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3 days ago
Black Lives Matter

The $1T question of how to address Black inequality

BEA Foundation provides actionable interventions for sustainable economic outcomes for Black communities. [ more ]
1 week ago

Gary Stevenson: Economists have been all wrong about almost everything for 15 years now'

Inequality in the economy is escalating, often unrecognized by economists; the power of personal narratives can be a more impactful means of conveying political messages than traditional economic texts. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Left-wing politics

We're in a pivotal moment in American history. We cannot retreat | Bernie Sanders

Americans have faced pivotal moments in history, shaping the nation's trajectory. [ more ]
2 weeks ago


Detroit's transformation showcases a cyclical narrative of rebirth through art and culture amid persistent economic challenges. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Opinion | If It Bleeds It Leads, Inflation Edition

Wages for lower-paid workers have risen substantially faster than wages for the highly paid during the pandemic, contrary to popular belief. [ more ]
1 month ago
Black Lives Matter

After Apartheid

South Africa's transition from apartheid to democracy has not fully delivered economic equality for Black communities. [ more ]
Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly
1 month ago
Black Lives Matter

Why Philanthropy Must Support Labor Justice - Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly

Historic worker uprising in the US fueled by stagnant wages and increased unionization, reshaping labor market dynamics. [ more ]
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Biden Bashes Trump as a Pawn of Billionaires as He Lays Out His Tax Plan

President Biden criticizes Trump for benefiting the wealthy and emphasizes fair taxes and economic policies [ more ]
1 month ago

The Relentless Cost of Chronic Diseases

Gray diseases like Long COVID, Lyme, endometriosis, and chronic pain can have unclear causes and multiple possible cures.
People with gray diseases often face challenges in receiving adequate care, especially due to economic factors. [ more ]
2 months ago
Social justice

Why the world cannot afford the rich

Economic inequality is detrimental, with the affluent 1% capturing a disproportionate share of global wealth and emitting high levels of carbon dioxide.
Income inequality leads to societal dysfunction, impacting various aspects like health, crime rates, and overall well-being. [ more ]
2 months ago
UK politics

The Guardian view on the budget: plans to placate backbench critics, not meet the nation's needs | Editorial

Jeremy Hunt's austerity policies are not working, leading to higher taxes for millions and cuts to frontline services.
While appealing to wealthy taxpayers with tax rate reductions, Mr. Hunt's policies result in increased taxes for millions and neglect of essential services. [ more ]
Chicago Tribune
4 months ago

With new farm bill in the works, Illinois farmers go to Washington to urge investments in environmental justice

Illinois small farmers are meeting with members of Congress to discuss their hopes for significant financial investment and protections in the next farm bill.
They are seeking investments and protections to reduce economic inequality, build resilience to climate change, and improve access to nutritious food and sustainable systems. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
4 months ago
Los Angeles

These L.A. residents got $1,000 a month. What happened after the cash stopped?

The city of Los Angeles disbursed $38.4 million to 3,200 residents through its guaranteed-income pilot program.
Participants received monthly cash deposits for 12 months and could use the money however they saw fit. [ more ]
4 months ago

Opinion | Trump Has Ushered in the Age of the Great Misalignment'

The upcoming election is taking place during a time of cultural and racial conflict, economic inequality, and a divided electorate.
Experts are expressing shared pessimism and concern that the U.S. may be at a critical juncture with less ability to reform itself and correct mistakes compared to previous difficult moments in history. [ more ]
San Jose Spotlight
5 months ago
Social justice

'Dying to stay here': The plight of Black people in Silicon Valley - San Jose Spotlight

A local economist in Santa Clara County is launching a video and podcast project to bring attention to the disparities faced by African Americans in the region.
The project highlights employment disparities, including the trend of African Americans being the last to reach full employment and the first to be laid off during recessions. [ more ]
5 months ago
NYC politics

White households net worth 15x higher than Black households: Report

A new report by New York City Comptroller Brad Lander highlights significant racial wealth disparities in New York State and City.
The report reveals disparities in net household wealth, home values, retirement savings, investment income, and student debt. [ more ]
5 months ago
UK politics

Britain's rich are living in a golden era. Labour should not be scared to end it | Andy Beckett

Growing wealth inequality in the UK has led to a stark divide between the rich and the poor
Austerity policies implemented by the Conservative government since 2010 have exacerbated the funding crisis in public services [ more ]
Chicago Tribune
1 year ago

Will Johnson: Is Brandon Johnson up to the task? Even many of his supporters have doubts.

