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2 days ago
OMG science

All the DarknessWe Cannot See

The James Webb Space Telescope provides stunning images of the universe, revealing mysteries like dark energy, dark matter, and black holes. [ more ]
Ars Technica
1 week ago
OMG science

Daily Telescope: The initial results from Europe's Euclid telescope are dazzling

Euclid space telescope creating a map to understand dark matter and dark energy. [ more ]
The Verge
1 week ago
OMG science

Euclid space telescope captures tens of thousands of glittering galaxies

The Euclid space telescope aims to uncover mysteries of dark matter and dark energy through extremely sensitive observations in space. [ more ]
1 week ago
OMG science

Euclid telescope spies rogue planets floating free in Milky Way

Astronomers using the Euclid space telescope have discovered rogue planets floating freely in the Milky Way, along with star clusters, dwarf galaxies, and distant bright galaxies. [ more ]
1 week ago
OMG science

SF Amateur Astronomers Lecture: Cosmic Shadow Theater (Randall Museum)

Galaxy shadows reveal information about dark matter, dark energy, and galaxy formation. [ more ]
1 month ago
Data science

Physicists Suggest Universe Is Full of Material Moving Faster Than Light

Tachyons as potential faster-than-light particles challenge current cosmological models, with implications for explaining dark matter and universe's expansion. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
OMG science

Dark energy is tearing the Universe apart. What if the force is weakening?

Dark energy might be weakening over time, challenging long-held cosmological beliefs. [ more ]
1 month ago
OMG science

The Mysterious 'Dark' Energy That Permeates the Universe Is Slowly Eroding

The largest map of the cosmos hints that dark energy, known as the cosmological constant, may be changing over billions of years. [ more ]
1 month ago
Data science

Top Astronomers Gather to Confront Possibility They Were Very Wrong About the Universe

Astronomers question fundamental aspects of universe's understanding, including the theory of constant rate of expansion formulated in 1922. [ more ]
6 months ago

China Delays Launch of Its Xuntian Space Telescope

China has postponed the launch of its Xuntian Space Telescope to mid-2025.
Xuntian will join other telescopes to survey distant galaxies and test theories of dark matter and dark energy.
China is domestically developing all five instruments on Xuntian, which is a significant scientific facility. [ more ]
1 month ago
Data science

Massive Cosmic Map Suggests Dark Energy Is Even Weirder Than We Thought

Dark energy's acceleration of cosmic expansion may be evolving over time, challenging previous assumptions. [ more ]
4 months ago
OMG science

Unprecedented Supernova Survey Underscores Dark Energy Mystery

The universe's expansion is actually speeding up, contrary to expectations and theories on gravity.
Dark energy, the force driving cosmic acceleration, remains a mystery and may require rethinking our understanding of gravity. [ more ]
3 months ago
OMG science

Our Universe Is Swallowing Baby Parallel Universes As It Expands, Scientists Suggest

The universe's expansion could be caused by it swallowing 'baby' parallel universes, rather than dark energy.
This new study offers an alternative explanation for the rapid inflation of our universe after the Big Bang. [ more ]
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