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5 days ago
Europe news

Ukraine war briefing: Poland to restrict Russian diplomats' movements

Poland announced restrictions on Russian diplomats' movements, prompting Russian retaliation. Poland also plans to purchase missiles from the US to counter potential Russian threats. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Europe news

Russia to expel UK defence attache in a tit-for-tat move

Russia declares UK's defence attache persona non grata in response to London expelling Russian attache over espionage allegations. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Europe news

UK to expel Russian attache over Moscow's dangerous activities'

The British government expels a Russian military intelligence officer amid concerns over Moscow's intelligence operations in the UK. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Europe news

UK to expel Russian defence attache as sanctions escalate

Expulsion of Russian defence attache due to undeclared military intelligence role amid sanctions escalation. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Europe news

James Cleverly announces expulsion of Russian diplomat for spying

The UK expels a senior Russian diplomat over alleged spying and ties to an attack on a commercial property in London. [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe news

Russia arrests South Korean over alleged spying DW 03/12/2024

South Korean missionary arrested in Russia for alleged espionage aiding North Koreans in defection.
Espionage in Russia carries up to 20 years in jail. [ more ]
1 week ago
London politics

Sadiq Khan: Embassies' millions in unpaid congestion charge is 'beyond my pay grade'

The row over unpaid congestion charge fines by embassies in London stems from a dispute over an international convention Mayor has no power to change. [ more ]
1 week ago
World news

Taiwan ramps up security for new president's inauguration amid China threat

Increased Chinese military presence around Taiwan before Lai Ching-te's inauguration ceremony. [ more ]
The American Conservative
4 months ago
World news

Preparing for the Big One: Should America Battle China Over Taiwan?

Taiwanese voters elected Vice President Lai Ching-te as the new president, sending a message of defiance to China.
China's patience with Taiwan appears to be waning, with President Xi Jinping insisting on resolving the issue and military operations being conducted nearby. [ more ]
4 months ago
World news

Nauru seals diplomatic ties with China after dumping Taiwan

Nauru and China have agreed to resume diplomatic relations after Nauru severed ties with Taiwan.
China has been gradually poaching Taiwan's diplomatic allies as part of its strategy to punish the ruling Democratic Progressive Party. [ more ]
4 months ago
World news

Here's How China Has Responded to Countries Congratulating Taiwan's Election Winner

China is expressing its displeasure and rebuking any country that congratulates Taiwan's new president, Lai Ching-te.
The United States and Denmark have received diplomatic warnings from China for offering congratulations to Lai and recognizing Taiwan's democratic process. [ more ]
4 months ago
World news

Taiwan Loses Ally to China After Electing President Loathed by Beijing

Taiwan lost a diplomatic ally in its rivalry with China as Nauru severs diplomatic relations.
Taiwan believes that China orchestrated Nauru's decision to sever ties in response to the election of a leader viewed as a separatist. [ more ]
4 months ago
World news

Pacific Island Nation of Nauru Severs Ties With Post-Election Taiwan in Favor of China

Nauru switches diplomatic recognition from Taiwan to China, reducing Taiwan's diplomatic allies to 12 worldwide.
China claims Taiwan as its territory and has been peeling off Taiwan's diplomatic allies in recent years. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Europe news

Key takeaways from Xi Jinping's European tour to France, Serbia and Hungary

Chinese President Xi Jinping pushes for a more multipolar world during his European tour. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
France politics

Xi's European tour: where is Chinese leader going and what are visit's aims?

Xi Jinping's three-country tour of Europe focuses on trade disputes, Russia-Ukraine tensions, and commemorating diplomatic relations with France. [ more ]
5 months ago
World news

Why Everyone Wants to Be Vietnam's Friend

Chinese leader Xi Jinping visited Vietnam this week to strengthen ties
Vietnam is gaining importance as a center of great power rivalry [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Europe news

Russian trade site loses diplomatic status after being 'used for spying'

Expulsion of Russian defense attache from the UK and closure of diplomatic premises due to alleged espionage activities. [ more ]
1 month ago
Germany news

Germany's China envoy summoned by Beijing over spying claims DW 04/25/2024

German ambassador to China summoned after Germans arrested for spying for Beijing. [ more ]
1 month ago
France politics

Burkina Faso kicks out three French diplomats over subversive activities'

