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1 month ago
Europe politics

EU funnels aid to Lebanon amid Syria migrant surge to Cyprus DW 05/02/2024

EU unveils 1 billion economic aid package for Lebanon to address migration crisis. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe politics

EU chief visits Lebanon amid Syria migrant surge to Cyprus DW 05/02/2024

The European Commission President is planning to provide economic aid to Lebanon in exchange for help in slowing down migration to the EU. [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe politics

Cyprus calls for EU help to manage record Syrian migration from Lebanon

Cyprus appeals to the EU for assistance in dealing with a surge of Syrian migrants arriving from Lebanon.
Cyprus's reception facilities are overwhelmed, with a significant increase in migrant arrivals prompting a state of crisis. [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe news

Cyprus concerned over spike in arrivals of Syrian refugees from Lebanon

Arrivals of Syrian asylum seekers surged in Cyprus.
Cyprus expresses concerns about irregular migration of Syrian refugees from Lebanon. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe politics

EU funnels aid to Lebanon amid Syria migrant surge to Cyprus DW 05/02/2024

EU unveils 1 billion economic aid package for Lebanon to address migration crisis. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe politics

EU chief visits Lebanon amid Syria migrant surge to Cyprus DW 05/02/2024

The European Commission President is planning to provide economic aid to Lebanon in exchange for help in slowing down migration to the EU. [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe politics

Cyprus calls for EU help to manage record Syrian migration from Lebanon

Cyprus appeals to the EU for assistance in dealing with a surge of Syrian migrants arriving from Lebanon.
Cyprus's reception facilities are overwhelmed, with a significant increase in migrant arrivals prompting a state of crisis. [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe news

Cyprus concerned over spike in arrivals of Syrian refugees from Lebanon

Arrivals of Syrian asylum seekers surged in Cyprus.
Cyprus expresses concerns about irregular migration of Syrian refugees from Lebanon. [ more ]
2 months ago

The World | 'Sharing the burden' of military service in Israel

Israel's Supreme Court cuts off government funding for yeshivas due to military service exemption.
National Geographic Explorer explores Cyprus's divisive border line between Greek and Turkish communities. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe politics

EU will open sea corridor to send aid from Cyprus to Gaza amid famine fears

Opening of EU sea corridor for aid to Gaza announced.
Pilot operation with Spanish group Open Arms and World Central Kitchen to launch aid shipments from Cyprus to Gaza. [ more ]
7 months ago
Europe news

ICIJ Shows How Putin and Russian Oligarchs Used Cyprus Confidential to Shield Wealth

The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) has uncovered leaked financial records that suggest the Russian government and Vladimir Putin have been using Cyprus as a safe-deposit box for hiding billions of dollars from sanctions.
The investigation by ICIJ reveals how PwC, a global accounting firm, helped a Russian industrialist transfer a $1.4 billion investment to his partner to evade EU sanctions.
The leaked records also expose the luxurious lifestyles of Russian oligarchs, including private concerts, superyachts, and priceless art collections. [ more ]
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