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2 weeks ago
EU data protection

Why has Georgia's foreign agents' bill caused so much protest and anger?

The controversial foreign agents' bill in Georgia requires NGOs and media receiving over 20% of funding from foreign sources to register, triggering protests and condemnation. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
EU data protection

The foreign agents' law that has set off mass protests in Georgia

Critics claim Georgia's new foreign-funding law, inspired by Putin, may affect civil society and shift the country's alignment towards Russia. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
EU data protection

Georgia parliament approves foreign agent' bill amid ongoing protests

Georgia's parliament adopted a foreign agents law despite protests against it being Kremlin-inspired. [ more ]
1 month ago
EU data protection

Ukraine Drones Target Russia's Smolensk Region, Says Governor

The controversial draft legislation in Georgia could have negative consequences for civil society and the country's EU ambitions. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe politics

Georgia: Lawmakers pass 'foreign agent' law in first reading DW 04/18/2024

Critics fear Georgia's bill on foreign agents would jeopardize EU aspirations. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe politics

Slovakia's opposition hopes European vote will put brakes on populist PM

Slovakia's opposition is striving to preserve democracy amidst concerns of eroding rule of law under Prime Minister Fico's government. [ more ]
1 month ago
France politics

Burkina Faso kicks out three French diplomats over subversive activities'

Burkina Faso has ordered three French diplomats to leave within 48 hours due to alleged subversive activities, marking a decline in relations with France. [ more ]
Electronic Frontier Foundation
2 months ago
Privacy professionals

EFF and 34 Civil Society Organizations Call on Ghana's President to Reject the Anti-LGBTQ+ Bill

Ghana's Parliament passed draconian Family Values Bill criminalizing LGBTQ+ support
EFF and civil society groups urge President to veto the bill [ more ]
The Atlantic
2 months ago
Germany news

Germans Want to Sideline the Far Right. The Government Isn't Helping.

Far-right movements surging in Europe, Germany's unique position
Germany's response to far-right threat [ more ]
3 months ago
EU data protection

EU launches legal action against Hungary's sovereignty' law

The European Commission has launched legal action against Hungary for enacting laws that violate democratic values and fundamental rights.
Opponents claim these laws are intended to stifle political rivals, critical media, and civil society. [ more ]
4 months ago
UK politics

Keir Starmer keen to show he is not just ducking fights with the Tories

Keir Starmer defended national charities like the National Trust and RNLI in his speech on civil society.
Starmer's strategy is to flip the narrative and show that he is willing to take on the Tories. [ more ]
4 months ago
Black Lives Matter

More mainstream': In the UK, push for slavery reparations gains momentum

Civil society is working to address Britain's role in the slave trade.
Malik Al Nasir's research uncovered his personal connection to both enslaved people and slave traders. [ more ]
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