
[ follow ]
2 weeks ago

I wanted Queenie in everyone's house': Candice Carty-Williams's era-defining novel explodes on to TV

Candice Carty-Williams, author of 'Queenie,' is now working on a TV adaptation of her book and reflects on the impact the character has had on her life. [ more ]
Slate Magazine
2 weeks ago

The Ingenious New Horror Movie That Reinvents the Slasher

Modern slashers need to innovate within the genre to remain relevant and engaging. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Video games

Former Forza Horizon Devs And Amazon Are Making A Story-Focused Open-World Racer

Maverick Games, a new studio founded by former Forza Horizon developers, is creating a narrative-led open-world driving game available on multiple platforms. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Mission District

9 Years Later, The Century's Best Spy Thriller Franchise Could Regain A Secretly Crucial Character

The Mission: Impossible franchise's longevity is sustained by consistently changing premises and characters beyond Ethan Hunt and Luther Stickell. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Dementus's Color-Changing Cape Is the Key to Understanding Furiosa

Dementus in Furiosa is a comical and complex villain whose cape changes colors symbolizing his descent into villainy as Furiosa rises as a hero. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

George Miller's smartest move in Furiosa is totally dissing Immortan Joe

The movie Furiosa complements Fury Road but minimizes the role of Immortan Joe, raising questions about his absence in the narrative. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Dementus's Color-Changing Cape Is the Key to Understanding Furiosa

Dementus in Furiosa is a comical and complex villain whose cape changes colors symbolizing his descent into villainy as Furiosa rises as a hero. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

George Miller's smartest move in Furiosa is totally dissing Immortan Joe

The movie Furiosa complements Fury Road but minimizes the role of Immortan Joe, raising questions about his absence in the narrative. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Ruby on Rails

16 Years Later, The Oldest Sci-Fi Show Put A Mind-Bending Spin on a Familiar Genre

Episodes where the Doctor barely appears can be unique and essential to the larger story arc in Doctor Who. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

'The Last Murder at the End of the World' Is a Story of Survival and Memory

A unique postapocalyptic whodunit with elements of science fiction and mystery that contemplates the end of the world and humanity. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Ruby on Rails

16 Years Later, The Oldest Sci-Fi Show Put A Mind-Bending Spin on a Familiar Genre

Episodes where the Doctor barely appears can be unique and essential to the larger story arc in Doctor Who. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

'The Last Murder at the End of the World' Is a Story of Survival and Memory

A unique postapocalyptic whodunit with elements of science fiction and mystery that contemplates the end of the world and humanity. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Frankly Speaking Is a Korean Comedy That Transcends Language

A charming and comedic introduction in Frankly Speaking sets the stage for a unique character transformation. [ more ]
2 months ago
Video games

Paramount wants to make the Sonic movies "Avengers-level events," but can the blue hog keep up with the MCU?

Paramount aims for Sonic franchise to be 'Avengers-level events' in live-action universe.
Expansion into television allows for in-depth character studies and development beyond movies. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Frankly Speaking Is a Korean Comedy That Transcends Language

A charming and comedic introduction in Frankly Speaking sets the stage for a unique character transformation. [ more ]
2 months ago
Video games

Paramount wants to make the Sonic movies "Avengers-level events," but can the blue hog keep up with the MCU?

Paramount aims for Sonic franchise to be 'Avengers-level events' in live-action universe.
Expansion into television allows for in-depth character studies and development beyond movies. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Cannes 2024 Diary 2: International Genre Picks | Festivals & Awards | Roger Ebert

The film captures the social changes in China through the story of Lang and his pursuit of a rabid animal. [ more ]
1 month ago
Video games

Debates over Civil War overlook Kirsten Dunst's most important scene

The film 'Civil War' by Alex Garland has sparked a debate on its framing and representation of a future America, overshadowing the nuanced storytelling aspects. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Cannes 2024 Diary 2: International Genre Picks | Festivals & Awards | Roger Ebert

