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Calm Sage - Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being
1 month ago

Spring Mania in Bipolar Disorder: What Is It And What To Do

Spring mania in bipolar disorder can disrupt the usual joy of spring with intense manic symptoms such as heightened energy and impulsive behavior. [ more ]
1 month ago

An omega-6 fatty acid may reduce the risk for bipolar disorder

Genetic propensity to higher arachidonic acid linked to lower bipolar disorder risk, potential for lifestyle interventions. [ more ]
Calm Sage - Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being
2 months ago
Mental health

Your Mini-Guide to Understand Mixed Episode Bipolar Disorder

Individuals with bipolar mixed episodes experience symptoms of both mania and depression simultaneously or in rapid succession, creating a chaotic and challenging emotional experience.
The current diagnostic term for this state is 'mixed features', applicable to both bipolar I and II disorders, distinct from rapid-cycling bipolar disorder with clear-cut mood episodes. [ more ]
3 months ago
Mental health

Living with bipolar: 'If we talk about these things and normalise them, we stand a chance of there being fewer tragedies'

Arlene Bailey shares her experiences with bipolar disorder to help others
Her openness has a positive impact on people struggling with mental health issues [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
3 months ago
LA Dodgers

Dodgers renew Andrew Toles' contract again. He hasn't played since 2018 due to mental health issues

Toles placed on restricted list annually for mental health reasons
Toles was a standout player for the Dodgers before struggling with mental health issues. [ more ]
New York Post
3 months ago
New York City

Family 'deeply concerned' after missing upstate New Yorker's car found abandoned in NYC

A 26-year-old man with bipolar disorder vanished after leaving work for a coffee run, leaving his family deeply concerned.
His car was found abandoned in Upper Manhattan, and his phone was in airplane mode, complicating search efforts. [ more ]
4 months ago

How can I overcome the fear that my depression makes me a bad parent? | Ask Annalisa Barbieri

Struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts
Challenges of parenting while dealing with mental health issues [ more ]
Calm Sage - Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being
4 months ago

Can Bipolar Disorder Reduce Life Expectancy? | Explore The Mysterious Link!

Living with mental health disorders comes with unique challenges
Bipolar disorder is linked to a shortened life expectancy [ more ]
5 months ago
Mental health

The self-proclaimed 'Bipolar General' is waging war on the stigma of mental illness

Bipolar disorder can initially appear advantageous and even be rewarded in the military.
The fear of a mental health diagnosis can prevent military personnel from seeking help. [ more ]
3 months ago
Mental health

Living with bipolar: 'If we talk about these things and normalise them, we stand a chance of there being fewer tragedies'

Arlene Bailey shares her experiences with bipolar disorder to help others
Her openness has a positive impact on people struggling with mental health issues [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
3 months ago
LA Dodgers

Dodgers renew Andrew Toles' contract again. He hasn't played since 2018 due to mental health issues

Toles placed on restricted list annually for mental health reasons
Toles was a standout player for the Dodgers before struggling with mental health issues. [ more ]
New York Post
3 months ago
New York City

Family 'deeply concerned' after missing upstate New Yorker's car found abandoned in NYC

A 26-year-old man with bipolar disorder vanished after leaving work for a coffee run, leaving his family deeply concerned.
His car was found abandoned in Upper Manhattan, and his phone was in airplane mode, complicating search efforts. [ more ]
4 months ago

How can I overcome the fear that my depression makes me a bad parent? | Ask Annalisa Barbieri

Struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts
Challenges of parenting while dealing with mental health issues [ more ]
Calm Sage - Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being
4 months ago

Can Bipolar Disorder Reduce Life Expectancy? | Explore The Mysterious Link!

Living with mental health disorders comes with unique challenges
Bipolar disorder is linked to a shortened life expectancy [ more ]
5 months ago
Mental health

The self-proclaimed 'Bipolar General' is waging war on the stigma of mental illness

Bipolar disorder can initially appear advantageous and even be rewarded in the military.
The fear of a mental health diagnosis can prevent military personnel from seeking help. [ more ]
4 months ago

Patients say keto helps with their mental illness. Science is racing to understand why

The ketogenic diet improved symptoms of Bipolar disorder in Iain Campbell and he wants to see if it can help others.
Campbell discovered that his symptoms improved when he entered ketosis and started producing ketones as his primary energy source. [ more ]
New York Post
5 months ago

Dr. Drew warns of 'extremely worrisome' marijuana study findings that link cannabis use with psychotic states

Marijuana use is associated with a higher risk of developing schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, especially for teens and young adults.
The concentration of cannabis in states where it is legal for recreational use is approaching 100%, making it a different and more potent drug. [ more ]
1 year ago
California law

