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2 months ago

What Does Good Decision-Making Look Like on Agile Projects?

Good agile plans lead to good decisions in agile teams.
Making good decisions doesn't mean making perfect guesses every time. [ more ]
2 months ago

6 Agile Games to Enhance Team Building and Creativity - DZone

Joining Agile framework provides access to resources and support.
Agile working methods allow teams to pursue goals at their own pace and respond to market changes efficiently. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
3 months ago

A guide to building and nurturing agile teams - LogRocket Blog

An agile team values collaboration, adaptability, trust, and shared accountability.
Agile teams thrive on continuous improvement, human relationships, and team dynamics to deliver value in changing environments. [ more ]
3 months ago
Web development

Senior Frontend Developer (m/f/d) at KoRo

Exciting opportunity to work on innovative e-commerce projects at KoRo
Focus on collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and creativity in a cross-functional agile team [ more ]
4 months ago

Test Automation Guilds: Advancing Excellence in Testing - DZone

Test engineers in Agile teams often face isolation and challenges in connecting with peers.
The creation of an automation guild can bridge gaps and provide a platform for collaboration and sharing of challenges and solutions. [ more ]
2 months ago

6 Agile Games to Enhance Team Building and Creativity - DZone

Joining Agile framework provides access to resources and support.
Agile working methods allow teams to pursue goals at their own pace and respond to market changes efficiently. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
3 months ago

A guide to building and nurturing agile teams - LogRocket Blog

An agile team values collaboration, adaptability, trust, and shared accountability.
Agile teams thrive on continuous improvement, human relationships, and team dynamics to deliver value in changing environments. [ more ]
3 months ago
Web development

Senior Frontend Developer (m/f/d) at KoRo

Exciting opportunity to work on innovative e-commerce projects at KoRo
Focus on collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and creativity in a cross-functional agile team [ more ]
4 months ago

Test Automation Guilds: Advancing Excellence in Testing - DZone

Test engineers in Agile teams often face isolation and challenges in connecting with peers.
The creation of an automation guild can bridge gaps and provide a platform for collaboration and sharing of challenges and solutions. [ more ]
20 minutes ago
Data science

SPIDR: Five Simple but Powerful Ways to Split User Stories

Agile teams struggle with splitting user stories, but five techniques, forming the acronym SPIDR, can simplify the process significantly. [ more ]
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