The film captures the social changes in China through the story of Lang and his pursuit of a rabid animal. [ more ]
1 month ago
Video games

Debates over Civil War overlook Kirsten Dunst's most important scene

The film 'Civil War' by Alex Garland has sparked a debate on its framing and representation of a future America, overshadowing the nuanced storytelling aspects. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Colin Bridgerton better step up if he wants to best Lord Debling

Colin realizes his love for Penelope despite initial distractions, and Lord Debling stands out as an unconventional and suitable match in Bridgerton's new season. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

'Her Glow-Up Is Her War Regalia'

Penelope Featherington undergoes a physical transformation symbolizing a dramatic shift in her character's empowerment. [ more ]
Slate Magazine
1 month ago

The Secret Behind "the Bridgerton Glow-Up"

The concept of the 'Bridgerton Glow-Up' involves intentional aesthetic improvements for characters as they take the spotlight in different seasons. [ more ]
1 month ago

Bridgerton Recap: A Lost Cause

The show Bridgerton is delving deep into the romantic storyline between Colin and Penelope, bringing about iconic book moments with a twist. [ more ]
1 day ago

Bridgerton's Jessica Madsen Has Some Sage Dating Advice for Cressida Cowper

Cressida Cowper, the ultimate villain in Bridgerton, undergoes a transformation in season three, revealing a complex backstory and emotional depth. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Colin Bridgerton better step up if he wants to best Lord Debling

Colin realizes his love for Penelope despite initial distractions, and Lord Debling stands out as an unconventional and suitable match in Bridgerton's new season. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

'Her Glow-Up Is Her War Regalia'

Penelope Featherington undergoes a physical transformation symbolizing a dramatic shift in her character's empowerment. [ more ]
Slate Magazine
1 month ago

The Secret Behind "the Bridgerton Glow-Up"

The concept of the 'Bridgerton Glow-Up' involves intentional aesthetic improvements for characters as they take the spotlight in different seasons. [ more ]
1 month ago

Bridgerton Recap: A Lost Cause

The show Bridgerton is delving deep into the romantic storyline between Colin and Penelope, bringing about iconic book moments with a twist. [ more ]
1 day ago

Bridgerton's Jessica Madsen Has Some Sage Dating Advice for Cressida Cowper

Cressida Cowper, the ultimate villain in Bridgerton, undergoes a transformation in season three, revealing a complex backstory and emotional depth. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

The Beckenham school where girls have 'exceptional' character and exam results

Harris Girls Academy Bromley received the highest rating from Ofsted, commended for pupils' success, character development, and strong curriculum and teaching. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Anora Is a Glorious Strip-Club Fairytale With a Generous Spirit

Sean Baker's film 'Anora' at Cannes showcases his unique ability to immerse viewers in unfamiliar worlds through relatable characters and emotions. [ more ]
The Paris Review
4 weeks ago

The Art of Fiction No. 180

Andrea Barrett's breakout book was Ship Fever, a story collection that differed from her previous novels by featuring scientists as characters and being set in past centuries. [ more ]
4 weeks ago

Long Island by Colm Toibin review the sequel to Brooklyn is a masterclass in subtlety and intelligence

A successful sequel leverages existing character background, allowing for immediate action without scene-setting. [ more ]
1 month ago

Exclusive: Ruth Gemmell Reveals A Funny 'Bridgerton' BTS Moment That Made The Cut

Violet Bridgerton remains at the center of familial dynamics and romantic arcs in Bridgerton Season 3. [ more ]
1 month ago

'Long Island' renders bare the universality of longing

Sequels like 'Long Island' can match or surpass the original's impact by continuing beloved characters' stories in a compelling manner. [ more ]
4 weeks ago

Long Island by Colm Toibin review the sequel to Brooklyn is a masterclass in subtlety and intelligence

A successful sequel leverages existing character background, allowing for immediate action without scene-setting. [ more ]
1 month ago