Delays Continue as Attorney for SFPD Officer Who Killed Sean Moore Questions Boudin's Handling of Case | KQED

"This case was initially prosecuted by the previous office," Burrell said, referring to Boudin, who was recalled by voters last year."I'm aware," Giorgi dryly responded.The DA's office is now under the purview of Brooke Jenkins.The prosecutor assigned to the case, Darby Williams, did not object to Burrell's request for an extension.
1 year ago

Kids Born In October Have Some Massive Advantages

You already know that August babies tend to be the tallest and September babies are more likely to do well in school, but what about October babies?Are they made of pumpkin, spice, and everything nice?Are they creepy and a little off-kilter, like Halloween?Absolutely not - this is science, not astrology.
Calm Sage - Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being
1 year ago
Mental health

Bipolar Delusions: Types, Example Treatment

Do you know what delusions are?Delusions are thoughts and beliefs that are not even close to reality but for the delusional person, it is real.The person who has delusions has complete belief in their thoughts and for them, it is The Reality!People often try to tell delusional people about their unrealistic beliefs and ironically the delusional tell the other that they might be delusional.
Calm Sage - Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being
1 year ago
Mental health

Fregoli Delusion: Causes & Coping

Do you know what delusions are?Delusions are a set of false beliefs that one holds even when all evidence falls against it.Irrespective of what the reality is, delusional people swear by their false beliefs and impression of the world around them.Being delusional can mess with your mind.It can make you believe in things that don't exist and because of that, you can end up feeling overwhelmed for no reason at all.
1 year ago

Human cells in a rat's brain could shed light on autism and ADHD

This cross-section of a rat brain shows tissue from a human brain organoid fluorescing in light green.
Scientists say these implanted clusters of human neurons could aid the study of brain disorders.
New York Post
5 months ago

Dr. Drew warns of 'extremely worrisome' marijuana study findings that link cannabis use with psychotic states

Marijuana use is associated with a higher risk of developing schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, especially for teens and young adults.
The concentration of cannabis in states where it is legal for recreational use is approaching 100%, making it a different and more potent drug. [ more ]
1 year ago
California law

Delays Continue as Attorney for SFPD Officer Who Killed Sean Moore Questions Boudin's Handling of Case | KQED

"This case was initially prosecuted by the previous office," Burrell said, referring to Boudin, who was recalled by voters last year."I'm aware," Giorgi dryly responded.The DA's office is now under the purview of Brooke Jenkins.The prosecutor assigned to the case, Darby Williams, did not object to Burrell's request for an extension.
1 year ago

Kids Born In October Have Some Massive Advantages

You already know that August babies tend to be the tallest and September babies are more likely to do well in school, but what about October babies?Are they made of pumpkin, spice, and everything nice?Are they creepy and a little off-kilter, like Halloween?Absolutely not - this is science, not astrology.
Calm Sage - Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being
1 year ago
Mental health

Bipolar Delusions: Types, Example Treatment

Do you know what delusions are?Delusions are thoughts and beliefs that are not even close to reality but for the delusional person, it is real.The person who has delusions has complete belief in their thoughts and for them, it is The Reality!People often try to tell delusional people about their unrealistic beliefs and ironically the delusional tell the other that they might be delusional.
Calm Sage - Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being
1 year ago
Mental health

Fregoli Delusion: Causes & Coping

Do you know what delusions are?Delusions are a set of false beliefs that one holds even when all evidence falls against it.Irrespective of what the reality is, delusional people swear by their false beliefs and impression of the world around them.Being delusional can mess with your mind.It can make you believe in things that don't exist and because of that, you can end up feeling overwhelmed for no reason at all.
1 year ago

Human cells in a rat's brain could shed light on autism and ADHD

This cross-section of a rat brain shows tissue from a human brain organoid fluorescing in light green.
Scientists say these implanted clusters of human neurons could aid the study of brain disorders.
Calm Sage - Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being
7 months ago
Mental health

What Is Rapid-Cycling Bipolar Disorder?

Rapid-cycling bipolar disorder is diagnosed when an individual frequently experiences mood swings for four or more than that within a year.
Only a small percentage of people struggle with rapid cycling, which impairs regular functioning and quality of life.
Rapid-cycling bipolar disorder is not a type of bipolar disorder but acts as a specifier for describing rapid and frequent mood swings. [ more ]
Calm Sage - Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being
1 year ago
Mental health

High-Functioning Bipolar Disorder: Is It Normal To Live With High-Functioning Bipolar Disorder?