Burkina Faso has ordered three French diplomats to leave within 48 hours due to alleged subversive activities, marking a decline in relations with France. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Europe news

Xi Jinping begins first European tour in five years in France

Chinese President Xi Jinping aims to repair ties with Western Europe while facing scrutiny over China's stance on Russia's war in Ukraine. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Europe politics

China's Xi visits Europe: A divide-and-charm offensive? DW 05/05/2024

EU-China relations have deteriorated since 2019, trade deal on hold due to sanctions and EU's stricter stance on China.
French President Macron hosts Chinese President Xi Jinping in Paris, focusing on divisions over Russia's war in Ukraine. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Left-wing politics

Karine Jean-Pierre Pressed By Reporters On Biden Calling Key Ally Japan Xenophobic': Does the President Want to Apologize?'

Biden referred to Japan as xenophobic due to their immigration policies, emphasizing the positive impact of immigrants on the U.S. economy. [ more ]
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Biden Says Israel Has Improved Aid Flow to Gaza but Must Do More

President Biden praised Israel's improved aid delivery to Gaza but emphasized the need for additional action.
Biden mentioned that he was blunt with Netanyahu and expects further commitments to be met in terms of aid access. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe news

French police forcing migrants into Channel crossings in record number

Migrants are pushed to attempt channel crossings due to aggressive actions by French police funded by Britain, facing destruction of camps and increased risks of dangerous journeys. [ more ]
Irish Independent
1 month ago
Europe politics

Justice department refuses to publish migrant deal as UK casts doubt on whether it contains any legal obligations

Agreements between countries should be honored. [ more ]
1 month ago
San Francisco

'Cute, cuddly' giant pandas will soon call SF home, mayor says

Pandas from China to be housed at San Francisco Zoo as part of diplomatic relations. [ more ]
1 month ago
France politics

Burkina Faso junta expels 3 French diplomats over alleged 'subversion'

The military Junta in Burkina Faso has expelled French diplomats amid deteriorating relations with France. [ more ]
1 month ago
France politics

French, UK troops swap guards to mark 120 years of friendship since Entente Cordiale

Troops from France and Britain swapped roles for changing of the guard ceremonies to mark 120 years since the Entente Cordiale.
The Entente Cordiale agreement in 1904 solidified the Franco-British relationship, serving as a foundation for their alliance amidst global conflicts. [ more ]
4 months ago
France politics

Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey Sign Memorandum On Black Sea Demining Operation

France accuses Azerbaijan of holding French national arbitrarily
France demands the immediate release of the detained French citizen [ more ]
4 months ago
France politics

29 Ukrainians Refused Evacuation From Gaza, Kyiv's Israeli Envoy Says

France accuses Azerbaijan of holding French national arbitrarily
France demands immediate release of detained citizen [ more ]
4 months ago
France politics

Zelenskiy's Baltic Blitz: Ukraine's President Shores Up Support On Surprise Tour

France accuses Azerbaijan of holding a French national arbitrarily and demands his release.
The French Foreign Ministry confirms the detention and demands immediate release. [ more ]
1 month ago
Black Lives Matter

Venezuela shuts diplomatic office in Ecuador to protest Mexico embassy raid

Venezuelan President denounces police raid on Mexican embassy as 'act of barbarism' and plans to close embassy and consulates in Ecuador in protest. [ more ]
1 month ago
Black Lives Matter

Ecuador ex-VP Jorge Glas hospitalised after capture from Mexico embassy

Ecuador defends raid on embassy despite wanting to resolve differences with Mexico
Former vice president of Ecuador hospitalized after not eating for 24 hours in prison [ more ]
3 months ago
Canada news

Canada Restores Visa Requirement for Mexican Visitors

Canada requires visas for Mexican nationals due to surge in asylum requests
Visa mandate reintroduced after number of Mexican asylum claims soared [ more ]
BBC News
1 month ago
France politics

Swapping of the Guards: UK and France celebrate friendship

British and French troops participated in a ceremonial swap at iconic landmarks in Paris and London.
The Entente Cordiale agreements were commemorated for enhancing diplomatic relations between the UK and France. [ more ]
1 month ago
France politics

Watch live: Royal family join parade celebrating French Entente anniversary

France participates in the traditional ceremony outside Buckingham Palace for the first time as part of the Entente Cordiale anniversary celebration.
The ceremony commemorates the historic diplomatic agreement between Britain and France, symbolizing their collaboration during the world wars. [ more ]
Slate Magazine
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Just How Mad Is Joe Biden at Israel, Really?