Exclusive: Ruth Gemmell Reveals A Funny 'Bridgerton' BTS Moment That Made The Cut

Violet Bridgerton remains at the center of familial dynamics and romantic arcs in Bridgerton Season 3. [ more ]
1 month ago

'Long Island' renders bare the universality of longing

Sequels like 'Long Island' can match or surpass the original's impact by continuing beloved characters' stories in a compelling manner. [ more ]
1 month ago

Deborah Levy: Writing and swimming help each other'

Deborah Levy's novels are known for oddness, dreamlike scenes, and characters haunted by their past. [ more ]
1 month ago
New York City

Dan Levy's Met Gala Swerve

Dan Levy embraces a more simple outfit for the Met Gala after a previously extravagant look. [ more ]
1 month ago

Challengers' threesome denies viewers what they want - and gives them something better

Setting up characters through intimate scenes can establish their dynamics and motives. [ more ]
1 month ago

My favourite stories are love stories': Emily Henry on her enemies-to-lovers relationship with romance fiction

BookTok on TikTok significantly boosted sales and fame for author Emily Henry. [ more ]
1 month ago

My favourite stories are love stories': Emily Henry on her enemies-to-lovers relationship with romance fiction

BookTok's influence on author's book sales and fame.
Emily Henry's success attributed to blending escapism and reality in her romcom novels. [ more ]
1 month ago

My favourite stories are love stories': Emily Henry on her enemies-to-lovers relationship with romance fiction

BookTok on TikTok significantly boosted sales and fame for author Emily Henry. [ more ]
1 month ago

My favourite stories are love stories': Emily Henry on her enemies-to-lovers relationship with romance fiction

BookTok's influence on author's book sales and fame.
Emily Henry's success attributed to blending escapism and reality in her romcom novels. [ more ]
2 months ago

'When I Think of You' could be a ripped-from-the-headlines Hollywood romance

A second-chance romance set in Hollywood explores challenges of meaningful work and past heartbreak. [ more ]
2 months ago
Video games

Fallout Fans Trying To Deduce Lucy's XP Level After Season 1 Finale

Fans debate Lucy's in-game character level after Season 1. [ more ]
2 months ago
Video games

Fallout's Walton Goggins Says He Intentionally Chose To Avoid The Games

Actor Walton Goggins reveals insights into his character The Ghoul in the Fallout TV series.
Goggins intentionally avoided playing Fallout games to shape his portrayal of The Ghoul. [ more ]
2 months ago
Video games

Fallout Fans Trying To Deduce Lucy's XP Level After Season 1 Finale

Fans debate Lucy's in-game character level after Season 1. [ more ]
2 months ago
Video games

Fallout's Walton Goggins Says He Intentionally Chose To Avoid The Games

Actor Walton Goggins reveals insights into his character The Ghoul in the Fallout TV series.
Goggins intentionally avoided playing Fallout games to shape his portrayal of The Ghoul. [ more ]
2 months ago
Video games

Harold Halibut: The Kotaku Review

Harold Halibut's stunning claymation art style lacks depth in character development and gameplay interactivity, leading to a sense of mundanity for players. [ more ]
2 months ago
Video games

Before your first TTRPG session, maybe your D&D party should go out and socialize a bit

Tavern as a flexible storytelling setting
You Don't Meet in a Tavern book of prompts for TTRPG adventures [ more ]
3 months ago

The Shocking Death That Has Devastated Gamers for Decades

Final Fantasy VII introduced a dramatic and emotionally impactful moment through the death of a key character, breaking traditional video game storytelling norms.
The game's director aimed to illustrate the gravity of loss and redefine storytelling in video games by implementing cinematic techniques similar to movies like Psycho. [ more ]
1 year ago

The Bear Recap: Are We Good?