High functioning bipolar disorder (HFBD) is a mental health condition characterized by extreme shifts in mood, energy, and activity levels.
Symptoms of HFBD can vary in severity and may include changes in sleep patterns, difficulty concentrating, increased risk of substance abuse, and risk of self-harm or suicide.
Treatment for HFBD typically involves a combination of medication, therapy, and lifestyle changes, such as regular exercise and managing stress levels. [ more ]
Calm Sage - Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being
1 year ago
Mental health

Bipolar Depression: An Intense Period Of Low Mood And Motivation

Bipolar depression is a complex mental health disorder characterized by extreme shifts in mood, energy, and behavior.
Symptoms of bipolar depression can include extreme sadness, irritability, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and changes in sleep patterns.
Treatment for bipolar depression typically involves the use of medications and psychotherapy to manage symptoms and improve quality of life. [ more ]
Calm Sage - Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being
1 year ago
Mental health

High-Functioning Bipolar Disorder: Is It Normal To Live With High-Functioning Bipolar Disorder?

High functioning bipolar disorder (HFBD) is a mental health condition characterized by extreme shifts in mood, energy, and activity levels.
Symptoms of HFBD can vary in severity and may include changes in sleep patterns, difficulty concentrating, increased risk of substance abuse, and risk of self-harm or suicide.
Treatment for HFBD typically involves a combination of medication, therapy, and lifestyle changes, such as regular exercise and managing stress levels. [ more ]
Calm Sage - Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being
1 year ago
Mental health

Bipolar Depression: An Intense Period Of Low Mood And Motivation

Bipolar depression is a complex mental health disorder characterized by extreme shifts in mood, energy, and behavior.
Symptoms of bipolar depression can include extreme sadness, irritability, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and changes in sleep patterns.
Treatment for bipolar depression typically involves the use of medications and psychotherapy to manage symptoms and improve quality of life. [ more ]
1 year ago
NYC music

After 15 Years, the Nashville Punks Be Your Own Pet Are Roaring Back

When the mid-aughts punk phenomenon Be Your Own Pet opened for Jack White in Nashville last spring, it was the first time that Jemina Pearl's 5- and 10-year-old children, Lula and Elvis, had seen their mother in full rock 'n' roll glory: split-kneed on the ground in metallic blue pants, singing songs about zombies to a screaming, enraptured crowd.
1 year ago

It's Not Just You Today: Daylight Saving Is Bad For Our Health

For many of us, getting up and going to work on a Monday can feel impossibly hard under even the most ideal conditions.But if today - Monday, March 13 - has been extra challenging for you to stop hitting the snooze button repeatedly, you're not alone, and there's a good reason why this feels like the Monday-ist Monday of all time.
1 year ago

Bruce Willis Has Frontotemporal Dementia, His Family Announces

The family of Bruce Willis announced that the actor has frontotemporal dementia, known as FTD, a form of dementia that occurs most commonly when nerve cells in the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain decrease in number.Mr. Willis, 67, was previously diagnosed with aphasia, which prompted him to retire from acting.
1 year ago

How God Made Beth Moore a Feminist (Kind Of)

Not too many contemporary writers can begin the acknowledgements section of a memoir with words as folksy as Lord-a-mercy this would go a heap faster if I could just mention the people I don't need to thank and get away with it.This is doubly true for a book that is unexpectedly grimwith revelations of parental sexual abuse, spousal PTSD and bipolar disorder, and the loss of faith in a church, if not a Godand at the same time unexpectedly funny.
Calm Sage - Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being
1 year ago
Mental health

Unipolar Mania: Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Mania is described as a condition where there are periods of elevated mood, excitement, grandiosity, impulsivity, irritability, and exaggerated activity.Mania is one of the most prominent symptoms of bipolar disorder  alongside depression.These two main phases of bipolar disorder, mania & depression can occur in various forms and faces.
Calm Sage - Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being
1 year ago
Mental health

Activity Scheduling: What It Is, Examples, & Techniques

"Think positive and positive things will happen!"heard this before?For years we've been reading about the importance of positive thinking and it can change our perspective.Did you know there is a physical manifestation of positive thinking?Just like positive thinking, there is also a thing called positive acting.
1 year ago
NYC music

After 15 Years, the Nashville Punks Be Your Own Pet Are Roaring Back

When the mid-aughts punk phenomenon Be Your Own Pet opened for Jack White in Nashville last spring, it was the first time that Jemina Pearl's 5- and 10-year-old children, Lula and Elvis, had seen their mother in full rock 'n' roll glory: split-kneed on the ground in metallic blue pants, singing songs about zombies to a screaming, enraptured crowd.
1 year ago

