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3 weeks ago
Europe news

Peace, a word in decline in Russia

The concept of peace was deeply ingrained in the Soviet Union's culture and rhetoric, but its meaning has since been devalued globally. [ more ]
1 month ago
World news

How the U.S. Can Win the New Cold War

Both Biden and Xi reject new Cold War narrative, but global competition between US and China resembles Cold War dynamics. [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

The new cold war is already being fought supply chain tech

The US and China are engaged in a new arms race centered around artificial intelligence.
The battle is being fought on two fronts: supply chain restrictions and the use of AI in cyber warfare. [ more ]
5 months ago
Left-wing politics

We Need a Transnational Uprising Against Reckless Escalation of the Arms Race

Forty years ago, a grassroots movement formed calling for a bilateral freeze on nuclear weapons, gaining wide support and political momentum.
Activists struggled to challenge the arms race between the U.S. and Soviet Union, driven by mutual reliance and a spiraling arms contest. [ more ]
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