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1 month ago
Information security

Easterly appeals to Congress on CISA funding, citing Chinese threats to critical infrastructure

More funding is crucial for CISA to enhance cybersecurity defense, particularly against Chinese hackers in critical infrastructure. [ more ]
2 months ago
Privacy professionals

Cyber spies, not cyber criminals, behind most zero-day exploitation | Computer Weekly

Government-backed threat actors are more likely to exploit zero-day vulnerabilities than financially motivated cyber criminals.
Chinese operators exploited the highest number of zero-days among major state hacking operations hostile to Western countries. [ more ]
2 months ago
Privacy professionals

US, UK accuse China-linked hackers of spy campaign DW 03/25/2024

Chinese hackers linked to state targeted UK democratic institutions and US critical infrastructure sectors.
US charges Chinese hackers with cyber operations targeting 'perceived critics' of China. [ more ]
3 months ago
Privacy professionals

US officials believe Chinese hackers lurk in critical infrastructure

Chinese hackers have been infiltrating US critical infrastructure for at least the last five years.
The forthcoming report will detail hackers' techniques and provide guidance to companies on how to find Chinese hackers in their systems. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

Your home office may have helped China attack critical U.S. infrastructure - here's how

Chinese hackers used compromised home office routers to attack critical infrastructure in the US.
The hackers used a technique known as 'living off the land' to evade detection. [ more ]
Ars Technica
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

Chinese malware removed from SOHO routers after FBI issues covert commands

The FBI sent commands to infected routers to remove malware used by Chinese hackers to attack critical infrastructure.
FBI had to obtain authority from a federal judge before conducting the takedown of the infected routers. [ more ]
2 months ago
Privacy professionals

U.S., U.K., and New Zealand Accuse China of Cyberattacks Targeting Politicians, Voters

State-backed Chinese hackers targeted politicians and companies in the U.S. and U.K.
U.S. and U.K. announced sanctions against individuals and a Wuhan-based firm, alleging involvement in cyberattacks. [ more ]
Ars Technica
2 months ago
Privacy professionals

Justice Department indicts 7 accused in 14-year hack campaign by Chinese gov

Indictment filed against seven Chinese hackers associated with economic espionage and foreign intelligence gathering.
14-year hacking campaign funded by Chinese government targeted US government officials and businesses. [ more ]
2 months ago
Privacy professionals

UK blames China for massive breach of voter data | TechCrunch

The U.K. government attributes 2021 cyberattack on voter data to Chinese hackers.
NCSC warns of espionage and transnational repression post cyberattack. [ more ]
2 months ago
Privacy professionals

Beijing-backed cyberspies attacked 70+ orgs in 23 countries

Beijing-backed hacking crew, Earth Krahang, targeted 116 victims worldwide, mostly government entities.
Earth Krahang linked to another China state-backed gang, Earth Lusca, and security contractor I-Soon. [ more ]
3 months ago
Privacy professionals

FBI shuts down Chinese hacker group Volt Typhoon's Botnet

The FBI suppressed an attack by Chinese hackers targeting routers in an attempt to cripple Cisco and Netgear devices.
The operation successfully prevented reinfection of the routers and removed the malware deployed by the hackers. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

Chinese hackers are determined to wreak havoc' on US critical infrastructure, FBI director warns

Chinese government hackers are targeting critical infrastructure in the United States, according to FBI Director Chris Wray.
The FBI and Justice Department have disrupted a botnet of U.S.-based routers hijacked by Chinese state hackers. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy technologies

FBI director to warn Congress of dangers Chinese hackers pose to American infrastructure, innovation

Hackers backed by the Chinese government are targeting U.S. critical infrastructure systems, including water treatment plants and electrical grids.
FBI Director Christopher Wray will warn Congress about the risk these cyberattacks pose to American citizens and communities. [ more ]
3 months ago
Privacy professionals

US government disrupts Chinese botnet containing hundreds of end-of-life Cisco and Netgear routers | Computer Weekly

The US government has disrupted a botnet created by Chinese threat actor Volt Typhoon
The botnet was created by hijacking Cisco and Netgear routers and infected with the KV Botnet malware [ more ]
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