The Biden administration is showing a willingness to condition military aid to Israel based on its military's conduct.
There is a shift in the US government's tone towards Israeli military actions. [ more ]
1 month ago
Black Lives Matter

Why are Somalia and Ethiopia in a deepening diplomatic dispute?

Somaliland deal provides Ethiopia access to Red Sea, straining relations with Somalia.
Diplomatic dispute arises over agreement, sparking concerns of wider consequences. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe news

Diplomatic spat erupts between Poland and Israel after WCK killings in Gaza

Accusations of anti-Semitism following the killing of aid workers sparked a diplomatic crisis between Poland and Israel.
Israel's ambassador blamed extreme elements in Poland for accusing Israel of intentional murder and emphasized Israel's stance against anti-Semitism. [ more ]
3 months ago
Black Lives Matter

Gaza to football: Brazil, Israel and a love-hate relationship

Brazil and Israel relations strained over comments
Brazil condemns attacks on Israel and criticizes Gaza war [ more ]
2 months ago
World news

How we got to 'Made in China'

Carl Crow, an American in China, foresaw tremendous economic opportunities in China before political turmoil disrupted trade.
The trade relationship between the U.S. and China went through significant changes and resurgence in the 1970s, leading to rapid economic transformations. [ more ]
2 months ago
France news

Niger revokes military cooperation with US, junta spokesperson says

Niger government ended military cooperation with the US following discussions about the junta's trajectory.
US still has troops in Niger despite strained relations due to the coup and limited assistance. [ more ]
2 months ago
World news

Afghanistan's Taliban strive to expand regional links DW 03/12/2024

The Taliban hosted an international conference to enhance regional cooperation with 11 countries attending.
China has demonstrated a willingness to engage diplomatically with the Taliban regime despite not officially recognizing them. [ more ]
5 months ago
World news

Xi visits Vietnam as China seeks to counter US influence DW 12/12/2023

Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Vietnam to discuss a shared future amidst tensions with the US.
37 deals on diplomatic relations, railways, and telecommunications projects were signed between China and Vietnam. [ more ]
5 months ago
World news

China's Xi on visit to Vietnam months after Hanoi strengthened ties with US

President Xi Jinping is visiting Vietnam to deepen ties between the two countries.
Both China and Vietnam are vying for influence in the region as Hanoi strengthens its diplomatic relations with Western countries. [ more ]
2 months ago
UK news

Ministers deny plans for May election but face calls to explain summit cancellation

Government denies plans for a May election amidst uncertainty over postponed Africa investment summit.
Labour accuses government of disrespecting allies by keeping top diplomat in the dark about summit postponement. [ more ]
2 months ago
UK news

Minister confronted over Donald Trump is a cancer' tweet

MP Bim Afolami defended calling Trump a cancer as appropriate
He affirmed the UK will have a good relationship with any elected US President [ more ]
3 months ago
Germany news

Germany's Steinmeier seeks deal with mineral-rich Mongolia DW 02/07/2024

Germany seeks to reduce its reliance on Russia by expanding its relations with Mongolia.
Mongolia is interested in widening its relations both politically and economically with Germany. [ more ]
East Asia Forum
4 months ago
World news

Solid processes yield mixed outcomes in US-East Asia relations | East Asia Forum

The United States and China continue to have tensions on various issues, as symbolized by the shooting down of a suspected Chinese spy balloon.
Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida announced an increase in defense expenditure, which was welcomed by the United States. [ more ]
4 months ago
France politics

India rolls out red carpet for Macron as France hopes to build on trade deals

President Macron visits India with the aim of strengthening diplomatic and economic relations.
France hopes to secure lucrative deals in the military and nuclear sectors with India. [ more ]
4 months ago
World news

Iran and Pakistan rebuilding diplomatic ties following tit-for-tat strikes

Iran and Pakistan have announced that they will resume diplomatic relations after recently swapping air strikes.
The mutual strikes targeted what both sides called terrorist groups in the regions around their mutual border. [ more ]
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