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LogRocket Blog
1 month ago
UX design

Combating addictive design is the UX challenge of 2024 - LogRocket Blog

New rules are needed to combat digital addiction, as European Parliament assesses the impact of addictive apps and platforms. [ more ]
3 months ago
UX design

Evolving the User Experience to Curb Digital Addiction

Social media apps affect users' behaviors through addictive design and algorithms.
UX design should prioritize promoting healthier digital habits. [ more ]
5 months ago
UX design

Pressing necessity of UX Evolution in curbing digital addiction

The rapid growth of smartphones has resulted in a surge in app usage and dependency.
Major organizations in the social media industry have misused design principles to make their apps addictive. [ more ]
5 months ago
UX design

Pressing necessity of UX Evolution in curbing digital addiction

The rapid growth of smartphones has resulted in a surge in app usage and dependency.
Major organizations in the social media industry have misused design principles to make their apps addictive. [ more ]
3 months ago
UX design

Evolving the User Experience to Curb Digital Addiction

Social media apps affect users' behaviors through addictive design and algorithms.
UX design should prioritize promoting healthier digital habits. [ more ]
5 months ago
UX design

Pressing necessity of UX Evolution in curbing digital addiction

The rapid growth of smartphones has resulted in a surge in app usage and dependency.
Major organizations in the social media industry have misused design principles to make their apps addictive. [ more ]
5 months ago
UX design

Pressing necessity of UX Evolution in curbing digital addiction

The rapid growth of smartphones has resulted in a surge in app usage and dependency.
Major organizations in the social media industry have misused design principles to make their apps addictive. [ more ]
BBC News
4 months ago
Digital life

Where can people turn for help with 'digital addiction'?

Digital addictions are not officially recognized by the NHS or World Health Organisation.
Internet and Technology Addicts Anonymous (ITAA) is a 12-step recovery program for internet addicts. [ more ]
5 months ago
Digital life

Pressing necessity of UX Evolution in curbing digital addiction

The rapid growth of smartphones has resulted in a surge in app usage and dependency.
Major organizations in the social media industry have misused design principles to make their apps addictive. [ more ]
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