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1 month ago
Data science

If You Read a Lot of Fiction, Scientists Have Very Good News About Your Brain

Reading fiction has a positive impact on cognition, particularly in enhancing empathy and understanding others. [ more ]
1 month ago
OMG science

Should plants be given rights? What new botanical breakthroughs could mean

Insects, crustaceans, fish, and even plants may have the capacity for consciousness, expanding the definition beyond just mammals and birds. [ more ]
2 months ago

How Exercise Strengthens Your Brain

Exercise can spur the growth of new brain cells in mature mice, leading to potential benefits for neurodegenerative diseases.
Physical activity offers short-term boosts in cognition by increasing the release of neurotransmitters in the brain. [ more ]
2 days ago

Dementia Experts Shared 7 Rules You Should Follow To Keep Your Mind Sharp

Brain health is crucial for cognitive function and overall well-being. [ more ]
2 months ago

How Exercise Strengthens Your Brain

Exercise can spur the growth of new brain cells in mature mice, leading to potential benefits for neurodegenerative diseases.
Physical activity offers short-term boosts in cognition by increasing the release of neurotransmitters in the brain. [ more ]
2 days ago

Dementia Experts Shared 7 Rules You Should Follow To Keep Your Mind Sharp

Brain health is crucial for cognitive function and overall well-being. [ more ]
2 months ago
Mental health

Menopause and the Brain: What's Really Going on Up There?

Menopause brain fog affects women over 40, impacting attention, memory, and cognition.
Estrogen fluctuations during menopause play a key role in causing menopause brain fog. [ more ]
3 months ago
Mental health

This Hobby Is One Of The Best Things You Can Do For An Aging Brain, According To A New Study

Playing musical instruments and singing can benefit long-term cognition.
Playing keyboard-based instruments like piano or organ has the biggest benefit on memory and executive function. [ more ]
Hindustan Times
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Devin AI, world's first AI software engineer is here. So will it take your job?

Devin AI can turn a simple command into a fully functioning website or software program.
Devin AI has passed engineering interviews and works on real jobs on platforms like Upwork. [ more ]
3 months ago

Yoga provides unique cognitive benefits to older women at risk of Alzheimer's disease

Kundalini yoga benefits cognition and memory in older women at risk of Alzheimer's.
UCLA study compared effects of yoga and memory training on cognitive decline. [ more ]
4 months ago
Mental health

Jibes about Joe Biden's age shine light on issues facing older politicians

Joe Biden cleared of charges
Age-related cognitive decline in politicians [ more ]
4 months ago

This 20-Minute Mindfulness Practice Boosts Your Brain And Helps You Sleep Better

Yoga nidra is a meditative practice that can help improve sleep and cognition.
Novice practitioners can achieve the sleep and brain-boosting benefits of yoga nidra. [ more ]
6 months ago

You Don't Have To Get Big To Reap The Brain Benefits Of Strength Training

Strength training is more important than muscle mass for keeping brainpower into old age.
Muscle mass is not strongly linked to cognition, while quad strength is. [ more ]
7 months ago

Is Snoozing the Alarm Good or Bad for Your Health?

Pressing the snooze button may not be as detrimental to sleep health as once thought.
Studies found that snoozing for a limited time in the morning does not break up sleep in a harmful way and may actually improve cognition.
Experts suggest that the idea that snoozing prevents restorative stages of sleep and causes daytime sleepiness is based on a whole night of sleep fragmentation, not just snoozing. [ more ]
7 months ago

Is Snoozing the Alarm Good or Bad for Your Health?

Pressing the snooze button may not be as detrimental to sleep health as once thought.
Studies found that snoozing for a limited time in the morning does not break up sleep in a harmful way and may actually improve cognition.
Experts suggest that the idea that snoozing prevents restorative stages of sleep and causes daytime sleepiness is based on a whole night of sleep fragmentation, not just snoozing. [ more ]
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