It's Not Just You Today: Daylight Saving Is Bad For Our Health

For many of us, getting up and going to work on a Monday can feel impossibly hard under even the most ideal conditions.But if today - Monday, March 13 - has been extra challenging for you to stop hitting the snooze button repeatedly, you're not alone, and there's a good reason why this feels like the Monday-ist Monday of all time.
1 year ago

Bruce Willis Has Frontotemporal Dementia, His Family Announces

The family of Bruce Willis announced that the actor has frontotemporal dementia, known as FTD, a form of dementia that occurs most commonly when nerve cells in the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain decrease in number.Mr. Willis, 67, was previously diagnosed with aphasia, which prompted him to retire from acting.
1 year ago

How God Made Beth Moore a Feminist (Kind Of)

Not too many contemporary writers can begin the acknowledgements section of a memoir with words as folksy as Lord-a-mercy this would go a heap faster if I could just mention the people I don't need to thank and get away with it.This is doubly true for a book that is unexpectedly grimwith revelations of parental sexual abuse, spousal PTSD and bipolar disorder, and the loss of faith in a church, if not a Godand at the same time unexpectedly funny.
Calm Sage - Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being
1 year ago
Mental health

Unipolar Mania: Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Mania is described as a condition where there are periods of elevated mood, excitement, grandiosity, impulsivity, irritability, and exaggerated activity.Mania is one of the most prominent symptoms of bipolar disorder  alongside depression.These two main phases of bipolar disorder, mania & depression can occur in various forms and faces.
Calm Sage - Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being
1 year ago
Mental health

Activity Scheduling: What It Is, Examples, & Techniques

"Think positive and positive things will happen!"heard this before?For years we've been reading about the importance of positive thinking and it can change our perspective.Did you know there is a physical manifestation of positive thinking?Just like positive thinking, there is also a thing called positive acting.
1 year ago
New York City

After Death of Girl, 6, Mother Faces Charges Over Surviving Children

The mother of a 6-year-old girl who died Friday after the police found her bruised and unconscious in a Bronx apartment has been charged with endangering the welfare of her two surviving children, the police said Sunday.Lynija Eason, 26, has not been charged in the death of Jalayah Eason, whom police found unresponsive and with bruises on her wrists and torso.
1 year ago
Tech industry

A.I.-Generated Content Discovered on News Sites, Content Farms and Product Reviews

Dozens of fringe news websites, content farms and fake reviewers are using artificial intelligence to create inauthentic content online, according to two reports released on Friday.The A.I. content included fabricated events, medical advice and celebrity death hoaxes, among other misleading content, the reports said, raising fresh concerns that the transformative A.I. technology could rapidly reshape the misinformation landscape online.
1 year ago

The rise and fall of Kanye West

One evening in late February 2011, designer John Galliano sat drunk and stoned on a sidewalk table of Cafe La Perle in Paris and directed a series of anti-Semitic insults at the occupants of an adjoining table.The incident was recorded and went viral.The couturier was immediately fired from Dior and generally ostracized.
Calm Sage - Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being
1 year ago
Mental health

Are You Overreacting? Here's How To Tell And How To Stop Overreacting

Have you ever told yourself after reacting badly to a situation, "I may have overreacted"?
1 year ago
Tech industry

A.I.-Generated Content Discovered on News Sites, Content Farms and Product Reviews

Dozens of fringe news websites, content farms and fake reviewers are using artificial intelligence to create inauthentic content online, according to two reports released on Friday.The A.I. content included fabricated events, medical advice and celebrity death hoaxes, among other misleading content, the reports said, raising fresh concerns that the transformative A.I. technology could rapidly reshape the misinformation landscape online.
1 year ago

The rise and fall of Kanye West

One evening in late February 2011, designer John Galliano sat drunk and stoned on a sidewalk table of Cafe La Perle in Paris and directed a series of anti-Semitic insults at the occupants of an adjoining table.The incident was recorded and went viral.The couturier was immediately fired from Dior and generally ostracized.
Calm Sage - Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being
1 year ago
Mental health

Are You Overreacting? Here's How To Tell And How To Stop Overreacting

Have you ever told yourself after reacting badly to a situation, "I may have overreacted"?
1 year ago

Three forgotten gems of deep soul' music from the American South

File photo of musician Arthur Alexander.Our new Hidden Gems series aims to educate and entertain readers with excellent but obscure music.We begin this month with an exquisite selection of what is known as deep soul, the gritty sounds of the southeastern United States, where much of the best soul music was made.
Calm Sage - Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being
1 year ago
Mental health

Exploring Different Types Of Daydreaming With Examples!