The Bear's episode 'Review' packs intense storytelling, character development, and tension in just 20 minutes, a great example for film schools. [ more ]
2 months ago
Video games

Before your first TTRPG session, maybe your D&D party should go out and socialize a bit

Tavern as a flexible storytelling setting
You Don't Meet in a Tavern book of prompts for TTRPG adventures [ more ]
3 months ago

The Shocking Death That Has Devastated Gamers for Decades

Final Fantasy VII introduced a dramatic and emotionally impactful moment through the death of a key character, breaking traditional video game storytelling norms.
The game's director aimed to illustrate the gravity of loss and redefine storytelling in video games by implementing cinematic techniques similar to movies like Psycho. [ more ]
1 year ago

The Bear Recap: Are We Good?

The Bear's episode 'Review' packs intense storytelling, character development, and tension in just 20 minutes, a great example for film schools. [ more ]
2 months ago
Video games

Sonic Franchise Producer Wants Films To Enter Their Avengers Era

The Sonic the Hedgehog film franchise aims to expand into Avengers-level events with a focus on characters like Knuckles.
The introduction of TV series spin-offs like Knuckles provides an opportunity to delve deeper into supporting characters' stories. [ more ]
2 months ago
Video games

In Open Roads, you either explore everything or miss out

Open Roads explores the weight of hidden secrets within a family spanning generations.
The narrative in Open Roads unfolds through exploration and interaction with objects, similar to Gone Home. [ more ]
2 months ago
Video games

Senua's Perception Of Her Psychosis Will Change In Hellblade 2

Senua's evolved perception towards her psychosis leads her to a more confident and selfless path in Hellblade II.
The narrative arc in Hellblade II explores Senua's mission to honor a promise and protect others, showcasing her growth and selflessness. [ more ]
The Verge
2 months ago

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth's biggest twist is concealed in a tiny detail

Developers of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth used subtle animation details to convey a major plot twist.
The absence of animation in a specific scene gains significance when viewed in the context of the entire game. [ more ]
2 months ago

Is This Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Detail An Oversight Or Incredible Foreshadowing?

Final Fantasy VII Remake Part 2 sets up plotlines for the trilogy's conclusion.
Character work in the game explores Cloud Strife's remarkable arc and potential foreshadowing. [ more ]
4 months ago
Video games

FF7 Rebirth Director Teases A Happy Ending, With A Catch

The team behind Final Fantasy VII Remake wants to give the characters a happier ending.
There may be tragedy and drama along the way, as the team has different viewpoints.
The supernatural phenomenon of 'Whispers' in the game may lead to a different outcome for certain characters. [ more ]
2 months ago

Is This Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Detail An Oversight Or Incredible Foreshadowing?

Final Fantasy VII Remake Part 2 sets up plotlines for the trilogy's conclusion.
Character work in the game explores Cloud Strife's remarkable arc and potential foreshadowing. [ more ]
4 months ago
Video games

FF7 Rebirth Director Teases A Happy Ending, With A Catch

The team behind Final Fantasy VII Remake wants to give the characters a happier ending.
There may be tragedy and drama along the way, as the team has different viewpoints.
The supernatural phenomenon of 'Whispers' in the game may lead to a different outcome for certain characters. [ more ]
2 months ago

Adam Wingard Focuses on the Monsters | Interviews | Roger Ebert

Crafting personalities: Influenced by Godzilla films from the Shōwa era, focusing on relational dynamics and alliances among monsters.
Visual effects exploration: Learning from 'Godzilla vs. Kong' about achievable effects and emphasizing monsters' emotions through their point of view. [ more ]
2 months ago
Video games

Even Fallout fans won't know what's going to happen in the Fallout TV show

Fallout TV adaptation will have an original story, not a direct adaptation of the video game.
The show will explore both post-apocalyptic and pre-apocalyptic settings, bridging different time periods. [ more ]
2 months ago
Data science

Deion Sanders Still Believes in The Little Engine That Could'

Reading to find peace and edify oneself is important.
The Bible and 'The Little Engine That Could' are impactful books for personal growth. [ more ]
2 months ago

