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3 days ago
Black Lives Matter

Defying the stereotype of Black resilience

Kaela S. Singleton co-founded Black In Neuro to provide support, mentorship, and professional development for Black neuroscience researchers and allies. [ more ]
5 days ago

I had my white colleagues walk in a Black student's shoes for a day

Freeman Hrabowski's bold actions and commitment to Black student success in STEM have significantly increased diversity in scientific disciplines. [ more ]
Inside Higher Ed | Higher Education News, Events and Jobs
1 week ago
Women in technology

Study: gender gaps persist for female scientists

Female biomedical researchers receiving more grants, but senior scientists receive the majority, leaving junior female scientists with fewer opportunities. [ more ]
1 month ago
OMG science

World's Largest Digital Camera Built in the Bay Area to Illuminate Mysteries of the Universe | KQED

The world's biggest digital camera, installed by SLAC scientists, will survey the southern night sky for the next decade. [ more ]
1 month ago
Media industry

Which scientists get mentioned in the news? Mostly ones with Anglo names, says study

Scientists with Asian or African names were 15% less likely to be mentioned in media coverage of research. [ more ]
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