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1 month ago
Europe politics

EU chief visits Lebanon amid Syria migrant surge to Cyprus DW 05/02/2024

The European Commission President is planning to provide economic aid to Lebanon in exchange for help in slowing down migration to the EU. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

European Union announces an $8 billion aid package for Egypt as concerns mount over migration

EU announced 7.4 billion-euro aid package for Egypt to address economic pressures and migration concerns.
The aid package includes grants and loans over three years, aiming to deepen EU-Egypt cooperation in various areas. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe politics

EU chief visits Lebanon amid Syria migrant surge to Cyprus DW 05/02/2024

The European Commission President is planning to provide economic aid to Lebanon in exchange for help in slowing down migration to the EU. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

European Union announces an $8 billion aid package for Egypt as concerns mount over migration

EU announced 7.4 billion-euro aid package for Egypt to address economic pressures and migration concerns.
The aid package includes grants and loans over three years, aiming to deepen EU-Egypt cooperation in various areas. [ more ]
2 months ago
World news

China reaffirms ties with North Korea in high-level meeting

China reinforces ties with North Korea through high-level visit, emphasizing further development of relations. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

As Ukraine's economy burns, Russia clings to a semblance of prosperity

Ukraine faced severe economic challenges due to the war against Russia.
Despite the challenges, Ukraine's economy shows resilience with support. [ more ]
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