Practice by Rosalind Brown review tea, yoga and sonnets

The novel highlights the beauty in daily routines and ordinary moments
The protagonist's introspective and self-aware character is portrayed vividly [ more ]
The New Yorker
3 months ago

Helen Oyeyemi Thinks We Should Read More and Stay in Touch Less

The author's new novel delves into a character's childhood in Prague during the 1980s.
Thea, the character in the novel, experiences childhood trauma which affects her behavior in adulthood. [ more ]
4 months ago

'I Love You So Much It's Killing Us Both' is a rare, genuinely successful rock novel

The protagonist, Khaki, is a complex character who is trying to move on from her troubled past.
Music, specifically punk and emo, plays a significant role in Khaki's life and she uses mixtapes to cope with her emotions. [ more ]
7 months ago

The book took me about a decade': the 2023 Booker prize shortlisted writers on the stories behind their novels

The author struggled to decide what to write at first but eventually settled on a character named Cass Barnes.
The novel explores the lives of Cass and her family, as well as larger societal issues like extremism and environmental devastation. [ more ]
7 months ago

The book took me about a decade': the 2023 Booker prize shortlisted writers on the stories behind their novels

The author struggled to decide what to write for their novel, but one character, Cass Barnes, stood out from their notes.
The novel explores themes of family, extremism, technology, and environmental issues.
The book is not just about Cass, but also about her family members and their own individual problems. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

The Heart in Winter by Kevin Barry review fast and loose on the frontiers of America

Kevin Barry's unique storytelling spans various genres, each novel showcasing his originality and unexpected directions. [ more ]
2 months ago

Practice by Rosalind Brown review tea, yoga and sonnets

The novel highlights the beauty in daily routines and ordinary moments
The protagonist's introspective and self-aware character is portrayed vividly [ more ]
The New Yorker
3 months ago

Helen Oyeyemi Thinks We Should Read More and Stay in Touch Less

The author's new novel delves into a character's childhood in Prague during the 1980s.
Thea, the character in the novel, experiences childhood trauma which affects her behavior in adulthood. [ more ]
4 months ago

'I Love You So Much It's Killing Us Both' is a rare, genuinely successful rock novel

The protagonist, Khaki, is a complex character who is trying to move on from her troubled past.
Music, specifically punk and emo, plays a significant role in Khaki's life and she uses mixtapes to cope with her emotions. [ more ]
7 months ago

The book took me about a decade': the 2023 Booker prize shortlisted writers on the stories behind their novels

The author struggled to decide what to write at first but eventually settled on a character named Cass Barnes.
The novel explores the lives of Cass and her family, as well as larger societal issues like extremism and environmental devastation. [ more ]
7 months ago

The book took me about a decade': the 2023 Booker prize shortlisted writers on the stories behind their novels

The author struggled to decide what to write for their novel, but one character, Cass Barnes, stood out from their notes.
The novel explores themes of family, extremism, technology, and environmental issues.
The book is not just about Cass, but also about her family members and their own individual problems. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

The Heart in Winter by Kevin Barry review fast and loose on the frontiers of America

Kevin Barry's unique storytelling spans various genres, each novel showcasing his originality and unexpected directions. [ more ]
2 months ago

Headshot by Rita Bullwinkel review tale of teenage girl boxers scores a knockout

Headshot explores the world of teenage girl boxers in a unique narrative style.
Rita Bullwinkel skillfully develops distinct personalities for each of the novel's central characters. [ more ]
PinkNews | Latest lesbian, gay, bi and trans news | LGBTQ+ news
2 months ago

Wreck season two 'a breath of fresh air' for trans representation

Wreck season two features trans heroes and villains without trans trauma.
The series explores queer story arcs with two transgender characters played by trans stars. [ more ]
2 months ago

Book Lovers Are Admitting The Rare Times The TV Show Or Movie Version Was Actually Better