Have you ever suddenly zoned out in the middle of the day to a dreamy land?Sometimes we are at a place physically but mentally we are completely at a different place.It used to happen to me in school a lot, most of the time I'd be somewhere else mentally.This is called daydreaming.Your thoughts take you to a different world and you're completely invested in your thought-provoked dreamy land.
Calm Sage - Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being
1 year ago
Mental health

5 Commonly Used CBT Techniques To Combat Mental Health Issues!

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is one of the most commonly used talk therapy, psychotherapy.CBT is said to work miraculously for a lot of mental health conditions like anxiety, depression, restlessness, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and many more.CBT includes a lot of techniques and tools that address different aspects of many mental health issues and conditions.
Calm Sage - Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being
1 year ago
Mental health

Exploring Different Types Of Daydreaming With Examples!

Have you ever suddenly zoned out in the middle of the day to a dreamy land?Sometimes we are at a place physically but mentally we are completely at a different place.It used to happen to me in school a lot, most of the time I'd be somewhere else mentally.This is called daydreaming.Your thoughts take you to a different world and you're completely invested in your thought-provoked dreamy land.
Calm Sage - Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being
1 year ago
Mental health

5 Commonly Used CBT Techniques To Combat Mental Health Issues!

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is one of the most commonly used talk therapy, psychotherapy.CBT is said to work miraculously for a lot of mental health conditions like anxiety, depression, restlessness, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and many more.CBT includes a lot of techniques and tools that address different aspects of many mental health issues and conditions.
1 year ago

Is art worth it? One-act plays explore what poets reveal about their personal lives

Nora Ephron's adage, Everything is copy, might be worth considering while enjoying the pair of one-act plays that make up Poetic Justice, a show at the Marsh San Francisco in January.Both plays by Lynne Kaufman look at what happens when famous writers use revealing, private moments and interactions with others to create transcendent literature.
1 year ago

No More Hiding

Image Credit...Brian Rea An A-student, a striving employee and a loyal friend, Terri Cheney is the sort of person who seems to have it all together.But, beneath her glowing facade, she faced the highs and lows of bipolar disorder.She kept her mental illness separated from her personal and professional lives, but she could not conceal this part of herself when it came to dating.
Los Angeles Times
1 year ago
Los Angeles

Nurse's car reached 130 mph before fiery L.A. crash that left 5 dead, court documents allege

A nurse charged with six counts of murder after her Mercedes-Benz slammed into traffic at a busy Windsor Hills intersection last month accelerated to 130 mph just before the crash, according to new court documents filed Friday.
1 year ago

No More Hiding

Image Credit...Brian Rea An A-student, a striving employee and a loyal friend, Terri Cheney is the sort of person who seems to have it all together.But, beneath her glowing facade, she faced the highs and lows of bipolar disorder.She kept her mental illness separated from her personal and professional lives, but she could not conceal this part of herself when it came to dating.
Los Angeles Times
1 year ago
Los Angeles

Nurse's car reached 130 mph before fiery L.A. crash that left 5 dead, court documents allege

A nurse charged with six counts of murder after her Mercedes-Benz slammed into traffic at a busy Windsor Hills intersection last month accelerated to 130 mph just before the crash, according to new court documents filed Friday.
1 year ago
NYC music

Selena Gomez's Boldly Revealing Ballad, and 9 More New Songs

Selena Gomez has spoken openly of her mental-health struggles  bipolar disorder, depression, psychosis  in recent years.Her new song, My Mind & Me, arrives as the title track of a documentary that reveals some of her low points.The music moves from fragility to determination, from lone, echoey piano notes to a supportive march and a mission statement, as she sings, All of the crashing and burning and breaking I know now/If somebody sees me like this then they won't feel alone.
the Guardian
1 year ago

Canada's Robert Munsch marathon aims to honour much-loved children's author

Children's author Robert Munsch has sold more than 82m copies of his books and entertained generations of readers with his tender and sharp sense of humour.
1 year ago

Opinion | We Helped Our Father Write His Last Story

Send any friend a story As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month.Anyone can read what you share.
As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month.
the Guardian
1 year ago

Canada's Robert Munsch marathon aims to honour much-loved children's author

Children's author Robert Munsch has sold more than 82m copies of his books and entertained generations of readers with his tender and sharp sense of humour.
1 year ago

Opinion | We Helped Our Father Write His Last Story

Send any friend a story As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month.Anyone can read what you share.
As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month.
the Guardian
1 year ago

Robert Lowell: Memoirs, edited by Steven Gould Axelrod and Grzegorz Kosc - review

n an exceptionally gifted generation of American poets, Robert Lowell was, in his lifetime, number one.
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