When Brandon Johnson is sworn in next week as Chicago's 57th mayor, he will report to a public that is thoroughly aligned on the issues that most urgently need his attention.Their to-do list, whether or not they voted for him, starts with public safety and taxes followed in short order by affordable housing, economic inequality and public education.
1 year ago

8 New Books to Read or Give This Mother's Day

The topic of motherhood may be universaleveryone has something to say about the experience of mothering, being mothered, or the absence thereofbut it's far from simple.For some, motherhood can be a source of joy and strength; for others, it's a reminder of pain, loss, or frustration.This spring, motherhood takes center stage in a number of new books that explore the diversity of what it means to be a mother, to do mothering work, to receive caregiving from a mother or mother figure, or, in some cases, to divest from it.
1 year ago

What if you could buy wishes? An Egyptian fantasy comic does some wishful thinking

An self-portrait of Deena Mohamed, author of the graphic novel Shubeik Lubeik a fantasy story of making wishes in modern-day Egypt.Deena Mohamed If Egyptian comics artist and writer Deena Mohamed ever encountered a genie, she knows what she'd wish for.She'd wish for everyone she loved to live to age 120.
1 year ago
UK news

Disadvantaged pupils fall further behind peers in reading and maths, study shows

Disadvantaged seven and eight year-old pupils were nine months behind their peers in reading skills and eight months behind in maths, according to new research into how the pandemic has affected the attainment gap.The gap has widened since before the pandemic and has remained at a similar level since spring 2021, research by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) and National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) said.
1 year ago

My15: Stella Donnelly Shares the Playlist of Songs She's Had on Repeat Since 2007

Australian indie rocker Stella Donnelly has spent the last few years establishing herself as a powerhouse songwriter, from her 2019 debut Beware of the Dogs to this year's .
The Independent
1 year ago
UK news

Prince Charles guest edits anniversary edition of The Voice

Prince Charles has guest edited the 40th anniversary edition of British Black newspaper , featuring interviews with Idris Elba and Baroness Doreen Lawrence.
1 year ago
East Bay (California)

Peter Thiel says moving to Florida from Silicon Valley is too expensive

By Michael Smith | Bloomberg Billionaire tech investor Peter Thiel said he's reluctant to move his operations to Florida from Silicon Valley because housing prices have soared.If you buy a house in Miami today versus just three years ago, you're paying four times as much for a monthly mortgage payment, Thiel said on the podcast Honestly with Bari Weiss.
1 year ago
London food

The tipping point: should we leave 20% or more for waiters even if we're just having coffee?

Name: Tips.Age: Unclear, but a tip-like custom emerged in Tudor England where wealthy guests left money for house servants after a stay.Appearance: Some coppers and a supermarket trolley token?20%?More?No one knows.Ah, the bonus course of sweaty awkwardness after coffee and before coats.I never know what to tip.
1 year ago
UK politics

UK MP and peer on Kazakhstan visit denied access to opposition leader

A high-profile trip by two senior UK parliamentarians to Kazakhstan to examine its human rights record has almost immediately run into trouble as they were denied access to a jailed opposition leader who is the focus of the visit.The former director of public prosecutions Ken Macdonald and the former justice secretary Robert Buckland were not permitted to meet the head of the unregistered Democratic party of Kazakhstan, Zhanbolat Mamai, or senior Kazakh diplomats.
1 year ago
Left-wing politics

A Wealth Tax on the 0.25 Percent Could Fund Biden's Entire Student Debt Plan

If a modest 2 percent wealth tax on a fraction of the richest households in the U.S. was in place this year, it would have raised enough funds to pay for the next three decades of President Joe Biden's student debt cancellation plan, new data shows.
Washington Post
2 years ago

Analysis | The Woman Who Might Lead Italy to the Far Right

Markets and investors were relieved by the victory of Emmanuel Macron over euroskeptic Marine Le Pen in the French presidential elections last month.But they shouldn't put their guard down.
1 year ago

Celeste Ng makes the case for art as a weapon against oppression in her new novel

Celeste Ng's Our Missing Hearts is not exactly dystopian or alternate history, as many events described in her latest novel have in fact happened, or are thinly disguised versions of real-life tragedies.
1 year ago
Left-wing politics

CEO Pay Has Grown By 1,460 Percent Since 1978, as Workers' Wages Stagnate

While workers' wages have stagnated in comparison to productivity over the past four decades, CEO pay in the U.S. has skyrocketed at a rate far outpacing the growth of the economy and productivity, a new report by the Economic Policy Institute (EPI) finds.
Washington Post
1 year ago
DC food

Review | A Disney scion takes on the Mouse House in 'The American Dream'

"The American Dream and Other Fairy Tales" begins like a personal essay.
1 year ago

Bank of England Steps in to Restore Stability After IMF Warning

LONDON The Bank of England said Wednesday that it will launch a temporary government bond-buying program to stave off material risk to UK financial stability after unfunded government tax cuts spooked markets and sent the British pound tumbling.
1 year ago
Europe news

Prince Charles edits British Black newspaper 'The Voice'

In this Monday, March 9, 2020, photo, Britain's Prince Charles and Camilla the Duchess of Cornwall, in the background, leave after attending the annual Commonwealth Day service at Westminster Abbey in London.
1 year ago
Independent films

New Film 'My Name Is Andrea' Depicts the Many Sides of Feminist Andrea Dworkin

My Name is Andrea receives its Bay Area premiere July 23 at the Castro as part of the San Francisco Jewish Film Festival (July 21-Aug.
The Verge
1 year ago

Jay-Z and Jack Dorsey criticized for launching 'Bitcoin Academy' in rapper's childhood home

Rapper Jay-Z and Twitter founder Jack Dorsey have teamed up to launch a bitcoin-focused financial literacy project named The Bitcoin Academy.
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