Stephen Fry as the king, Miguel's role in relationship outing, Alex's involvement in campaign and character development, Merging characters for better flow [ more ]
2 months ago
Video games

Rise Of The Ronin: The Kotaku Review

Rise of the Ronin has lackluster graphics and outdated design concepts, reminiscent of older gaming generations.
Despite its shortcomings, the game merges Team Ninja's strengths with familiar ideas to create an intriguing storyline. [ more ]
2 months ago
Video games

Princess Peach: Showtime review

Princess Peach returns with a new game emphasizing diverse gameplay mechanics and roles.
The game Princess Peach: Showtime offers a fresh take on Princess Peach's character, shifting away from emotion-based mechanics. [ more ]
2 months ago

Calla Henkel's New Book Is a High-Low Thriller About an Art-World Family

Calla Henkel transitioned from collaborative theatre work in Berlin to writing a critically acclaimed novel, 'Other People's Clothes'.
Henkel's novels mix personal experiences with literary conventions, creating nuanced characters that navigate complex relationships. [ more ]
3 months ago
Video games

Dragon's Dogma 2 Could Be 2024's Breakout RPG

The game introduces a lively medieval market city setting with a dragon appearance.
The game offers a more engaging combat system with clear explanations of mechanics. [ more ]
1 day ago

Sports video games made me understand fanfiction

Engaging with fanfiction through personal experiences and video game customization. [ more ]
3 months ago
Video games

Dragon's Dogma 2 Could Be 2024's Breakout RPG

The game introduces a lively medieval market city setting with a dragon appearance.
The game offers a more engaging combat system with clear explanations of mechanics. [ more ]
1 day ago

Sports video games made me understand fanfiction

Engaging with fanfiction through personal experiences and video game customization. [ more ]
3 months ago
Video games

How Final Fantasy VII Changed EVERYTHING

FFVII revolutionized the reception of JRPGs in the Western market.
The detailed narrative and characters of FFVII captivated players, leading to its immense success in the West. [ more ]
3 months ago

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is basically a Chadley simulator

The characters in Final Fantasy 7 and its compilation media are diverse and multidimensional, ranging from heroes like Cloud and Tifa to intriguing villains like Rufus.
Chadley, a recurring character introduced in Final Fantasy 7 Remake, plays a more significant role in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth by assisting Cloud in various tasks. [ more ]
Slate Magazine
3 months ago

FX's Epic New Series Improves on a Notorious Orientalist Blockbuster

Faithfulness vs. Revamping in story adaptation
Transformation of source material for modern audience [ more ]
3 months ago
Video games

Lulu Wang wanted the mystery at the end of Prime Video's Expats

The ending of Expats leaves many questions unanswered, mirroring the ambiguity and unresolved emotions within the characters.
Showrunner Lulu Wang wanted the ending to feel like a new beginning, focusing on personal and global themes like closure, happiness, forgiveness, and self-compassion. [ more ]
3 days ago

Eric Kripke, creator of The Boys': The stuff that keeps me up at night isn't how to make another penis explode'

The Boys Season 4 elevates political and social satire with intense themes and character development. [ more ]
3 months ago
Video games

Lulu Wang wanted the mystery at the end of Prime Video's Expats

The ending of Expats leaves many questions unanswered, mirroring the ambiguity and unresolved emotions within the characters.
Showrunner Lulu Wang wanted the ending to feel like a new beginning, focusing on personal and global themes like closure, happiness, forgiveness, and self-compassion. [ more ]
3 days ago

Eric Kripke, creator of The Boys': The stuff that keeps me up at night isn't how to make another penis explode'

The Boys Season 4 elevates political and social satire with intense themes and character development. [ more ]
3 months ago

'Every school has kids involved in crime, we try help them develop character instead'

Character development and working with families are key in keeping children away from crime.
Each child falling into criminal activity may require a different approach, but ultimately, character development is crucial. [ more ]
3 months ago

