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1 month ago
Data science


Humans are pattern-matching machines, creating narratives and models to predict and act upon the world, leading to both great and potentially misleading outcomes. [ more ]
1 month ago
Media industry

Don't be fooled by fake news: Here's how to spot it

Fake news is deliberately fabricated content disguised as legitimate news to mislead or manipulate, exploiting emotions and biases. [ more ]
4 months ago
UX design

Your users aren't your friends: An unconventional approach to product design

Designers should consider product strategy, balance sheet, and revenue when building a product.
Confirmation bias can lead to wasted time and effort in pursuing product success. [ more ]
#confirmation bias
6 months ago
UX design

Tackling Confirmation Bias in Product Design (UX)

Confirmation bias can have a significant impact on product design and user experience.
It can lead to poor user-centricity, missed opportunities, and design flaws. [ more ]
6 months ago
UX design

Tackling Confirmation Bias in Product Design (UX)

Confirmation bias can have a significant impact on product design and user experience.
It can lead to poor user-centricity, missed opportunities, and design flaws. [ more ]
6 months ago
UX design

Tackling Confirmation Bias in Product Design (UX)

Confirmation bias can have a significant impact on product design and user experience.
It can lead to poor user-centricity, missed opportunities, and design flaws. [ more ]
6 months ago
UX design

Tackling Confirmation Bias in Product Design (UX)

Confirmation bias can have a significant impact on product design and user experience.
It can lead to poor user-centricity, missed opportunities, and design flaws. [ more ]
6 months ago
UX design

Tackling Confirmation Bias in Product Design (UX)

Confirmation bias can have a significant impact on product design and user experience.
It can lead to poor user-centricity, missed opportunities, and design flaws. [ more ]
6 months ago
UX design

Tackling Confirmation Bias in Product Design (UX)

Confirmation bias can have a significant impact on product design and user experience.
It can lead to poor user-centricity, missed opportunities, and design flaws. [ more ]
moreconfirmation bias
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