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1 month ago

Emily Henry on 'Funny Story,' Romance Novel Tropes, and Adapting Her Books into Movies

Emily Henry is considering adjusting her publishing schedule to accommodate for film and TV adaptations of her books. [ more ]
1 month ago

A guide to Stephen King : Pop Culture Happy Hour

Stephen King is a highly successful writer with over 50 books and numerous film adaptations.
This article revisits Stephen King's career with the 50th anniversary of his first novel, Carrie, being highlighted. [ more ]
2 months ago

The Beast': Henry James' universe looks towards a future filled with artificial intelligence and incels

Two French directors, Patric Chiha and Bertrand Bonello, created film adaptations of the same Henry James story, 'The Beast in the Jungle,' offering unique perspectives but not reaching cinematic excellence.
The Beast in the Jungle by Chiha and The Beast by Bonello explore the theme of unfulfilled love between a man and a woman throughout different eras, with Bonello adding a science fiction twist to the narrative. [ more ]
PinkNews | Latest lesbian, gay, bi and trans news | LGBTQ+ news
3 months ago
Black Lives Matter

The Color Purple star calls out queer erasure: 'It's about Black lesbians'

The Color Purple adaptations criticized for erasing queer relationship at the heart of the story. [ more ]
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