'Dune: Part Two' Sustains the Dystopian Dream of 'Part One'

Split storyline allows for deeper exploration
Visual storytelling and metaphors are key [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Using Generative AI as Your Content Assistant

The author presented on generative AI at TheJam.dev, focusing on its use in the writing process.
John Birmingham, an author the author follows, uses GenAI as a 'framework' to assist with characters and plot points. [ more ]
The Ringer
5 days ago

The Spoiler-Filled Book Reader Predictions for 'House of the Dragon' Season 2

Season 2 of House of the Dragon will feature exciting plot points and character developments, including Daemon's actions at Harrenhal. [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Using Generative AI as Your Content Assistant

The author presented on generative AI at TheJam.dev, focusing on its use in the writing process.
John Birmingham, an author the author follows, uses GenAI as a 'framework' to assist with characters and plot points. [ more ]
The Ringer
5 days ago

The Spoiler-Filled Book Reader Predictions for 'House of the Dragon' Season 2

Season 2 of House of the Dragon will feature exciting plot points and character developments, including Daemon's actions at Harrenhal. [ more ]
4 months ago

Sundance Review: Sometimes I Think About Dying Makes You Feel Like Living

The film Sometimes I Think About Dying is a deeply interior experience, focusing on the character Fran's journey towards finding happiness.
Daisy Ridley delivers a strong performance as Fran, portraying her fragility and uncertainty with authenticity. [ more ]
The Atlantic
4 months ago

Eight Books to Take With You on a Road Trip

Road trips spark unique reactions and experiences due to the constant motion and freedom from immediate obligations.
Road trip stories are about the unstable and surprising reactions that arise as characters drive into the unknown. [ more ]
4 months ago
Video games

Another Code Recollection Review - Full Of Mysteries

Recollection is a remake of the original Another Code game with updated visuals and puzzles.
The game features a sympathetic protagonist, Ashley, who is on a journey to uncover her own memories and solve supernatural mysteries. [ more ]
the Guardian
7 months ago

'The book took me about a decade': the 2023 Booker prize shortlisted writers on the stories behind their novels

Notes don't tell you anything about a novel's voice, which is the most important thing about it.
The book is not just about Cass but also about her family, each with their own problems connected to their shared past. [ more ]
1 week ago

House Of The Dragon Season 2 Review - Better Shape, With Room To Grow

Season 2 of House of the Dragon improves pacing and character development, leading to a promising build-up to intense dragon battles. [ more ]
1 week ago

House of the Dragon Returns with a Captivating Yet Convoluted Second Season | TV/Streaming | Roger Ebert

The article discusses the plot and character developments in the new season of a television series set in the Seven Kingdoms. [ more ]
1 week ago

Fear, Hope, and Joy: Ramata-Toulaye Sy on Banel and Adama | Interviews | Roger Ebert

Exploring cultural identity through mixed heritage in film production. [ more ]
1 week ago

Going Home by Tom Lamont review a debut with charm to burn

Charm is an essential quality in fiction, emanating from elements like narrative voice and characters. [ more ]
1 day ago

The Safekeep by Yael van der Wouden review secrets and sex in postwar Europe

Isabel's self-destructive behavior reflects deep-seated resentments and desires, with the arrival of her brother's girlfriend potentially disrupting her rigid existence. [ more ]
5 days ago

Exclusive: Bethany Joy Lenz Wants To Work With This Hallmark Co-Star Again

Filming a Hallmark movie can be chaotic with quick costume changes and unique filming locations. [ more ]
1 week ago

Under Paris movie review & film summary (2024) | Roger Ebert

The movie 'Under Paris' has a simple yet effective premise of a shark in the Seine, creating tension akin to 'Jaws' in a city setting. [ more ]
The New Yorker
9 years ago

How to Pick a Good Summer Read

A summer read should be light, entertaining, and not overly challenging, with a balance of frivolity and genuine emotion. [ more ]
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