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LogRocket Blog
2 days ago

React Native layout management with Yoga 3.0 - LogRocket Blog

React Native enables cross-platform app development, speeding up workflow and supporting efficient layout management. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
2 months ago

Developing a cross-platform TV app with React Native - LogRocket Blog

React Native is ideal for creating user-friendly TV apps due to remote control navigation.
Mastery of the react-tv-space-navigation library is essential for efficient TV app development. [ more ]
App Developer Magazine
4 days ago
Software development

Is NET MAUI the future of cross platform development| ScopeTrader

NET MAUI replaces Xamarin as the new cross-platform development framework, offering improved architecture and support for multiple platforms. [ more ]
1 month ago
UX design

Meet Ritmo, Musixmatch's cross-platform design system

Musixmatch evolved from a lyrics-based music player to a platform catering to music creators and podcasters, necessitating the development of a design system named Ritmo. [ more ]
1 month ago
Video games

'Stellar Blade' and 'NIKKE' Developer SHIFT UP Is Working on a New AAA Urban Sci-Fi Action RPG for Mobile, PC, and Consoles

SHIFT UP is hiring for a new AAA urban sci-fi action RPG project that is a cross-platform game for PC, console, and mobile, developed in Unreal Engine.
The job listing for the project includes positions for programmers, artists, and designers to work on the upcoming game. [ more ]
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