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4 years ago
Digital life

How to Shut Up Your Gadgets at Night So You Can Sleep

Set Do Not Disturb hours on Android and iOS for improved sleep hygiene.
Utilize Bedtime mode on Android devices or Downtime on iOS for more specific control over notifications.
Configure smart speakers like Google and Amazon's Echo to stay silent during designated hours, ensuring uninterrupted sleep. [ more ]
1 month ago

Megan Thee Stallion Deleted Instagram Off Her Phone, Loves Another App

Social media has both positive and negative aspects, with the potential to be exhausting or harmful due to excessive use.
Megan Thee Stallion highlighted Pinterest as her preferred app for curating content, enjoying the ability to tailor her feed to her interests. [ more ]
2 months ago
Digital life

Scroll on: why your screen-time habits aren't as bad as you think they are

Screen time is a fairly meaningless concept; we should focus on the quality of content and context.
Smartphone addiction is not a formal clinical disorder, but we tend to frame our relationships with smartphones in addiction terms. [ more ]
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