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1 month ago
Data science

Six Ways to Give Away Less of Your Personal Data

Data mining is prevalent in today's digital world, impacting privacy by collecting and analyzing vast amounts of personal data for targeted advertising and other influences. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

Thousands of businesses hand over your info to Facebook

Over 2,000 companies on average share user information with Facebook for every lone user.
The study focused on server-to-server contact between Meta and data brokers and retailers, allowing Facebook to mine users' data for its own purposes. [ more ]
1 month ago
Data science

Six Ways to Give Away Less of Your Personal Data

Data mining is prevalent in today's digital world, impacting privacy by collecting and analyzing vast amounts of personal data for targeted advertising and other influences. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

Thousands of businesses hand over your info to Facebook

Over 2,000 companies on average share user information with Facebook for every lone user.
The study focused on server-to-server contact between Meta and data brokers and retailers, allowing Facebook to mine users' data for its own purposes. [ more ]
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

How to augment market research and glean customer insights with AI | MarTech

AI-powered tools like data mining provide deeper insights than traditional surveys.
AI can increase predictive value and reduce responder fatigue in customer research. [ more ]
5 months ago

Labour would link services data for children in England to boost standards'

Children in England should be given a unique number to link their records held by schools, health visitors, and councils to harness AI and data-mining.
Labour's policy includes piloting the use of a children's number for education, social care, and support services. [ more ]
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

How to augment market research and glean customer insights with AI | MarTech

AI-powered tools like data mining provide deeper insights than traditional surveys.
AI can increase predictive value and reduce responder fatigue in customer research. [ more ]
5 months ago

Labour would link services data for children in England to boost standards'

Children in England should be given a unique number to link their records held by schools, health visitors, and councils to harness AI and data-mining.
Labour's policy includes piloting the use of a children's number for education, social care, and support services. [ more ]
4 months ago
Video games

Hi-Fi Rush on PS5 and Switch looks more likely, and for once it's not Phil Spencer's t-shirt that gave it away

Data miners have discovered possible hints of Nintendo Switch and PS5 ports in the Hi-Fi Rush Anniversary update through T-shirt designs found in the game files.
The T-shirts feature messaging that indicate a potential port, but it is still uncertain and should be taken with a grain of salt. [ more ]
5 months ago
Left-wing politics

ICE May Get Its Largest Budget Ever, Signaling Surveillance Capitalism's Triumph

The Biden administration is expanding surveillance of immigrants using electronic monitoring and data mining companies.
LexisNexis Risk Solutions plays a central role in the surveillance, providing comprehensive dossiers on U.S. residents.
The budget for ICE, which already has the most extensive surveillance apparatus in U.S. history, may increase to $9.1 billion. [ more ]
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