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1 month ago
Digital life

The New Hot Handset Is a Cute and Transparent Dumb Phone You Can't Buy

Companies are introducing simplistic feature phones like The Boring Phone to counter smartphone addiction. [ more ]
4 months ago
Digital life

For five years, my flip phone has changed my life for the better. Yes, I get lost a lot

Many people are choosing to switch from smartphones to flip phones in order to reduce their dependence on technology and improve their quality of life.
Some people view the trend of using flip phones as a form of nostalgia or a temporary experiment, while others, like the author, have fully embraced the switch and continue to use flip phones as their main device. [ more ]
Scary Mommy
1 month ago
Digital life

Why I Stopped Posting Most Of My Personal Life On Social Media

Taking a break from social media and excessive phone usage can lead to increased presence, happiness, and personal fulfillment. [ more ]
2 months ago
Digital life

What We Gained (and Lost) When Our Daughter Unplugged for a School Year

Handwritten letters as a way to stay connected with a child in a digital-free environment
Australian schools implementing digital detox programs for students [ more ]
Creative Bloq
3 months ago
Digital life

The Barbie flip phone sounds like Gen Z's dream

HMD and Mattel create Barbie flip phone for retro experience
Increased interest in digital detoxes drives nostalgia for Y2K tech [ more ]
3 months ago
Digital life

Disconnect Me review man attempts digital cold turkey in personal-challenge journey

The film focuses on Alex Lykos attempting a 30-day digital detox, exploring smartphone usage statistics and history.
The documentary navigates between lighter, informative sections and denser, speculative areas without detailed sourcing. [ more ]
3 months ago

How Long Is Too Long to Stay in Bed?

Hurkle-durkling trend celebrates leisure time in bed
Setting limits on morning relaxation in bed is essential to avoid stress [ more ]
4 months ago
Digital life

I went to a cabin in the woods without my phone. Could I break its spell?

Using a forest retreat as a digital detox is a popular trend among burnt-out professionals.
Being phoneless in nature can lead to deeper conversations and self-reflection. [ more ]
4 months ago
Digital life

How to Reset Your Relationship With Tech (for Real This Time)

The author experienced a surprisingly easy disconnection from technology during a week-long retreat in nature.
The author questions how to release the hold that technology has on her outside of a retreat environment. [ more ]
5 months ago
Digital life

Here's how to stay off social media in 2024

Deleting social media apps can significantly improve mental health and productivity.
Putting obstacles in the way, such as muting notifications or bundling them, can help limit social media's grip on your attention. [ more ]
6 months ago
Digital life

4 tips for a successful digital 'detox'

Identify what's driving your stress or unhappiness
Tech companies should help users implement research-backed digital detox strategies [ more ]
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