to phase out fossil fuels [ more ]
The Verge
6 months ago

The world came tantalizingly close to a deal to phase out fossil fuels

The recent climate negotiations in the UAE fell short of reaching a global deal to phase out the use of coal, oil, and gas.
Despite this setback, there were some key wins for clean energy and efforts to transition away from fossil fuels. [ more ]
6 months ago
Canada news

COP28 reaches tentative climate deal calling for 'transitioning away from fossil fuels' | CBC News

A new tentative deal has been reached at COP28, signaling a desire to move away from fossil fuels to address climate change.
The proposed agreement at COP28 would be groundbreaking as it explicitly addresses the need to transition away from oil, gas, and coal. [ more ]
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